Opportunity Zones Podcast

Defer and eliminate capital gains tax with Opportunity Zone investments.

Business News
OZ Investing Tips, From The Experts (Episode 195)
What does the future hold for the tax-incentivized Opportunity ZoneĀ investments?
18 min
Asset Classes For OZ Investing, With Kira Golde...
What are the different asset classes for OZ investing in the US and in Puerto Rico?
14 min
How to Advocate for Opportunity Zone Improvemen...
How you can voice your support for the Opportunity Zones Improvement, Transparency, and Extension Act?
78 min
Boutique Hotels In Opportunity Zones, With Davi...
How can investors develop boutique hotels in qualified opportunity zones?
24 min
The OZ Reform Bill, With Shay Hawkins (Episode ...
What does the future hold for the tax-incentivized Opportunity ZoneĀ investments?
26 min
Orchard Farming In Opportunity Zones, With Josh...
How can orchard farming capitalize on the Opportunity Zones program?
18 min
OZ Strategies For High Net Worth Investors, An ...
What are the various strategies that investors can use to optimize the tax efficiency of their portfolios?
16 min
1031s, 721s, And Opportunity Zones, With Jay Fr...
What are the differences between Opportunity Zones and 1031 Exchanges?
40 min
Previewing The Novogradac Spring OZ Conference,...
What key topics will be discussed at Novogradac's Spring OZ Conference?
19 min
Silicon Valley Opportunity Zone Update, With Er...
What OZ funds are currently proving attractive investment opportunities in Silicon Valley?
22 min
A Vertically Integrated OZ Fund, With Chris Loe...
What does it mean to be vertically integrated in the opportunity zones investment process?
31 min
The Investor Advocacy Approach To Opportunity Z...
What is an investor advocacy and wealth management approach to opportunity zone investing?
24 min
Opportunity Zone Investing Misconceptions, With...
What are common misconceptions about opportunity zone investing?
20 min
How To Fill Out IRS Form 8996 For OZ Funds, Wit...
How to fill out IRS Form 8996 for opportunity zone funds?
26 min
How To Fill Out IRS Form 8997 For OZ Investors,...
17 min
OZ Strategies For UHNWs & Family Offices, With ...
How can the Ultra High Net Worths and family offices use Opportunity Zones as a strategy for social impact investing with tax savings?
23 min
A Multi-Strategy Opportunity Zone Approach, Wit...
How can a diversified investment portfolio weather volatility and improve profitability?
24 min
Profitable Veterans Housing In Opportunity Zone...
What tax advantages do opportunity zones provide and what are the social and economic benefits for communities and investors?
21 min
2022 Outlook For Multifamily OZ Investing, With...
What is the forecast for multifamily investing in 2022?
19 min
Creating Value With ADUs In Opportunity Zones, ...
What are ADUs (accessory dwelling units) and why have they become more more prevalent in recent years?
22 min
Opportunity Zone Impact Investing Survey, With ...
How does impact investing work, and how might one select a specific fund to invest in?
16 min
Successful Opportunity Zone Investing Strategie...
Before diving into opportunity zones investing, it's important to understand investment strategies specific to OZ assets and projects.
42 min
Round Trip OZ Investments, With Jeff Feinstein ...
What happens to opportunity zone capital if the qualified opportunity zones fund sells? And how does reinvestment of those proceeds from that sale occur before the end of a 10-year holding period?
23 min
How to Evaluate Opportunity Zone Deals, An OZ P...
What are the investment due diligence considerations when evaluating Opportunity Zone business and real estate deals?
34 min
Bitcoin, Opportunity Zones, and Jobs, With Tom ...
Why are cryptocurrency investors turning to opportunity zones for tax relief and social and economic good?
32 min