President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit a Michigan Ford plant this week, the coronavirus has killed more Michigan residents this year than the flu has killed in 20 years and greenhouses across the state destroy geraniums because of a rare bacteria.
3 min
May 15, 2020
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer hopes to allow small gatherings by the end of May, 92% of Michigan’s unemployed workers are now slated to receive benefits and Love’s Furniture will reopen 17 Art Van stores in Michigan.
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May 14, 2020
A fight breaks out during a protest at the Michigan Capitol, Gov. Whitmer extends two executive orders involving child care and protections for health care workers, and a Muskegon marina won’t open this season as the result of high water levels.
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May 13, 2020
More than 30,000 state of Michigan workers face reduced work hours during the coronavirus pandemic, another protest of Gov. Whitmer’s stay-home order is scheduled for Thursday and a heat map from the New York Times shows Michiganders are leaving home m...
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May 12, 2020
A congressman launches a ballot initiative to curb the emergency powers of Michigan’s governor, Gov. Whitmer has signed an order to help teenage workers and Faster Horses might not tell ticket-holders whether the event is happening this year until 14 d...
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May 11, 2020
The attorney general issues a formal opinion that the Michigan State Capitol Commission can ban guns, the Grand Hotel’s interior designer sues for personal items left in the hotel and the state accidentally sent some unemployment reci...
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May 7, 2020
Michigan’s construction and real estate industries reopen, more than 1.3 million Michigan residents have filed for unemployment and churches sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over coronavirus orders, despite religious exemptions.
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May 6, 2020
The Michigan legislature sues Gov. Whitmer over her state of emergency extension, Detroit automakers are planning to reopen later this month and JetBlue suspends airline service to Detroit and 15 other destinations.
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May 5, 2020
A Michigan-made coronavirus vaccine is in clinical trials, Whitmer vetoes a bill that would have limited the governor’s emergency powers and Michigan farmers are expected to benefit from the U.S. buying $470 million in surplus food.
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May 4, 2020
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has extended several coronavirus-related executive orders, the Big Ten extends a suspension of organized team activities and Justin Amash says a run for president wouldn’t tip the scales for President Donald Trump.
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May 1, 2020
Gov. Whitmer issues orders extending Michigan’s state of emergency, Michigan unemployment claims top 1.26 million in 6 weeks and flooding in South Haven leaves marinas and surrounding streets underwater
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April 29, 2020
A protest of Michigan’s state of emergency will take place despite Facebook removing events, a Michigan congressman has launched an exploratory committee for a possible presidential bid and Nestle wins a legal challenge to Michigan groundwater extraction
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April 28, 2020
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is seeking a 28-day extension of Michigan’s state of emergency, the state has paid more than $3 million to businesses in an alcohol buyback program and as tulips bloom, the state’s tulip capital asks visitors to stay away
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April 27, 2020
Michigan grocery stores are now required to provide shopping times for vulnerable residents, the state’s attorney general acknowledges it could be hard for businesses to secure masks for employees and Detroit’s air pollution levels drop amid the corona...
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April 24, 2020
Michigan’s stay-at-home order is now extended through May 15th, a survey says restaurants in Michigan are expected to lose more than a billion dollars this month and despite system crashes, the majority of Michiganders filing for unemployment have been...
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April 23, 2020
An extension of the stay-at-home order is likely necessary, according to Gov. Whitmer, another protest is scheduled in opposition to Michigan’s stay-at-home order and a road project to move US-2 away from Lake Michigan is set to begin
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April 22, 2020
The UAW tells GM unions to get ready to work “in the near future,” Gov. Whitmer has extended an executive order that allows for 60-day prescription refills and the opening of campgrounds at Sleeping Bear Dunes is delayed until July 1.
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April 21, 2020
Beaumont Health announces nearly 2,500 layoffs, Gov. Whitmer is giving up 10 percent of her salary during the coronavirus pandemic and Michigan greenhouses submit a May 1 reopening plan to the governor.
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April 20, 2020
Gov. Whitmer is “anxious” to re-open the economy but wants to avoid a second wave of COVID-19, a Michigan hospital uses plasma from a coronavirus survivor to treat a patient and a conservation group is suing Michigan over boating restrictions
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April 17, 2020
Michigan is set to lose billions in tax revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Better Business Bureau warns against sharing your senior photo on Facebook and the world’s oldest loon couple returns to the Upper Peninsula.
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April 16, 2020
Unemployment claims top 1 million in Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says a protest held Wednesday in Lansing wasn’t really about the stay-at-home order and the National Cherry Festival is now on the long list of this year’s canceled events.
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April 15, 2020
Michigan is expanding coronavirus testing to anyone with symptoms, Gov. Whitmer has extended executive orders dealing with public meetings and health care, and Great Lakes erosion has destroyed a section of a popular Michigan bike trail
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April 14, 2020
Recently expired licenses and tabs are OK for now in Michigan, food assistance benefits in the state increased by $68M last month and Gov. Whitmer has initiated a liquor buyback program for Michigan bars
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April 13, 2020
Gov. Whitmer defends her expanded stay-home order amid criticism from Republican leaders, the first round of stimulus checks has hit bank accounts and Michigan golfers are banned from Toledo’s municipal golf courses
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April 10, 2020
Michigan’s extended stay-home order shuts down some sections of grocery stores, nearly 900,000 Michigan students are set to receive food stamp benefits and Pictured Rocks closes camping until June 25th.