
MonsterTalk: The Science Show About Monsters is a free audio podcast that critically examines the science behind cryptozoological (and legendary) creatures, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or werewolves.

Natural Sciences
Society & Culture
Dragon*Con's Skeptrack 2010
THIS WEEK’S EPISODE was recorded before a live studio audience at Dragon*Con’s 2010 (in Atlanta, Georgia).MonsterTalk hosts Ben Radford and Blake Smith bravely faced the horror of live questions from listeners — including...
60 min
Just Scratching the Surface
MonsterTalk frequently explores tales of imaginary monsters — creatures of myth, fiction, and folklore.Today, the hosts consider a real creature, one that preys on humans and their closest animal companions. It is often invisible. It drinks...
72 min
Cryptozoology & Science, Part 2
This week, MonsterTalk continues its discussion of the intersection between science and cryptozoology. The hosts interview Dr. Donald Prothero and Daniel Loxton, who are working on a book that will give a deep overview of the field of cryptozoology...
32 min
Cryptozoology & Science: Part 1
What is cryptozoology? Is it science? Is it folklore? Does it make predictions?In part 1 of a 2-part series, MonsterTalk examines cryptozoology as a field, including speculation on the cryptids most likely to turn out to be real. Guest Dr. Darren...
64 min
The Columbus Poltergeist (featuring James Randi)
In 1984, objects began to fly around the room in the presence of a Columbus Ohio teen named Tina Resch. The local paper claimed this was a poltergeist attack, and published photos to prove it.Tina’s story caught the attention of a young...
50 min
Cthulhu Rises
In this special literary edition, MonsterTalk ventures into a dark domain that can be confidently called fiction: the monstrous, genre-defining oeuvre of horror writer Howard Philips Lovecraft. Joined by noted Lovecraft scholar Robert M. Price and...
76 min
Bringing Light to a Moth
In this episode, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly CSICOP) investigator joins the MonsterTalk crew for a look into the West Virginian legend of Mothman — allegedly a human-sized creature with wings and glowing red eyes. Nickell...
46 min
Monsters from the Lab
In this week’s episode, MonsterTalk looks once again at genetics and creatures created in the laboratory. Dr. Marcus C. Davis joins the hosts to discuss what constitutes a “monster.” In his work, Davis deals with paleontology, as...
71 min
Historical Ghost Investigations Part II: Sinkin...
This week, MonsterTalk continues its two-part discussion of historical ghost investigations. Blake Smith describes his investigation into a famous photo that allegedly shows two dead sailors floating off the side of a 1920’s oil tanker....
59 min
Historical Ghost Investigations Part I: Kimo / ...
Ghost investigations often feature in television shows and other media. Typically, these amount to people wandering around at night with EMF detectors, talking into the darkness and jumping at shadows and noises.But how does one do a scientific...
60 min
Ghost Bird
What happens when a creature thought to be extinct is spotted alive in the swamps of Arkansas? Can such a creature have survived? Can scientists verify the story? And when a town’s hopes and a school’s grant money are on the line, to what...
65 min
Getting into the Spirit of Things
What does neuroscience have to say about the possibility of consciousness or mind existing outside the body — or continuing on after the body has died? This episode’s guest is neurologist Dr. Steven Novella (veteran of on-site ghost...
66 min
Suitable for Framing
In this episode, the hosts of MonsterTalk talk with Greg Long, author of the 2004 book (which was by Skeptic’s own Daniel Loxton).Long’s book is built from hours of interviews with surviving contemporaries of Roger Patterson, the...
59 min
Bigfoot: First Impressions
In the world of Bigfoot, good evidence is hard to come by. Anecdotes and blurry photos keep the documentaries coming, but most skeptics agree that a body or a living specimen are needed to confirm the existence of a large North American mystery...
79 min
Giants appear in cultures around the world: Biblical tales of giants more than ten feet tall; Roman and Greek stories of titans and heroes; European stories of giants of mountain and hill. They all have one thing in common: enormous monsters.On this...
73 min
I'm Gonna Get You, Goat Sucker!
The most famous of the Latin American cryptids is El Chupacabra, the goat sucker. This episode of MonsterTalk examines the lore behind this slinking, sinister, blood-sucking creature. Is it a real animal? A creation of secret scientific experiments?...
50 min
They Came From Outer Space!
Are creatures from other planets visiting the earth, trampling our crops to create cryptic messages, violating people in their sleep, and doing terrible things to our livestock? How plausible is it that we are being visited by intelligent beings from...
51 min
Horrifying Hybrids
In this episode, MonsterTalk examines monsters that genetically blend humans with the other. Hosts Blake Smith, Ben Radford, and Dr. Karen Stollznow explore the plausibility of alien-human hybridizations, dig into the real science of genetics -- and...
65 min
Darwin vs. the Wolfman
In this week's Halloween episode, MonsterTalk ventures into the realm of the werewolves -- and asks what Charles Darwin's Origin of Species implies for this fearsome monster's plausibility. Guest Dr. Brian Regal (Assistant Professor for the History of...
64 min
Paleontologist Dr. David Martill joins us to talk about prehistoric flying reptiles and his visit to Papua New Guinea with the TV show MonsterQuest to search for the legendary Ropen, an animal which some say is a modern day surviving Pterosaur. Dr....
50 min
The Plesiosaur Hypothesis
Is there a mysterious prehistoric "living fossil" lurking beneath the waters of Loch Ness? The idea that a colony of Plesiosaurs might have survived into modern times in the deep dark waters of Loch Ness has long captured the imagination of...
65 min
Fins & Fossil Footprints
Did a Japanese fishing vessel catch the body of a prehistoric aquatic dinosaur? In this week's MonsterTalk, we interview Glen Kuban to discuss the 1977 case of the Zuiyo-Maru, dinosaurs, paleontology, cryptozoology and why so many creationists want to...
56 min
Anatomy of a Beast
In this week's MonsterTalk, we interview Michael McLeod, a writer, producer, and director who has created documentaries for PBS, the PBS series Frontline, the Discovery Channel, and other national venues. His book "Anatomy of a Beast" is an in-depth...
55 min
Bigfoot DNA
Our panel (Ben Radford, Dr. Karen Stollznow and Blake Smith) interview Professor Todd Disotell, PhD. Todd has been a guest on multiple television shows to examine potential Bigfoot and Yeti DNA. We ask him about the science of DNA analysis, his...
71 min