Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law, ju...

A show about the law and the nine Supreme Court justices who interpret it for the rest of America.

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News Commentary
Live Bonus: Press Freedom
In partnership with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
2 min
A Look at the Original Quid Pro Quo: Emoluments.
We’re talking fact patterns: impeachment, the federal courts, and emoluments.
67 min
Bonus: Impeachment and the “Spy Stuff”
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Jim Himes on the intersection of the law and national security.
35 min
The Conservative Legal Resistance
Stuart Gerson on the case for impeachment from the right, plus Cyrus Habib on listening.
57 min
Impeachment Primer
Answering all the questions you’ve had about the constitutional crisis but were afraid to ask.
66 min
Get Ready for the Most Significant Supreme Cour...
The justices are tackling abortion, guns, DACA, and LGBTQ rights.
45 min
How Donald Trump Weaponizes the Law
From his first real-estate suits all the way to Ukrainegate, Trump’s legal (and extralegal) bag of tricks.
79 min
The Clerk’s Eye View of Justice John Paul Stevens
Remembering the late Supreme Court justice with Professors Sonja West and Jamal Greene.
65 min
Redefining The Executive Power
Overturning the conventional wisdom on presidential powers with a radical reading of constitutional history.
55 min
Lawyers, Who Needs 'Em?
What the lack of legal representation in the civil courts can teach us about justice.
39 min
Let's Start with Race
Michele Goodwin on America’s defining issue, and on papering over the gaping holes in the constitution.
63 min
The End of an Era, and the Cult of the Constitu...
What we lost with the passing of Justice John Paul Stevens, and Mary Anne Franks on what we lose when we unquestioningly revere the nation’s founding document.
58 min
High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Frank Bowman on impeachment--its history and meaning, and whether it’s meant to be so hard.
57 min
Ready, Set, Gerrymander!
A round table round-up of the 2018 Supreme Court term with Dahlia Lithwick, Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, Professor Pam Karlan of Stanford and Professor Leah Litman of the University of Michigan Law School. Analysis of the census case, the gerrymandering cases, and the down-docket items you might have missed, but whose repercussions you won’t.
39 min
Trumpcast: An Interview With E. Jean Carroll
38 min
Flowers, Crosses, Clauses and Oaths
Present-tense SCOTUS decision analysis that reaches all the way back to the Magna Carta for context.
63 min
Clarence Thomas Said What?
Adam Cohen on how the Supreme Court Justice picked up his thesis on eugenics, and ran with it, in the opposite direction.
42 min
“Slouching Toward Gilead”
Surveying legislative assaults on the right to choose, and what guides the chief justice’s thinking about abortion.
65 min
A Judge, on Judging
Federal Court Judge Robert Lasnik of the Western District of Washington on judicial self-governance, racial fairness in the courts and… Quoting Bob Dylan.
61 min
The Fight for LGBTQ Protections Under the Civil...
70 min
Extra: Redactionist History
A Mueller report rundown with former Department of Justice spokesperson Matt Miller and Fordham Law Professor Jed Shugerman
23 min
Death Penalty Dust-Ups at the High Court
The robes are on but the gloves are off when it comes to capital punishment.
46 min
Kavanaugh and Kagan Had a Moment
Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern unpack the arguments in the North Carolina and Maryland gerrymander cases heard by the Supreme Court this week, and Aaron Belkin of advocacy group Pack the Courts tells us why packing the courts is becoming a serious topic in the Democratic presidential race. Please let us know what you think of Amicus. Join the discussion of this episode on Facebook. Our email is
67 min
Lawyers are Tackling our Democracy Problem Via ...
Dahlia Lithwick pans back this week to assess what’s holding and what’s buckling in terms of norms and institutions, two years and change into the Trump presidency. She’s joined by Ian Bassin of Protect Democracy, a new kind of litigation shop looking at global trends toward authoritarianism and trying to resist those trends in the United States.
60 min
The Case Regarding the So-Called Emergency
Dahlia Lithwick is joined by conservative lawyer Stuart Gerson and finds common ground over the President’s declaration of a national emergency so he can build the wall. And Leah Litman helps us take a lawyerly look at Michael Cohen’s testimony before congress this week.
61 min