Small Business Success Talk

Small Business Success Talk is your go-to podcast for real conversations about entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, and business growth. Hosted by Christy Smallwood, each episode delivers expert insights, inspiring stories, and actionable strategies to help you scale your business and thrive. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just getting started, we cut through the noise to bring you the tools and tactics you need for success. Tune in, level up, and let’s build something great together!

Ep 38 Talking the Ever-Evolving World of Techno...
<p>Military veteran, author, and technology expert, A-Jay Orr, took time to talk with us on this episode of Small Business Small Talk. We spoke with him about his transition out of the military, how he got his start in the tech industry, his book "The Art of War In Business Technology" and everything else he's bringing as a business owner.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>BIO: A-Jay is an author, veteran and is a global digital risk expert with more than 15 years of experience in this ever-evolving field. He is the expert companies rely on to provide sophisticated solutions to achieve business growth and maintain compliance. He implements behavior-based security solutions to protect businesses from cyberattacks that target control systems, robotics, IoT and smart devices that often goes undetected. A-Jay proudly served his country and is a veteran of the United States Army.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>WEBSITE: and</p><p><br></p><p>FACEBOOK:</p><p><br></p><p>LINKEDIN:</p><p><br></p><p>INSTAGRAM:</p><p><br></p><p>TWITTER:</p><p><br></p><p>#SBSTpodcast #SBSTshow #smallbusinesssmalltalk #veteran #Army #author #IT #technology #business #smallbusiness #entrepreuner&nbsp;</p>
54 min
Ep 37 - Evolving and growing as a business owne...
<p>We had the chance to talk with Tristan Wright, owner of Evolve to Grow in Victoria Australia. He shared with us his pain points of having a business and how he got to where he is today with great advice for all business owners.</p><p>BIO: I wasn’t a natural born Business Coach. In fact, I started adult life as a moderately successful (and unengaged) Engineer. Work was never my focus, I’d live for time spent cycling with my mates. It was during this paddle-posse that I was tasked with finding and buying some race gear as we looked to turn our mateship into a serious race team. I explored the caverns of the Cycling Wear world—it left a lot to be desired. And just like that, I created and built Seight Custom Cycling Wear. Before too long I was running a $300,000 business from my kitchen table while still tinkering away at engineering. I wasn’t even 30, and all the success made me arrogant.</p><p>WEBSITE:</p><p><img src="" width="256" height="256">Meet Business Coach Tristan Wright | Evolve to Grow</p><p>FACEBOOK:</p><p><img src="" width="16" height="16">Evolve to Grow</p><p>LINKEDIN: <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><h1>SBSTpodcast #SBSTshow #smallbusinesssmalltalk #EvolvetoGrow #business #smallbusiness #entrepreuner #businessowner #businesscoach #VictoriaAustralia #Australia</h1><h3>Attachments</h3>
56 min
Ep 37: Being A Woman in a Male-Dominated Indust...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk, host Christy Smallwood, talks with Woman-Owned Distillery of the Year Award-Winner, Pixie Paula on what it's like to be a woman entrepreneur in today's business environment. &nbsp;</p><p>To learn more about Pixie Paula visit her channels:</p><p></p><p></p><p>Instagram: &nbsp;@PixiePaulaOfficial</p><p>Facebook: &nbsp;</p><p>Linkedin: &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>#entrepreneur #smallbusinesssmalltalk #smallbusinessrocks #bourbon #spirits #whiskey #distillery #skirt #skirtmagazine</p>
66 min
Ep: 36 Brittany Murphy - One Thing Marketing
<p>Brittany Murphy, owner of One Thing Marketing located in Louisville, Kentucky, talked with us about her beginning in the fashion industry and how she got her start in marketing. We got some insight as to what One Thing Marketing is doing for their clients to help their businesses thrive and we talked all about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media.</p><p>BIO: Over the last 7 years, Brittany has created over 300 digital marketing strategies for local clients here in Louisville and nationally. As the Marketing Director at One Thing Marketing, Brittany focuses on helping business owners get their phones to ring with new clients through optimizing their website and online presence. Through her strategies and team at One Thing, they have helped local trade businesses increase their business by an average of 30% every year.</p><p>WEBSITE:</p><p><img src="">Digital Marketing Agency Louisville, KY | Web Design &amp; SEO</p><p>FACEBOOK:</p><p><img src="">One Thing Marketing</p><p>LINKEDIN: <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><h1>smallbusinesssmalltalk #OneThingMarketing #entrepreneur #LouisvilleKY #SEO #searchengineoptimization #marketing #digitalmarketing #podcast #Google #business</h1>
56 min
Ep 35 - Leadership & Culture With Jeff Murphy
<p>In this episode of Small Business Small Talk, Christy talks with Jeff Murphy about the business of ECT Services and how leadership and culture make a difference with his team and how amazing things happen when you show up.</p><p>Mr. Murphy is the President and CEO of ECT Services, Inc. which is "The Building Technology Integration Leader" for commercial and industrial customers in a wide variety of industries. Mr. Murphy is a strategic, competitive business executive driven to win others over to achieve significance with a vision for an incredible future! He is extremely customer focused and provides a great deal of energy to solving business problems. He enjoys helping customers get what they want and has tremendous passion for strategic planning and setting a vision for the future. He is focused on leadership and has proven his ability to deliver results for over 20 years.</p><p>Learn more at <a href=""></a></p>
64 min
Ep 34 Serena Gay - Podcasts 4 u (England)
<p>Catching up with Serena Gay, a new friend I randomly connected with in a Facebook group for podcasting late 2020. In this episode we talk about the status of business since the pandemic happened and how different areas of the world are re-opening and the effects.</p><p>Serena Gay, <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>2020 Series of "Business Revival - In Gloucestershire" live now.<br>NOW…Podcast Launch Pad, <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Links to information discussed:<br>COVID Delta Variant:</p><p><img src="" width="180" height="180">5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant</p>
53 min
Ep 33: The Wild, Wild, West of a CBD Business w...
<p>Dee Dee Taylor, owner of 502 Hemp in Louisville, Kentucky, shares what it's like to have a business in a very unregulated industry.&nbsp; She started 502 Hemp from a medical necessity and has helped thousands of people with her insight and expertise of CBD oil. Her latest adventure in this industry includes State crackdown and competitive shadiness on Delta products.</p><p>Learn more about Dee Dee and 502 Hemp at</p><p>Learn more about cannabinoids:</p><p>Weedmaps:&nbsp;</p><p>Healthline:&nbsp;</p><p>FDA Regulations on Cannabis:&nbsp;</p>
61 min
Small Business Small Talk Ep 32: Change is Cons...
<p>In this episode of Small Business Small Talk host, Christy Smallwood, shares some updates about the podcast including the newly launched website and insights from previous episodes.</p>
36 min
Ep 31: Diving Deep Into A Niche - An Interview ...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk our guest, Kristina Stubblefield, owner of SoIn Media Group, shares her passion for helping wedding professionals succeed especially through the shutdown of a pandemic. &nbsp;&nbsp;We cover wedding professional services, marketing, being married to your business partner that has a great design flair, and how their business as evolved over time. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Sponsored by: Chamber of St. Matthews <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHpfcXpuYW8zUmJiamd1ZlZTZWo4ekNVZnFvZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuRTlHV2V6UzBxanFHWWJSM1RMMVpYX2dGbjVlRWVaVEM5dC1QZ21xSC1VLTJ3cTdMWERHTEd3eUt5Y1FoNHBBYUphOXFGQVVCZGVXSVpBVGNCUURIa0RZa20xVXNpVzBPeWJ1cHhmMHhXY2lmdEQtUQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p>​Eagle Eye Strategies <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0NhNWtlRjVGdUhvbGhxbHpiT0IxaGpLM3NiUXxBQ3Jtc0tuVHNUMUNpZHhTY2VzSzEyZFU5V1lGRU5rN0lwS2k5b1d1Tkl2U1ZSUU1UNEw5YlVmNlRCb0NQbUV4eHNtU3hOVV9uMExiRXhLYU8tNDI1VGEybGtUTEtKSDVaeG91YmN5bV9uQ3NrMU92ZUxvNTd6TQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>
73 min
Ep. 30: Wealth Is More Than Financial - An Inte...
<p>Our guest on this episode of Small Business Small Talk is John Cahill, CFP®, a wealth advisor with Sun Harbor Wealth Advisors, sharing his love for small business and helping others grow.</p><p></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews</p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies</p><p><br></p>
42 min
Ep. 29: Designing A Life Through Business - an ...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk our guests, Blake and Hannah Hatton share their story of leaving the corporate race to create the life of freedom they wanted. &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Website:</p><p>LinkedIn:</p><p>Facebook:</p><p>Email:</p><p><br></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews -</p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies -</p>
55 min
Ep. 28: From Firefighter To Business Owner - An...
<p>In this Small Business Small Talk Episode we learn the story of former firefighter turned entrepreneur with guest Jaracz Swain, owner of Safety Net.</p><p></p><p><br></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews</p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies</p>
45 min
Ep. 27: Side Gigs Can Be Businesses, Too - An I...
<p>Guest, Deirdre (Dee) Moultrie shares her story of how</p><p>&nbsp;came to life to support others like her with side gigs to function as professional businesses. &nbsp;</p><p></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews -</p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies -</p><p><br></p>
48 min
Ep. 26: Everyone Should Be Able To Get Help - A...
<p>Our latest guest, Chris Wise (Lead Attorney for Wise Law), shares his story of launching a new type of law practice pricing model - and growing in 2020!</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies <a href=";h=AT372sVO_fSaCpl2_nLvmC_beU5-hNcwVgq8IvHMQsSHq6Oes-BXa2F2t0Bda_r3h2jsuG2XnTig4xbM8IGzhZRFmpO4IuDwgwcJRVjtJBwO2xmpTSeI7IKga-18J2eNnq8RmzSU9o384kja-w&amp;__tn__=-UK-R&amp;c[0]=AT3YeXXyVqRhPPwrjXs5T3_1geu2M9Z8Ahi80a1E3OA-sbmKyfdI1fwms4Mt7rFU1Y2BIlVlU81ak-ljbSB2y2wkgVkqeDcVBksIsTeANPww_2_tpHSJIyQnBVrMlXSLCbzO6Ak2V7zXeA5G7bj8JRR8MyL_CcgGPo0-0X0JJttvYY5bsYpUHv6nEbxJfANhiffbWF5l" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p>
53 min
Ep. 25: From Teacher To Travel Agent - An Inter...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk, guest Tara Branch, shares her story of transitioning into business ownership from teaching over 20 years. We also discuss what travel is like during a global pandemic.</p><p><a href="">Vacations By Tara</a></p><p>Sponsored by:</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews <a href=""></a></p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies <a href=""></a></p>
50 min
Ep. 24: Starting A New Business In A Pandemic T...
<p>First episode of 2021! &nbsp;Guest, Maria Mears, Owner/Editor of NoCo Living, shares her story of starting a new magazine venture during a pandemic. &nbsp;Lots of learned lessons in a short amount of time.</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Sponsored by:&nbsp;</p><p>Chamber of St. Matthews &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Eagle Eye Strategies <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></p>
54 min
Ep. 23: Small Business Strong On Both Sides Of ...
<p><strong>A very special episode of Small Business Small Talk!</strong></p><p>A random reach-out turns into an in-depth conversation about the state of small business in Louisville, Kentucky and in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. This episode's guest, Serena Gay, a BBC-trained broadcaster and founder of Made4U Podcasts,</p><p>hosts a podcast that focus on the revival of small business in Cheltenham through the pandemic. It was perfect timing for a year-end conversation about staying in business through a global pandemic, being innovative, and horseracing!</p><p><strong>Serena Gay, </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>New Series of </strong><a href=""><strong>"Business Revival - In Gloucestershire"</strong></a><strong> live now.</strong></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</strong></p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
61 min
Ep. 22: Continuing Education Still Matters - An...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk we chat about what it takes to keep learning today to level up in our businesses with Wanda Shaw, Community Relations Coordinator with Webster University.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
53 min
Ep. 21: Events During COVID-19 Restrictions - A...
<p>On this special "on-location" episode of Small Business Small Talk, we hear what hosting and coordinating events is like during the COVID-19 restrictions from guests Megan Jones and Janna Holland of Rivers Edge Events &amp; Rentals, and how a little creative thinking can help sustain a business while still making weddings magical for couples.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
49 min
Ep. 20: Putting Lagniappe In All You Do - An In...
<p>This episode of Small Business Small Talk's guest is Katherine Autin, the founder and CEO of not just one company, but three! Kat's Jewelry &amp; Gems, Parkinson's Partners, and Visionary Caregivers. Hear from her about her extensive background in business owning while being a caregiver for her husband.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><br></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
64 min
Ep. 19: Why Inclusion Matters For Everyone - An...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk, Director of Development, Steven Michael Carr shares his story of why he's so passionate about cultivating an environment of inclusion for all people</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Mattingly Edge cultivates partnerships that enable people with disabilities to thrive at work, at home, and in relationships.</p><p>​</p><p>Our mission is based on the belief that people with disabilities have the right to the same privileges and responsibilities as other citizens. We know that communities are better when everyone is included.</p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
63 min
Ep. 18: What's Up With Payment Processing? An I...
<p>This episode of Small Business Small Talk gets real with how to get money. Our guest, Mary Witten with Streamline Payments, gives us the low down on payment processing. <a href=""></a></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
48 min
Ep. 17: Working With A Recruiter - An Interview...
<p>Learn what working with a recruiter like Pridestaff can do for you and your small business on this episode of Small Business Small Talk with guest, Mike Wolf.</p><p>Mike Wolf, Owner/Strategic-Partner PrideStaff/PrideStaff Financial</p><p>DIrect Dial - 502-292-6521</p><p>Email - <a href=""></a></p><p>Website - <a href=""></a></p><p><em>HELPFUL FREE RESOURCES for business leaders addressing today's workforce needs :</em></p><ul> <li><em>NEW &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Podcast Series - </em>Listen to PrideStaff’s Podcast for solutions to today's &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;workforce challenges. <a href=""></a></li> <li><em>Resource &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guide - How to Operate in the New Normal.</em> Download a Free Planning Guide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from PrideStaff! &nbsp;<a href=""></a></li></ul><p><strong>Michael Wolf, Strategic-Partner</strong></p><p>9420 Bunsen Parkway, Suite 100</p><p>Louisville, KY 40220</p><p>Main: 502-292-4200</p><p>Direct: 502-292-6521</p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
50 min
Ep. 16: Great Photography Tells Your Brand Stor...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk, Joe Hulsey, owner of Joe Hulsey Photography shares his experience and love of telling stories through pictures, as well as the impact caring about people has in his business. <a href=""></a></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
47 min
Ep. 15: Small But Mighty Veteran-Owned - An Int...
<p>On this episode of Small Business Small Talk, we learn Army/National Guard Veteran, Maria Porter tell her story and share the power of how managing small details gives you a great boost in business. <a href=""></a></p><p>Small Business Small Talk is sponsored by:</p><p><a href="">The Chamber of St. Matthews</a> ( <a href=""></a>)</p><p><a href="">Eagle Eye Strategies</a> ( <a href=""></a> )</p>
64 min