Set Lusting Bruce: The Bruce Springst...

Over the past several years, Jesse Jackson has been talking to Bruce Springsteen fans from around the world. He believes that every Springsteen fan has a story to tell and it's his job to record as many as possible. At over 1,000 episodes and counting, fans of Bruce (as well as fans of other musicians) have shared how the magic and power of music has helped them celebrate successes and mourn losses. Music has been part of births, deaths, birthdays, weddings and other major events in their lives. Part of Pantheon Podcasts.

Music Commentary
Music History
The Rising and keeping faith
A few thoughts after hearing The Rising played at this year's Democratic Party Convention
7 min
Asif M Sardar SLB
Asif M. Sardar has written dozens of books from subjects as varied as Teenage super-heroes, a reimaging of Sherlock Holmes as a woman as a series of mystery novels set in Texas. He joins Jesse to talk about writing, classic movies, and...
76 min
Springsteen Cover - Bend and Scoop crossover
Bob Bland is hosting a new podcast focused on indie bands and musicians. He sent Jesse 9 Springsteen covers and asked him to rate and review.  Let us know what you think & check out Bob's podcast at  
66 min
Andrew Hickey Podcaster part 2
Andrew Hickey is a prolific writer and an ambitious podcaster.  His mission to tell the history of Rock and Roll in 500 songs. He shares a new song and tells a new chapter every week in his brilliant podcast Today is the 2nd part of his...
45 min
Andrew Hickey Podcaster
Host of the HIstory of Rock n Roll in 500 songs
37 min
Andrew Goddard Book Requests
Andrew Goddard is working on a book about Springsteen, Andrew’s life and other topics.  He’d like some help from fans.   Please listen and share your information to Andrew Send Andrew the 3 words you would use to describe Bruce...
26 min
Steph Anderson part 2
Steph Anderson @tonksaurors is the leader of the Wizard Rock band Tonks & The Aurors (often called the Springsteen of Wizard Rock). In the 2nd half of her conversation, she & Jesse talk West Wing & of course the Mary Question.   
48 min
Steph Anderson SLB part 1
Steph Anderson is the leader of the Wizard Rock band Tonks & The Aurors (often called the Springsteen of Wizard Rock), she has written music about The West Wing, John Green novels and of course Harry Potter.  She joins Jesse to talk about...
47 min
Thom Zahler Cupid's Arrow Kickstarter
Thom Zahler is a writer, an artist, and an overall great guy.  Jesse & he catch up and discuss the lack of comic conventions, writing new Love and Cape stories, and Thom’s new Kickstarter project, collecting the first season of his series...
45 min
Feedback July 2020
As we end July, here are some recent emails/tweets from listeners about the show and Bruce.  Send your thoughts to  
15 min
Michele E Watson SLB
Michele E. Watson is an artist, a writer, a coach, and a mentor.  She is the author of Peaceful Heart, Healthy Body.  In today’s episode, she shares her love of music and the belief in the healing power of truth.
57 min
Springsteen Archives Vol 1 Philly 99
In the first of a series of episodes, Terry Smith and Jesse Jackson break down the latest Springsteen archival release, Philly 1999.
27 min
Russ Burlingame Part 2
In the 2nd part of Jesse's discussion with Russ Burlingame, they talk about live shows, sharing Bruce's music with his family and of course the Mary Question.  
41 min
Russ Burlingame Part 1
In today’s show, Jesse is joined by Senor Staff Writer Russ Burlingame. In this first part of their discussion, they cover the Death of Superman, the TV show Arrow & their love of Springsteen song titles & of course a little Springsteen.
44 min
Jennifer Driesen Returns!
Jennifer returns to the podcast and she and Jesse catch up, share stories of self-isolation, missing live music, and how Jennifer has been entertaining herself during the Pandemic!
35 min
Bella Pori Favorite Musical Movies
Bella returns to the podcast to share with Jesse her favorite five musical movies as well as social justice charities that tie into those movies.  Jesse shares his five favorite musical movies as well.  Black Girls Smile, a nonprofit...
62 min
Stephanie Phillips
Stephanie inherited her love of music from her Dad. One of her earliest memories is listening to Jungleland on repeat trying to understand the magic of the song.  Stephanie is a gifted writer who has written multiple stories for almost every...
59 min
Aaron Lebold SLB
Aaron shares his musical story and how his love of Nirvana helped him to kick his own addiction and help to set him on his life's goal, to help others.  He also discusses his first novel Genocide  
45 min
Matt McGee SLB
Matt McGee is a long time U2 blogger and podcaster but there is a new band in his life Gang of Youths.  He shares his musical story and how and why he made the switch in a wonderfully candid and funny episode.  Please download and share.
74 min
Graham Lees SLB
In today's episode, we have another friend from the UK, this time Graham Lees joins Jesse to share his Springsteen story, getting Santa Claus in the summer and how he requested Atlantic City and the band delivered. @glees5150 
66 min
Music Talks First Anniversary
A year ago, my good friend Terry Smith launched his wonderful Music Talks podcast.   Today we celebrate that milestone by catching up and sharing a few thoughts about the past 24 episodes and the past year.  @musictalkspod
36 min
Ron Marz on Denny O'Neal
Frequent guest, Springsteen fan and prolific writer Ron Marz joins Jesse today to talk about Springsteen series of My Home to Yours episodes and the greatness of Comic Book Legend Denny O'Neal 
62 min
Happy Birthday Brian Wilson
Today Jesse's first musical obsession/passion turns 78.  Here is wishing Brian Wilson a great birthday and many more years for happiness and great music.
11 min
SLB Danni Gallegos
In today's episode, Jesse is joined by comedian, podcaster, Springsteen fan Danni Gallegos @DaniiGallegos.  They talk growing up on the shore, why you don't date a tall guy, Springsteen fatherhood & a unique answer to the Mary...
73 min
Charles Skaggs podcaster and Partner in Time
The episode that was 3 years in the making.  Jesse's partner in time and "son-in-law" Charles Skaggs makes his first appearance on the podcast! Sting, Peter Gabriel, Twin Peaks, Doctor Who are just some of the topics he and Jesse discuss.
56 min