Set Lusting Bruce: The Bruce Springst...

Over the past several years, Jesse Jackson has been talking to Bruce Springsteen fans from around the world. He believes that every Springsteen fan has a story to tell and it's his job to record as many as possible. At over 1,000 episodes and counting, fans of Bruce (as well as fans of other musicians) have shared how the magic and power of music has helped them celebrate successes and mourn losses. Music has been part of births, deaths, birthdays, weddings and other major events in their lives. Part of Pantheon Podcasts.

Music Commentary
Music History
Ep 8 James Rider - Set Lusting Bruce
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
46 min
Ep 7 Springtime for Springsteen - Set Lusting B...
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
66 min
Ep 6 Nick Ferraro "The Philly Elvis"- Set Lusti...
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
66 min
Ep 5 Candace Dawson- Set Lusting Bruce
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
55 min
Ep 4 Alton Bock - Set Lusting Bruce
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
66 min
Ep 3 Donna - Set Lusting Bruce
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
52 min
Ep 2 The Rising - Jesse Jackson
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
69 min
Meet the Host - Jesse Jackson
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
46 min