Macworld Podcast

Macworld is the world's leading source for information about Apple and the Apple ecosystem. 882887

Episode 136: The holidays & Mac gaming 2008
Philip Michaels leads a discussion about Apple's plans--or lack there--for the holiday season. That's followed by a discussion around the state of Mac gaming with Peter Cohen.
50 min
Episode 135: Twitter and TV
Now that the excitement of the elections is over, we can get back to what's really important: technology. And the specific technology we address today is brought to you by the letter T, as in Twitter and Television.
46 min
Episode 134: New MacBooks and Bento 2 executive editor Philip Michaels joins lab director Jim Galbraith to discuss just how these new Apple laptops measure up.
33 min
Episode 133: New laptops from Apple
If you love laptops, Tuesday's event at the Apple campus was custom-made for you. Apple overhauled its entire laptop line, ushering in new designs for both the MacBook and MacBook Pro models.
14 min
Episode 132: Kid-safe Mac; App Store improvements
This episode of the Macworld Podcast is all about control--both taking and letting go.
40 min
Episode 131: Adobe CS4 and the App Store
Macworld's Philip Michaels and Jackie Dove witnessed Adobe's announcement of Creative Suite 4, interviewed some of Adobe's CS4 key players, and brought back the audio evidence of their work to share with you.
48 min
Episode 130: Apple's 2008 music event
Macworld's Chris Breen, Dan Frakes, Dan Moren, and Jason Snell talk iPods.
40 min
Episode 129: Olympics and Intel Developer Forum
A couple of largish events with ancillary Apple connections occurred during the past two weeks: Beijing's summer Olympic games and the Intel Developer Forum.
42 min
Episode 128: iTunes, iPhones, and iMacs
This edition of the Macworld Podcast closes out the dog days of summer with a look at iTunes, a free-form discussion of the iPhone, and some reminisces about the original iMac as the 10th anniversary of its ship date approaches.
54 min
Episode 127: MobileMe & iPhone apps
The events of July 11 have had a profound impact on Apple and the effects are still being felt.
48 min
Episode 126: iPhone 3G debriefing
Join Philip Michaels, Jason Snell, Jonathan Seff, and Dan Moren for a panel discussion of the iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0, and the App Store after a long, busy weekend of reviewing.
52 min
Episode 121: Windows on Mac and DRM
This episode of the Macworld Podcast looks squarely at Apple but just a bit to the left and right of the Mac. To the left are Apple's past and present digital rights management efforts. To the right, running Windows on the Mac.
43 min
Episode 120: Mac buying advice
Hardware takes center stage in this edition of the Macworld Podcast, as we discuss buying advice for the Mac and get an up-close look at Psystar's OS X-compatible Open Computer.
35 min
Episode 119: Mac clones and accessibility
We explore long-standing issues that current events sometimes elbow aside: the benefits that OS X brings to visually impaired and blind Mac users, and Mac clones.
49 min
Episode 118: Microsoft Office 2008 and iWork ’0...
A trio of products shares the spotlight in this edition of the Macworld Podcast: Microsoft Office 2008, iWork '08, and Adobe Photoshop Express.
38 min
Episode 114: Aperture, OS X, and Apple TV updates
No less than three major updates came out of Cupertino this past week, and we tackle each one in this software-packed edition of the Macworld Podcast.
40 min
Episode 112: Macworld Expo 2008 draws to a close
We close the books on our time from the Macworld Expo show floor with one last special Expo edition of the Macworld Podcast.
31 min
Episode 111: 2008 Macworld Expo’s international...
We talk to two developers who traveled a long way to exhibit at Macworld Expo 2008: Rob Randtoul of and Riccardo Ettore of Ettore Software.
14 min
Episode 110: Creative apps at Macworld Expo 2008
Senior news editor Jonathan Seff talks to fellow editors Kelly Turner and Heather Kelly about the image editors, drawing tools, and other apps aimed at inspiring creativity that were on display at the 2008 Macworld Expo.
27 min
Episode 108: Macworld Expo 2008 roundtable
Chris Breen hosts this episode as several guests drop by the Macworld podquarium for a chat. Guests include Macworld Expo's Paul Kent, who talks about this yearu's show and the outlook for 2009.
23 min
Episode 107: Andy Ihnatko at Macworld Expo 2008
Beloved technology columnist Andy Ihnatko pays a visit to the Macworld podquarium for this special edition of the Macworld Expo podcast.
36 min
Episode 106: Crazy talk with John Moltz at Macw...
John Moltz has an unusual take on Macworld Expo in this special edition of the Macworld Podcast.
19 min
Episode 105: iPhone at 2008 Macworld Expo
Expo from the perspective of an iPhone user.
35 min
Episode 104: 2008 Macworld Expo software showcase
Chris Breen is joined on the Expo show floor by Jeff Ganyard, an engineer at speech-recognition software maker MacSpeech, and Paul Kafasis, CEO of Rogue Amoeba.
37 min
Episode 103: 2008 Macworld Expo roundtable
Christopher Breen leads a roundtable discussion following Steve Jobs' keynote address at Macworld Expo.
42 min