
The speaking industry is constantly evolving. Listen weekly for voices of experience from experts in the speaking industry with tips, insights and knowledge to help you become a better speaker, build a better business, and get paid to speak.

Performing Arts
Make Your Presentations More Inclusive with Don...
One in four of your audience members are experiencing some form of disability. What are you doing to ensure that you’re spreading your message to everyone in the audience, and not leaving some individuals unable to get the full impact of your presentation? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Donna Mack to the program to discuss how you modify your presentations to include audience members with disabilities
23 min
Online Presentations with Robbie Samuels
Are you still giving online presentations? Whether we like it or not, virtual presentations and meetings have become more common and accepted. While face-to-face meetings might be ideal, you’re bound to find yourself delivering virtually even as live meetings return. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Robbie Samuels who successfully rebuilt his business during 2020 to maximize on virtual presentations and networking to share simple things you can do to elevate your virtual performances.
29 min
The Power of Relatability with James Robilotta
How do you make sure you audiences don’t just immediately dismiss you and your message as soon as you get on stage? You can have all the accolades and experience necessary to solve a problem, but that doesn’t help if your audience can’t relate to you. This week on Speakernomics we invited James Robilotta to the show to discuss how important relatability is and how you can make sure you’re always relatable to your audiences.
30 min
Intentional Collaboration with Joe Fingerhut an...
How often do you collaborate with other professional speakers, not just sharing ideas in masterminds and discussions, but speaking and working together? While some might see other speakers as just “competition,” there can be great value in working with other speakers to help benefit both of your businesses. This week on Speakernomics, we invited both Joe Fingerhut and Frank Kitchen, CSP, to discuss how they built a friendship and partnership through their speaking careers and how their collaboration helps them generate more business than if they worked solo.
28 min
Amplifying Your Brand with Kenneth “Shark” Kinney
Is your brand a green apple resting in a pile of green apples, or are you a red apple standing out in the middle of the bunch? If you don’t have a brand that’s unique enough to stand out in someone’s mind years later, this episode is for you! This week, we invited Kenneth “Shark” Kinney to the show to share insights on how to amplify your brand and incorporate whatever your passionate about (like sharks) so you can stick out in someone’s mind and keep getting booked.
26 min
Offering your Course as Continuing Education wi...
We’ve spoken often about the value of creating your online course, but what do you do once you’ve created it? Just keep selling it online and rake in the passive income? That’s a great plan to pad your bottom like, but what do you when you want to make an even bigger impact? This week on Speakernomics we invited Rob Pennington, PhD, to discuss how he got his course accredited for continuing education units for several professions and designations and how you can determine if your course can be accredited too.
25 min
Confidence in Your Message with Marilyn Sherman
Public speaking takes confidence. There’s no doubt in that. But just how confident are you in your message? How confident do you feel about the impact you’re making on your clients? This week on Speakernomics we invited Marilyn Sherman to the show to help you discover how you too can live in the front row of your life and how to boost your confidence in your business.
29 min
Creating Distinction with Scott McKain
How distinct are you from another speaker in your niche? Are you just another speaker who can speak about marketing, sales, human resources, etc., or do you have a truly distinct niche that sets you apart from every other speaker with a similar a topic? On this week’s special live episode recorded in front of the NSA Las Vegas Chapter, we invited Scott McKain, CSP, CPAE, to explore how creating distinction will bring your business greater success and a different perspective on what being distinct really is.
28 min
Being Brave with Joe Mull
With public speaking being one of the common fears, we can all agree that getting on a stage and speaking to hundreds, if not thousands, of people requires bravery. But would you say you’re being brave in your business decisions or are you making the same “safe” decisions? This week on Speakernomics we invited Joe Mull, M.ED, CSP, to talk about why taking calculated risks in your business can lead to spectacular results, and a simple ways to practice being brave right now.
23 min
How Speakers Can Get PR with Steven Le Vine
When was the last time you were a guest on a media outlet like your local news or a nationally syndicated program? Can you imagine the impact of that appearance on your brand and business? This week on Speakernomics, we invited PR strategist Steven Le Vine to the show to learn more about the business impact of generating PR for your business as well as some actionable guidance on how to land yourself better media appearances.
26 min
Working with Speakers Bureaus with Shawn Hanks,...
This episode was recorded live at Influence 2022. The seismic shifts brought by the pandemic tested the bonds of the bureau and speaker relationship. But what are the new rules for speakers and bureaus now that the speaking industry has settled into new norms? Successful partnership with a bureau can be a boom to your business, but is it right for you? What should you expect and does a bureau relationship fit your speaking business model? Find out what bureaus want you to know. Gail Davis, President of GDA Speakers, Shawn Hanks, CEO of Premiere Speakers Bureau, and Tim Mathy, Senior Partner at SpeakInc, will answer your questions and there are no “off limits” topics.
25 min
Building a New Speaking Business in a Crowded F...
So you’ve launched your speaking business, but you’re running into the issue every new speaker faces: How do you standout compared to the other experts and titans of your field? It’s not easy, but it’s still well within your reach. This week on Speakernomics we invited Lisa Koenecke, a new speaker – but not new to her DEI field – who launched her speaking business two years ago at the beginning of the pandemic about how you can build your business in a crowded field.
27 min
Certification in Your Area of Expertise with Sh...
Do you hold certifications in your field? Certifications are a simple an excellent way to demonstrate to your clients that you truly are an expert and can help solve their challenges. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Sharon Weinstein, RN, FAAN, CSP, to discuss the tremendous benefits of pursing certifications in your field, and the value of applying for the National Speakers Association’s Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation beginning in August.
29 min
Futureproof Your Business with Crystal Washington
What does the future of your speaking business look like, not your industry but your specific business? Are you still using the same presentation, details, and marketing that you started using years ago? If the longevity of your business keeps you up at night, this episode is for you. This week on Speakernomics, we invited futurist and technology strategist Crystal Washington, CSP, to share simple things you can do to futureproof your business and have a long speaking career.
29 min
Thinking Strategically with Ron Adner
How strategic are you? Are you really thinking through your business decisions and how they will impact you and your audiences? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Dartmouth professor Rod Adner, PhD, to share his mindset for strategic thinking and how we as a professional speakers can be more strategic in our businesses.
27 min
Becoming a Transformational Speaker with Steve ...
Answer this honestly: Are your audiences walking away with ideas that they’re going to forget immediately, or are you making a true impact on them and helping them transform how they view their work and the world? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Global Speakers Federation President Steve Lowell, CSP, to the show to discuss how you can adjust your presentations to make sure you are always transforming your audience’s lives.
29 min
The Business of Voice Actors with Joseph Jones
Every week when we explore professional speaking, we’re typically discussing keynote speaking, training, consulting, and coaching. Now, we’re looking into another form of speaking: voice acting. This week on the show, we invited voice actor Joseph Jones to discuss the similarities between professional speaking and voice acting and how the path to get involved in voice over work aren’t too different from professional speaking.
21 min
Going All In On Your Niche with Quinn Conyers
Imagine this: You have your topic of expertise, but a client asks you speak about a similar topic, but it’s not your expertise. What do you do? Do you speak on the topic because it’s similar, or do you decline the request because it’s not your niche? Today’s guest says you should do the latter. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Quinn Conyers to the show to explain why going all in on your niche is a better approach than trying to speak on a variety of topics and how doing so can help you get booked more than speaking on a variety of topics.
23 min
Social Media for Those Who Dislike Social Media...
Are you wasting time on social media or are you getting a ton of interactions and speaking engagements from your social media accounts? We’re guessing you’re somewhere in the middle. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Corey Perlman, CSP, to talk about how professional speakers can better use social media and when to decide that you need to take a step back and get help from someone else.
28 min
Leveraging Social Media with Daveeed Wagner
How well is social media actually working for your speaking business? Are you throwing away time and money for lackluster results, or are you seeing a massive following of individuals who want to engage and buy from you? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Daveeed Wagner to share how for as little as $2 a day, you can drastically grow your social media following.
29 min
Professional Speaking with a Day Job with Samue...
Are you still trying to get started as a full-time speaker while working a day job? Or are you a full-time speaker that went back to traditional nine-to-five job during the past few years and are trying to relaunch your speaking business? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Samuel Jones, PhD, CSP, to discuss how he spends his time both as key leader at Jones College and as a professional speaker, along with insights about how to talk to your employer about branching out.
28 min
Using Credit Card Points Effectively with Owen ...
As a professional speaker, you’re always on the go, likely using your credit card to pay for your travel, meals, and hotel stays. But are you using your credit card effectively to make sure you’re getting free trips and benefits no matter where you’re going? This week on Speakernomics, we invited Owen Beiny, The Points Partner, to share incredibly simple insights into how you can travel the world at little to no cost just by using your credit card.
31 min
Achieve Massive Success with Think and Grow Ric...
Are you focused every day on what your goals are and making sure each and everything you do for your business is helping you accomplish your goals? We bet there’s a good chance you’re spending time in areas that aren’t benefit you or your business. This week on Speakernomics, we invited Ann McNeill to share how reading the book Think and Grow Rich on New Years even in 1979 helped change her life and how the principals in the book helped her create massively successful businesses.
28 min
You’re Using LinkedIn Wrong with Richard Bliss
Are your LinkedIn posts averaging a few likes and comments before all engagement stops? If you’re treating LinkedIn like every other social media platform, you’re wasting your time (and money)! This week on Speakernomics, we invited LinkedIn expert Richard Bliss to share brilliant insights about maximizing the LinkedIn algorithm to generate thousands of views on every post.
35 min
Visual Storytelling with John DeMato
With all your experience and research on your topic, no one is questioning that you’re an expert on speaking topic, but do you look like the expert? Do the photos on your website and social media demonstrate the authentic you and show that you are an expert? This week on Speakernomics we invited photographer John DeMato to explain why you need good photography for business, how to make sure you look authentic and a few tips on selecting the right photographer for you.
25 min