
The speaking industry is constantly evolving. Listen weekly for voices of experience from experts in the speaking industry with tips, insights and knowledge to help you become a better speaker, build a better business, and get paid to speak.

Performing Arts
Working with Speaking Bureaus with Tim Mathy
Do you have a partnership with a speaking bureau? Bureaus can be a massive boon to your business, but you can't expect them to be your sole solution to creating a successful speaking business. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Tim Mathy, a senior partner at Speak, Inc., to talk about the benefits of working with a bureau as well as some tips on how you as a speaker can make sure you're being a good partner as well.
26 min
Outsourcing and Delegating with Allison Shapira
Are you a solopreneur speaker doing everything yourself, or have you built a team so you can focus on the parts of your business that you are an expert at? Are you using 1099 contractor team members or full-time employees? Build your team (and your company) is an important tasks, but there so many elements to consider. This week, Allison Shapira, CSP, joins us on Speakernomics to discuss when you should consider bringing on additional team members, and the advantages of both contractors and full-time employees.
27 min
Speaker Burnout with Rachel Sheerin
After this past year or so, how are you feeling about your business? Are you feeling burned out? If you are, you're among the ranks of professional speakers who are feeling the same. This week, we invited Rachel Sheerin to discuss what burnout is, and how you can relight your flame for speaking and avoid feeling burned out all together.
30 min
Speaking to Colleges with David Stollman
Have you thought about speaking to the college market? While it can be a massive opportunity for many speakers, for others, it can be a painful experience. This week on the show, we invited David Stollman who co-founded CAMPUSPEAK over 20 years ago to explain some of the differences between speaking to colleges compared to corporations. Plus David shares some of this perspectives on what speakers need to do to excel in the college market.
25 min
Licensing your IP to Corporations with Bill Cates
A few weeks ago, we talked about building your online courses. Once you've built a powerful course, what comes next; how can you use that course to spread your message and easily (and sustainably) bring in additional revenue? By licensing your content to corporations! This week we invited Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE, to share how you can easily start licensing your content to your corporate clients and begin to bring in easy, sustainable revenue, something he calls "printing money legally."
25 min
Systems and Sales with Taylorr Payne
How easy are you to do business with? How well do your business systems allow you free up your time and the time it takes for your clients to find you? If you're wincing thinking about all your business systems, don't worry, Taylorr Panye is here to help. This week, Taylorr shares some expert insights on why you should start to systemize much of your daily tasks and how you can get started.
22 min
Licensing your IP to coaches with David Horsager
So you're working on, or have built an effective and transformational training or coaching program. Now what? Have you considered licensing your intellectual property to other coaches? This week, we've invited David Horsager, MA, CSP, CPAE, to discuss how he turned his message into a massive platform that other coaches can use, and what you can do to create a similar program that works for you.
23 min
Build Your Online Course with Molly Wendell
Are you missing out a massive revenue opportunity that you can get done quickly? This week's expert Molly Wendell, CSP, thinks you are! Online courses are an effective way to help you spread your expertise to your ideal audiences no matter where (or when) they are. Tune in to learn how easy it can be to start your first course if you approach it the right way!
23 min
Are you a coach? with Marcia Reynolds
Do you offer coaching as one of your revenue streams? Do you want to get into couching? Are you sure how you can effectively offer coaching as part of your business? If you have questions about coaching, this episode is for you. This week we have Marcia Reynolds explaining the differences she sees between training, consulting, and coaching, and what you can do to start offering coaching in your business.
23 min
Let's Talk Sales with Meridith Elliot Powell
Being able to sell is an important part of running a any business, but especially as a speaker. How's your sales game? This week, Meridith Elliot Powell, CSP, is on the show discussing how she successfully operates the sales arm of her business including the easily manageable about of people she calls each day and how makes sure she always closes the sale in the follow up.
22 min
Succeeding as an Emcee with Kristin Arnold
You're used to speaking, but have you practiced your skills as an emcee lately, especially in the new hybrid and virtual speaking worlds? Being an emcee, or master of ceremonies, is very different than keynoting, training, consulting, or coaching, but it's a vital role for successful meetings. This week, we have Kristin Arnold, MBA, CSP, on the show sharing what you need to do to become a successful emcee. Plus, Kristin is one of the authors behind a brand-new white paper published by NSA, Why Hire an Emcee? that you can download at www.spkr.bz/emcee.
27 min
Clubhouse with Leslie Ehm & Sam Silverstein
Are you on it?
29 min
Build Your Mastermind with Gerry O'Brion, Eliz ...
Are you part of a mastermind group?
32 min
Aftercare with Lois Creamer
Are you helping your clients after you speak?
23 min
Hybrid Meetings with Sarah Michel
Are you ready to speak to two audiences?
25 min
Your Worst Critic with Denise Jacobs
Are you listening to inner critic?
26 min
Invest in Yourself with William "T" Thompson
Does your business support you?
24 min
Change Models with Chris West
What problem do you solve?
24 min
Own the Square with Mike Carr
Are you making the most of the virtual stage?
26 min
Focus Your Business with Sylvia Henderson
Are you focused on speaking or are you focused on running a successful business?
23 min
Off-Stage Revenue with Shep Hyken
What's the best way to start make money when you're not on stage?
27 min
Meetings & Events in 2021 with Deborah Gardner,...
Are you ready for what's happening in meetings and events in 2021?
25 min