Sermons That Work

For more than 20 years, Sermons That Work, a ministry of the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication, has provided free sermons, Bible studies, bulletin inserts, and other resources that speak to congregations across the Church. Our writers and readers come from numerous and varied backgrounds, and the resources we provide are used in small house churches, sprawling cathedrals, and everything between.

Ascension Day (A): Truth-Telling - May 21, 2020
"Six Sundays have passed now since we heard that Jesus was raised from the dead..."
8 min
Easter 6 (A): Blessed Be God - May 17, 2020
"How great it is that our God – the same God who took on flesh and lived among us, who was betrayed, tortured, killed, and buried – rose again and still, in spite of our continuing sinfulness, loves us."
7 min
Easter 5 (A): Rock Solid When Everything Feels ...
"It all feels so up in the air..."
11 min
Easter 4 (A): The Gate - May 3, 2020
"Even though we are in the season of Easter, our lives may still feel like one long Lenten discipline of social distancing and fighting illness..."
10 min
Easter 3 (A): Breaking - April 26, 2020
"We find ourselves in the middle of this Easter season, now on the third Sunday after the Resurrection, and we have a beautiful narrative of how new life breaks into the midst of shattered hopes."
8 min
A Special Message from Sermons That Work: Homes...
Homesickness, by the Rev. Dr. Amy Richter
18 min
Easter 2 (A): Faith: More than a Five Letter Wo...
"We pray today that we will shake away the doubt that traps us in a world of fear and celebrate that we have a great high priest who has risen from the dead to give us steadfast hope and eternal salvation."
8 min
Easter Day (A): Resurrection Vision - April 12,...
“Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!”
10 min
The Great Vigil of Easter: He Has Been Raised f...
"No candlelight vigil, no singing, no dramatic lighting effects, no fragrant flowers, not even any incense! Just two women, the pre-dawn chill of the desert, and the darkness of a cave..."
9 min
Good Friday: Christ Our Passover - April 10, 2020
"From noon on Good Friday through Easter Sunday morning is the Christian Passover. In these three days, Jesus passed over from death into life and opened the way for us to follow..."
9 min
Maundy Thursday: By Our Love - April 9, 2020
"Today is Thursday in Holy Week, often called Maundy Thursday. Maundy is connected to the word “mandate,” a command. Jesus gives us a new commandment..."
8 min
Wednesday in Holy Week: The Paradox of Judas - ...
"The Paradox of Judas: ultimate betrayer or player in the cosmic drama of salvation?"
9 min
Tuesday in Holy Week: Shame - April 7, 2020
"Shame shows up in our lectionary today in an interesting way..."
7 min
Monday in Holy Week: Extravagant Love - April 6...
"In our Gospel story today, we find Jesus attending a dinner that Lazarus, Mary, and Martha are giving in his honor..."
10 min
Palm Sunday (A): Made Holy - April 5, 2020
"We might need a deep breath after hearing this epic story..."
9 min
A Special Message from Sermons That Work: Holy ...
"For those of us who are Jesus followers, there is a particular kind of destabilizing grief that comes as we grapple with this reality..."
10 min
Sermons That Work - Coming Holy Week 2020
1 min