Putin's Oil Heist

If you want to understand the story behind the story of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, you can draw a straight line back to the Yukos affair. Bruce Misamore was an oil industry exeuctive at the Yukous Oil Company who found himself with a front-row seat to the world’s largest state-sponsored theft. In this thrilling 6-part documentary, Loren Steffy, author and investigative journalist shares the story of Putin's takeover of Yukos, and how it impacted the world, with first-hand accounts from Bruce Misamore.

Business News
Episode 6: Connecting the Dots
In this final episode, Loren Steffy draws a line from the 2022 invasion of Ukraine back to the expropriation of Yukos in the early 2000s, with first-person accounts from former Chief Financial Treasurer, Bruce Misamore.
15 min
Episode 5: Fighting From Afar
In this episode, host Loren Steffy details Misamore’s efforts to salvage what he could of Yukos, with first-person accounts from the former Chief Financial Treasurer
13 min
Episode 4: Fleeing Russia
“These were professional thugs that had been hired by the KGB, known as the FSB in Russia today, but they're still the KGB.” Even though he’d fled the country, Bruce Misamore couldn’t seem to escape Russia’s reach.
16 min
Episode 3: The Theft of Yukos
Loren Steffy follows up on the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the theft of Yukos with first-person accounts from Bruce Misamore, former Chief Financial Treasurer.
12 min
Episode 2: The Arrest
In the early 2000s, Bruce Misamore moved to Moscow to work for Mikhail Khodorkovsky at Yukos. Yukos was growing rapidly, but Russian President Vladimir Putin wasn’t pleased with the growing influence of Westerners at Russian companies.
15 min
Episode 1: Putin’s Plan
“If you want to understand the story behind the story of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, you can draw a straight line back to the Yukos Affair.”
12 min
Introducing Putin's Oil Heist
2 min