The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

#37 Building an Online Community
On this episode of the Spin Sucks Community, we’re talking about online communities. A community is made up of people who know, like, and engage with you or your brand (or both) — and engage with one another. This takes your content marketing one...
7 min
#36 Effective Storytelling for Your Brand
Stories are how humans understand the world. Whether we do it consciously or not, we tell ourselves stories about the things that happen to us, the things we believe, and the things we hope for. Smart use of stories can convey a message, encourage a...
8 min
#35 Digital Declutter
How are your resolutions faring now that January is drawing to a close? What have you accomplished? Did you slip off the wagon a time or to? Chances are, if you’re human, you haven’t done perfectly. But that’s okay – it happens to the best of...
7 min
#34 PESO Case Study: Pitch Perfect
Have you received a pitch in your inbox that was just a little … off? Because the pitch made totally no sense for you and your audience? Today we’re talking about the importance of doing your research when it comes to earned media. When done...
8 min
#33 Alexa Flash Briefings: The New Kid on the S...
There’s a new social media channel starting to gain steam, and you might want to get in while the getting’s good (and the competition isn’t too fierce)! Enter: Alexa Flash Briefings, a new service offered by Amazon for their Alexa/Echo...
7 min
#32 Communications Trends for 2019
Happy New Year! This is the time of year that we’re all used to setting goals, starting new projects, and making the changes we’ve been meaning to for ages. And to make effective plans for 2019, you need to be in the loop about what in the...
10 min
#31 Predictions for 2018: Were We Right?
It’s time for year-end roundups! What happened in 2018? Were our predictions right? And what’s going to happen in 2019? I’ve been waiting all year for this. Here are my predictions from last year… let’s find out whether or not they came...
8 min
#30 Networking Done Right
Networking can be the key that opens many doors to growth and success. Much of it comes down to meeting the right people at the right time for the right reasons. It’s not easy, but it’s worth putting in the time and getting it right. On today’s...
10 min
#29 Developing a Growth Mindset
What are you good at? Do you believe that’s something you’re born with? Hold your horses. That’s a fixed mindset. And in business, communications, and … life, we need to move forward with a growth mindset. What are these mindsets? Why are they...
7 min
#28 Thought Leadership: Just Another Buzzword?
When did we stop talking to each other like real people? In our industry, it’s getting hard to sort through all the hype. What’s the difference between a meaningless buzzword and a genuinely useful phrase? Take the term ‘Thought Leadership.’...
10 min
#27 The Weird New World of Robots
Reality is still changing — the way we interact with it, and the way we think about it. It’s weird. It’s different. In this episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, we’re diving into the world of artificial intelligence. Computers can now learn,...
10 min
#26 REPLAY: It’s Time to Step Up to the PESO Plate
Over the past few weeks, Gini has gone into detail about the PESO model, and how you can develop a killer communications strategy that will boost your authority, build brand awareness, and generate qualified leads. In this week's replay episode, we go...
6 min
#25 From Memes to Strategy: Leveraging User-Gen...
From cat videos to memes, and Wikis to slews of selfies — user-generated content is happening all around us. What is user-generated content? This is any content, from tweets to blog posts, that people who aren’t directly in your brand and business...
11 min
#24 Pay to Play and Play to Win: Paid Media Str...
Pay to play: If you’ve ever heard someone mention the phrase — especially about a platform like Facebook — they’re probably talking about paid social media. That’s what Gini is diving into in this episode of Spin Sucks. Paid media is exactly...
8 min
#23 The 3 Rules for Social Media Etiquette
Those who practice the best social media etiquette often go unnoticed - and you'll want to do the same. "But don't we want people to acknowledge how well-behaved we are online?" No, not exactly. You really only want people's attention on two things:...
7 min
#22 How Not to Be Annoying and Ineffective on S...
Our actions have consequences, and social media denizens love to remind us of said consequences. Twitter is especially volatile when it comes to delivering social media justice. It's a mob wielding metaphorical pitchforks and torches, impatient and...
13 min
#21 So Much Social
You've probably heard this quote by Rumi at least once:, "When you are everywhere, you are nowhere. When you are somewhere, you are everywhere." As cryptic as it sounds, Rumi has a great point, especially when you apply this wisdom to social media....
8 min
#20 Ask Gini: Analytics, Platforms, Outsourcing...
The Spin Sucks community is the best! We’ve received a lot of really smart questions, and today, Gini is giving you some really smart answers. From analytics to revenue and contractors to demonstrating ROI, there’s sure to be something you’ll...
14 min
#19 Own Your Competition with Owned Media
What does your blog, your podcast, your eBook, and your newsletter all have in common? They’re all content and they are YOURS. If you haven’t been investing time and effort in creating your own content, then you’ll find today’s focus even more...
11 min
#18 Social Media That Won't Blow Up in Your Face
Have you ever posted something cringe-worthy on your social media account? The thing about the internet is mostly everything stays there - FOREVER. Today, we're diving into the third letter of the PESO model: Shared Media. What happens when a company...
8 min
#17 Growing Your Audience With Earned Media
In the previous episode, we talked about how to get the most out of Paid Media, but now it’s time to jump in and understand the second letter in PESO -- “E” stands for Earned Media. Done correctly, Earned Media is an effective strategy that can...
14 min
#16 Get the Most Out of Paid Media
Last week was a refresher course on how implementing the PESO Model in your business communications and marketing plan can significantly increase your authority among consumers, build brand recognition, and generate qualified leads. In today’s...
9 min
#15 It’s Time to Step Up to the PESO Plate
Last week, Gini dove deep into blogging and how it can be beneficial to some businesses’ communications and marketing strategy. Blogging is just one of the many moving parts that fits into a much larger communications strategy. So how do you create...
7 min
#14 Should You Blog for Your Business?
It seems that almost everyone has their own blog these days. From influencers to entrepreneurs, heck, even corporations joined the blogging scene to gain traction, and maybe even try to understand what all this, “blogging is king” hullabaloo is...
14 min
#13 Let’s Get Real About Influencer Marketing
Being an influencer doesn’t mean being lazy and using clickbait. It means having a real audience and making the industry better. If you’re trying to grow your business and your brand, how do you know which influencers will really help you? In...
8 min