Lions of Liberty Network

The greatest OG libertarian/anarchist podcast network in the world. On Monday, John Odermatt delivers a powerful mix of inspiration, health and faith to set your mind, body and soul free with "Finding Freedom," Wednesday Brian McWilliams will make you laugh at our broken world while providing the promise of a better future with Mean Age Daydream, and Fridays we have "Meme Wars" with some politics, some comedy and some memes.

317. Self-Esteem and Libertarian Burnout with D...
In today's show, we take a slightly different path away from libertarian philosophy and politics and welcome in clinical psychologist and speaker Dr. Michael Edelstein. ...
42 min
FF 093 - Eric Holder Snakes his Way Back into G...
On today's show Remso Martinez joins host John Odermatt. Remso is a political commentator, campaign consultant, and multi-media producer living in the D.C. area. Remso ...
46 min
ELL 41: We Harvey (Weinstein) Knew Ye!
In this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian observes the days-long silence from top Democrats on Harvey Weinstein's grope-gate scandal, talks about the United States embarrassing itself ...
45 min
316. Live Free in New Hampshire - Matt Philips ...
In today's episode, Marc is joined by the President of the Free State Project, Matt Philips! The Free State Project is a movement which is ...
46 min
FF 092 - Make Automatic Weapons 100 Percent Legal
On today's episode of Felony Friday host John Odermatt is joined by Lions of Liberty legal counsel "Rico." After exchanging some pleasantries discussing the MLB ...
48 min
ELL 40: Vegas, Politicizing Tragedy, Gun Contro...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian McWilliams gets into the Vegas massacre and the gun control discussion. He then talks about Clinton's classlessness, and the ...
41 min
315. Is “Evictionism” the Libertarian Answer to...
The abortion debate has always been framed in the mainstream discussion as "Pro-Life" vs "Pro-Choice." Meanwhile, libertarians often find themselves in a difficult position when ...
54 min
FF 091 - Bikinis and Basketball
Join host John Odermatt as he goes it alone for this episode of Felony Friday. During this episode John plays America's fastest growing podcast game ...
42 min
Electric Libertyland Ep 39: NFL and Nuclear Twe...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian McWilliams is joined by the cast of the Johnny Rocket Launchpad, to talk about the NFL anthem flap, Trump's ...
38 min
314. Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liqu...
Get ready for one of the most absurd, rambling, all-over-the-map liberty podcasts ever recorded. If crassness and taking nothing seriously isn't your bag, you may ...
68 min
FF 090 - Shane Claiborne Shares Why Christians ...
Shane Claiborne joins the Felony Friday show to discuss a subject that is pretty controversial, the death penalty. Shane is a Christian activist and author ...
41 min
ELL 38: End the Fed (Again!) and The Graham-Cas...
In this week's episode of Electric Libertyland, host Brian McWilliams gives his take on the Trumpian circle-jerk that was the 2017 Emmy Awards, and how ...
63 min
313. The Next Rand Paul? Interview with Maine S...
In today's episode, Marc is joined by Maine State Senator and a man who has been called "The Next Rand Paul" since he announced the ...
45 min
FF 089 - First Time Drug Charge Lands Mother in...
On today's episode recent clemency recipient Ramona Brant joined the show to share her powerful story. In 1995, Ramona was sentenced to life in prison for ...
47 min
Lions of Liberty Pride Free Preview!
Check out a FREE preveiw of the Lions of Liberty Pride bonus audio we prevent for our paid supporters. ROAR!
10 min
ELL 37: Who’s More Guilty of Masturbation, Cruz...
In this week's Electric Libertyland, host Brian McWilliams touches briefly on 9/11 #NeverForget and its echoing effects on the American psyche, which government takes advantage ...
50 min
312. Scott Horton on the “Fool’s Errand” of the...
On today's show, Marc is joined by Scott Horton on the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to discuss his new book on the Afghnanistan ...
44 min
FF 088: Shot 5 Times, Sentenced to 30 Years and...
On today's episode of Felony Friday former felon and clemency recipient Jamael Nettles. This is Part 2 of the interview, please go back and listen ...
55 min
ELL 36: Fallacy of Unions & No, Google and Face...
In today's Electric Libertyland host Brian McWilliams goes it alone with a Labor Day episode focused on the misconceptions about the benefits of unions. He ...
33 min
311. Hurricane Harvey Recovery: Phil Magness on...
In today's episode, Marc is joined by professor at Berry College - and Houston native - Phil Magness to discuss many of the economic fallacies ...
49 min
FF 087: Shot 5 Times, Sentenced to 30 Years and...
On today's episode of Felony Friday former felon and clemency recipient Jamael Nettles shares his unbelievable story. This episode is the first of two parts ...
40 min
Electric Libertyland 35: What’s So Hard About P...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian battles the remainder of his 3.7 day hangover after visiting Vegas with legal counsel, "Rico," to dive into topics ...
33 min
How You Can Help Hurricane Harvey Victims Using...
I just spoke with Gret Glyer, the founder of the DonorSee app, to let him explain how Lions of Liberty listeners can help with the ...
7 min
310. Austin Meyer on “The Patent Scam”
Austin Meyer created a revolutionary flight simulator software known as  "X-Plane", which should have hid him on top of the world. Instead, it saw him ...
46 min
FF 086: Johann Hari Strikes the Root to Expose ...
On today's episode, Johann Hari joins the show to share why he believes the War on Drugs is a horrible way to deal with drug ...
43 min