Mary & Bill: An Ohio Cold Case

In 1970, Mary Petry and Bill Sproat, two university students in love, were murdered in a Columbus, Ohio apartment. The crime was so brutal it drew comparisons to the Manson murders of the previous year. The case has never been solved. Host/Producer Justin Glanville and the sisters of the two victims track down friends, witnesses to the original investigation and the Columbus police to understand why the case remains unsolved, despite the existence of solid DNA evidence and the fact that police say they have a person of interest. Along the way, the three explore who really owns DNA collected at crime scenes – families or police? – and what it takes to bring new attention to a 53-year-old cold case in an era when police departments are struggling to attract new recruits.

True Crime
7. The Time to Live
44 min
6. Behind the “Blue Wall” (Sort Of)
32 min
5. And She Was Gone
34 min
4. A Crime of Passion?
34 min
3. A Dimly-Lit Welcome
36 min
2. Everybody Isn’t Going to France
32 min
1. Their Deaths Still Haunt
39 min
Trailer - Mary & Bill: An Ohio Cold Case
2 min