Set Lusting Bruce: The Bruce Springst...

Over the past several years, Jesse Jackson has been talking to Bruce Springsteen fans from around the world. He believes that every Springsteen fan has a story to tell and it's his job to record as many as possible. At over 1,000 episodes and counting, fans of Bruce (as well as fans of other musicians) have shared how the magic and power of music has helped them celebrate successes and mourn losses. Music has been part of births, deaths, birthdays, weddings and other major events in their lives. Part of Pantheon Podcasts.

Music Commentary
Music History
Your unofficial Springsteen fan podcast
72 min
Cliff Reeve Part 2
The unofficial Springsteen podcast
39 min
Cliff Reeve Part 1
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
45 min
Call for Springsteen Friendships
I'm looking for stories of #springsteen friendship. Do you have a friend that is your concert attending partner, do you connect via Bruce? Let's talk Here my booking calendar. find a time that works for both of you with the zoom link &...
2 min
Tod Goldberg - writer of the Gangsterland Trilogy
Journey from a Dyslexic kid to prolific writer
85 min
Chris Nierling
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcat
49 min
Joni-Jean Crivello Part 2
The unofficial Springsteen fan podcast
51 min
Joni-Jean Crivello Part 1
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
39 min
Andre Prevost reissued
Back in November 2015, Andre Prevost joined me to share his Springsteen story  He's joined me a 2nd time to talk Nebraska.  Let's go in the TARDIS and go back to an earlier time in SLB
50 min
Bud McLaughlin
The unofficial Springsteen fan podcast
52 min
David Fedor Part 2
David Fedor @beegeesandme loves the BeeGees’ music the way many of us love Bruce Springsteen’s music.  He joins Jesse to share his passion for their music and their legacy. He also shares seeing Barry Gibb doing I’m on Fire live.  The...
55 min
David Fedor Part 1
The unofficial Bruce Springsteen Podcast
46 min
Bex Goos (Potato Lady Podcast Reviews)
Your unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan podcast
70 min
Donnie Garrow
Donnie Garrow @donniemg76 is another Canadian fan who reached out to share with me his list of favorite Springsteen fans & how he found Springsteen via Pro Wrestling.
54 min
Emily Callacher
The Unofficial Bruce Springsteen Fan Podcast
42 min
Springsteen Archives Vol 4 & Christmas Covers
The Unofficial Bruce Springsteen fan Podcast
58 min
Levi Petree SOYL
11 questions, you can only use one Springsteen song for each question, here are Levi Petree's songs of your life.
35 min
Levi Petree
Levi Petree is a fellow Louisianan, he is a musician and a Springsteen fan.  He joins Jesse to talk about his fandom & his own music  
63 min
Set Lusting Bruce - Laura
Laura has been a Springsteen fan since she heard Born in the USA in the car as a 7-year-old.  She joins Jesse to talk about her fandom.
59 min
Marya Morris Part 2
Marya Morris returns to the podcast to talk about songs she's still chasing and of course the Mary Question.  
48 min
Marya Morris Part 1
Marya Morris joins Jesse to share some of her favorite #springsteen stories including traveling last minute to make a show & how she willed Bruce to play a certain song. 
52 min
Name that Holiday Tune
At work, we are celebrating the holidays all week with contests, food and prizes.  Today's game was "Name that Holiday Tune."  There are 27 groups of 3 holiday songs.  Easy, Medium, Hard.  Hope you enjoy & if you want the...
39 min
Evan Macy
The unofficial Springsteen fan podcast
68 min
Daniel Levin
Daniel B. Levin is a podcaster and a writer. A few months ago, Jesse joined Daniel on his show and Daniel returns the favor.  He joins Jesse to talk about his love of 60's music, his novel The Mosaic, and Daniel's quest to get people to listen...
80 min
Doc Dougherty John Lennon
Doc Dougherty returns to talk about his memories of The Beatles, John Lennon & Doc being at the Springsteen show on December 7, 1980  
42 min