Slate Debates

A feed from the Slate podcast network featuring episodes with enlightening conversations, opposing views, and plenty of healthy disputes. You'll get a curated selection of episodes from programs like What Next, The Waves, and the Political Gabfest, with deep discussions that go beyond point-counterpoint and shed light on the issues that matter most.

Society & Culture
Lexicon Valley #14: By Their Words You Shall Kn...
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss stylometry.
30 min
Lexicon Valley #13: Capturing the Past
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo talk about how Mad Men and Downton Abbey can teach us about language change.
37 min
Lexicon Valley #12: The Eloquence of Plain English
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the Gettysburg Address.
30 min
Lexicon Valley #11: When Being Done Replaced Doing
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the most significant change to the English language that you've never heard of.
26 min
Lexicon Valley #10: One Giant Leap for Humanity
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the he said/she said of the epicene pronoun.
37 min
Lexicon Valley #9: And May He Be a Masculine Br...
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss how a simple quirk of grammar may affect the way we think.
29 min
Lexicon Valley #8: When Nouns Grew Genitals
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss what it means for language to have gender.
28 min
Lexicon Valley #7: A Needle Pulling Thread
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the big ambitions of the word "so."
27 min
Special Announcement from Lexicon Valley
Mike announces a batch of brand new episodes.
0 min
Lexicon Valley #6: A Meditation on Scrabble
Mike Vuolo talks to "Word Freak" author Stefan Fatsis about the nature of language in Scrabble.
33 min
Lexicon Valley #5: Untuning the String
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo talk to author David Skinner about his book, The Story of Ain't, which will be published in the fall of 2012.
34 min
Lexicon Valley #4: Jumpin' Salty in The O
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the vernacular wrapped in a dialect inside a language that some call Ebonics.
38 min
Lexicon Valley #3: Consider the Lamppost
Lexicon Valley #3: Consider the Lamppost
27 min
Lexicon Valley #2: A Bundle of Faggots
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the evolution of the word "faggot."
30 min
Lexicon Valley #1: A Sin of Which None Is Guilty
Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo discuss the longstanding English language proscription against ending a sentence with a preposition.
22 min