The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

#68: Dealing With Unhappy Customers - Off and O...
Dealing with customer complaints has always been a concern for businesses, and more so now with the internet and social media. You want them to come to you to solve their problems, but when they are angry they want the world to know it. Therefore, you...
13 min
#67: When You Don’t Like The Boss, But The Boss...
Everything we read or hear tells us that entrepreneurs should love every moment of their work. Not just love it, but be passionate about it. That’s just not true. Many entrepreneurs spend every waking hour of their day in their business believing...
12 min
Managing the Challenges of Vacation
Taking a vacation is important for your mental health and work-life balance. It helps you refuel your productivity and creativity. Our brains are not meant to work 24/7: we can't perform at our best when our brains are tired. Taking time off lets your...
9 min
#65: [REPLAY] How to Find your Authentic Brand ...
This week on the Spin Sucks podcast, we’re repaying one of our earliest episodes about brand voice. Brand voice has a huge impact on everything from blog posts and videos to your email marketing, which we discussed last week. More than anything...
13 min
#64: Emails that Don't Suck
Email isn’t dead! It’s a convenient way to connect with people who care about what you’re sharing. This week we’re talking email, specifically how to write great ones (that don’t suck). Email Best Practices Here are 3 of many other great...
11 min
#63: Coming Up With Ideas for Content
There are days when ideas come faster than you can handle, and then there are the days when every idea you come up with sucks. In today's show we are going to talk about four places you can get content ideas. Other Departments - There are smart,...
8 min
#62 Instagram for Business. Even Non-Visual Ones
Whether you’re spending all day scrolling your feed and doing everything for the ‘gram or have only the haziest idea that there’s a cool pictures-only Facebook the kids are using these days, Instagram is a powerhouse of a social media platform,...
10 min
#61 How Agencies can Outsource
When you’re running out of bandwidth with your current team, or when it seems like there are plenty of opportunities just out of your grasp if you only had some additional skill sets in the office, hiring can feel like your best option. But...
8 min
#60 Unbelievable Onboarding
After the deal is signed, whether it’s an employment contract or a services agreement, it’s time for onboarding. Onboarding is what you do for new clients after they begin services with you, how you start doing the work, getting to know each other...
10 min
#59 Sharing Your Owned and Earned Content
This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini is talking about how to integrate your owned and earned media - and get the most out of both of them. Each element of the PESO model works well alone - but you get much, much more mileage if you integrate them...
8 min
#58 All About Referrals
This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini talks about those special introductions, often considered the Golden Goose of running a services business. Referrals. They come directly to you. Often highly qualified and already ready to buy. The best way to...
9 min
#57 Customer Service - The Magic is in the Details
In this episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini talks about the work involved in providing consistently good customer service over the long haul. It starts with tieing your customer service to the big picture of your company. She covers the importance...
11 min
#56 How to Stay Up to Date in Your Industry
When you’re the expert, your clients, your colleagues, even your friends and family expect you to know what’s going on in your industry. And you should, of course, but communications is changing so fast, on top of the industries in which we work....
6 min
#55 [REPLAY] Thought Leadership: Just Another B...
Spin Sucks listeners, please enjoy this replay of last year's episode #28! When did we stop talking to each other like real people? In our industry, it’s getting hard to sort through all the hype. What’s the difference between a meaningless...
10 min
#54 Through the Years with Spin Sucks
We’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic since our one-year anniversary episode of the podcast. Which was a great episode, by the way. Our listeners weighed in with some of the amazing things they’ve learned! But back to this week. Coming up in...
9 min
#53 Video Marketing for Communications
At the end of every year, you can expect every content creator on earth to talk about trends for the coming year. And, at the end of 2018, they all said the same thing (and nothing has changed six months into the year): video. It’s all about video....
7 min
#52 A Year of Insights from Our Listeners
Can you believe it’s already been a year? We’ve had 52 episodes and 52 chances for our listeners to add crucial knowledge to their arsenal, from using content to being productive, and from PESO to SWOT. In today’s episode, we reached out to you,...
11 min
#51 Mistakes and Malice in PR
Sometimes things happen in business that leave a sour taste in your mouth. They might not be malicious or intentional, but they can still hurt you, your clients and your brand. Join us on today’s episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, where we talk...
7 min
#50 Why You Should Avoid Overservicing and Over...
It doesn’t matter how clear your client proposal is, or how beautifully you design your scope of work. You’re going to get clients who are going to ask for something you aren’t selling, and you’re going to be tempted to give them what they...
8 min
#49 Using Systems and Automation
Let’s talk about robots. Not actual robots, for the most part, but automated tools, technologies, and systems that can take work off your desk and let you get back to what only you can do. As you grow your business, you’ll often end up working a...
8 min
#48 Content and the Client Lifecycle
On today’s episode, we’re talking about the customer lifecycle, and how your clients and prospects engage with you throughout this entire cycle. This is how it works: you want to attract your ideal client, sell them your offers, onboard them in...
9 min
#47 What You Don’t Know Can Trip You Up
Let’s talk about what we don’t know — more specifically, as it relates to our communications strategy. Our internal biases and things outside our control can have a big impact on the quality and success of our communications plans, so here’s...
9 min
#46 RFP’s and How to Grow Without Them
A huge number of Requests for Proposals are badly written and take tons of time and energy with no guarantee of a return — and yet, they persist. You can’t always avoid them, but there are ways to make them less of a part of your business life,...
7 min
#45 Communication During a Crisis
How many times have you seen a company screw something up, and then make the situation 10,000 times worse by either not apologizing or apologizing badly? Mistakes and screw-ups happen. World events happen. Natural events happen. You will unfortunately...
9 min
#44 How to Pitch Almost Anything
When you work in communications, you’re going to spend a lot of time pitching. You’re going to get rejected a lot — but you could get rejected a lot less. You don't want to send crappy pitches. You want to send excellent pitches! So here's how...
8 min