Lions of Liberty Network

The greatest OG libertarian/anarchist podcast network in the world. On Monday, John Odermatt delivers a powerful mix of inspiration, health and faith to set your mind, body and soul free with "Finding Freedom," Wednesday Brian McWilliams will make you laugh at our broken world while providing the promise of a better future with Mean Age Daydream, and Fridays we have "Meme Wars" with some politics, some comedy and some memes.

Drunken Dem Debate Recap #11: Knives Out!
Marc is joined by Howie, JB and Car from the Friends Against Government podcast to break down the latest Democratic Presidential Debates, featuring the debut of Michael Bloomberg...Defender of Capitalism? See the livestream of these shows by joining...
60 min
ELL 164: Welcome to Hell, Bloomberg! Also: Marc...
On this Episode of Electric Libertyland Brian starts off welcoming former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg to the Democratic election Hell. Bloomberg's gaffability is Biden-esque but he's polling far. Later: Roger Stone, Israel, "Gun Girl" and...
87 min
439. How to Sell Liberty to the Left w/ Max Gul...
In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, Marc is joined by Max Gulker of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER). Max describes how he began as a "center left Democrat" and how he was eventually won over to libertarian ideas as the...
62 min
FF 215 - Felon, Comedian, Entrepreneur and Cand...
On today's show Mark Whitney joins John. Mark is an entrepreneur, podcaster, spoken word artist, political satirist, comedian, and activist. He is president of and the former host and producer of Late Nite Last Week, a political satire podcast....
50 min
ELL163: A Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier Walks In...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian gets his chuckles in at crazy uncle Joe Biden's latest meme-able moment, and gives his take on the Oscars. Later, Brian rips the Democrats "PRO" Labor Bill, a ridiculous comparison between what CNN and Fox...
54 min
438. Should Libertarians Be Vegetarians? w/ Ant...
Should libertarians be vegetarians? This is the question Marc explores today with Antony Sammeroff, who comes on the show to explain why he is a vegetarian, and how he views libertarian principles should apply to the treatment of animals. Should the...
56 min
Drunken Democratic Debate Recap 10 - They Still...
It's time for yet another Drunken Democratic Debate Recap! For this edition we have quite a crew of characters joining the show to break down the awkward, horrifying, funny and noteworthy occurrences of Friday nights debate.  Today's show is...
88 min
FF 214 - Legalizing Marijuana in Connecticut wi...
On today's episode of Felony Friday Nicholas Stein joins John to share his personal history in the criminal justice system and how it's motivated him to help to change marijuana laws in his home state.  Nicholas made some careless decision during...
61 min
ELL 162: State of the Loonion Recap, Iowa Hilar...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian gives his recap and reaction to Trump's 2020 State of the Union, the latest on the (maybe man-made) Coronavirus, and the hilarious buffoonery of the Democratic Caucus in Iowa. Show notes at Support the show!...
59 min
437. A Paradigm Shift on Abortion? Kerry Baldwi...
In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, host Marc Clair is joined by Kerry Baldwin of and the podcast to discuss her unique take on the subject of abortion, one that critiques not only the standard "pro-choice" and "pro-life" positions, but...
61 min
FF 213 - Why the Innocent Plea Guilty with Mast...
On today's episode John is joined by Mark Jankins aka Master Mark. Mark is a rapper who first popped up on John's radar when he appeared on the to talk about his hit song . Mark is not on this show to talk gardening, instead he's here to expose a...
53 min
ELL 161: Impeachment, Helicopter Crashes and Io...
On today's Electric Libertyland Brian is having a baby (his wife is anyway. Brian is probably just annoying hospital staff), so Odie and Howie fill in for a wild, fun-filled episode. They discussed some interesting developments in the impeachment...
78 min
436 Who Sunk the Hawaii Super Ferry? The Nittan...
In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, host Marc Clair is joined by his normal "Conspiracy Corner" crew of J.B., Howie and Rico for the debut of a new regular feature on Lions of Liberty, the Nittany Level Choice! Each month, one of our...
47 min
FF 212 - Finally Free - Maurice Clifton Shares ...
On today's episode Maurice Clifton joins John to share his story. Maurice was released from prison just two weeks ago, on January 10th!  Maurice originally was sentenced to 33 years and 4 months for crimes where nobody was hurt. He went to trial...
67 min
ELL 160: The MSM Simulated Reality on 2nd Amend...
On today's Electric Libertyland: Brian doesn't care about impeachment, and neither should you. Then, the MSM paint a dishonest reality around 2nd Amendment protests in Virginia, Hillary Clinton and the Dem establishment turn on the Bern, Tulsi...
62 min
435. Life in the Free State w/ Jason Sorens and...
In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, host Marc Clair is joined a couple of Free State Project (FSP) stalwarts, as both FSP founder Jason Sorens and early mover Jody Underwood and former FSP board member both make their debuts on the flagship!...
56 min
FF 211 - Systematic Sexual Abuse at a Florida P...
On today's show Lauren Reynolds joins John to share her story. Lauren, along with thirteen other women, are standing up and doing their best to expose the criminal behavior they were subjected to while in the federal system by filing a lawsuit against...
46 min
Drunken Democratic Debate "Recap" #9: Everythin...
Marc and Howie are joined by the great Monica Perez of the to "recap" the latest Democratic Debate over the usual adult beverages. In reality, they end up discussing just about everything besides the debate, from whether Pete Buttigieg is really a...
83 min
ELL 159: Oscar Diversity "Snubs" Furor Shows Le...
On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian continues to examine the fallout from the strike on Iranian General Soleimani, the hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy and Trumps boast of troops for sale. Then Brian gets into the newest #OscarsSoWhite...
64 min
434. The Californiatarians: Michael Boldin, Jos...
In today's flagship Lions of Liberty podcast, host Marc Clair is joined by fellow Californiatarians Michael Boldin of the and LNC Chair candidate Joshua Smith for Libertarians in Living Rooms...drinking Cherry Coke and vaping CBD. Ok, so Marc is the...
57 min
FF 210 - Jeffrey Epstein Suicide Hoax Exposed w...
Larry Levine joins John to discuss the Jeffrey Epstein suicide hoax, which is becoming more absurd by the day. Larry is an expert in Federal Criminal Law and understands the prison system better than anyone. During a ten year stint in prison he served...
63 min
ELL 158: Trump May Have Started WWIII and Ricky...
On this week's Electric Libertyland Brian focuses on Trump's insane attack on Iranian General Soleimani, the reactions, and his take on the impetus and fallout; and Ricky Gervais issues his own stunning attack on woke celebrities. Show notes at
54 min
433. Road Diets and the War on Cars w/ Jay Beeber
In the first flagship Lions of Liberty podcast of the "Roaring 20's" , Marc is joined by Jay Beeber of to discuss road diets, the War on Cars, and how he he has fought transportation tyranny in Los Angeles. For show notes head to Help us launch this...
50 min
FF 209 - Karl Fort was Sentenced to Life in Pri...
On today's episode of Felony Friday Karl Fort shares his story from a life sentence to freedom. Fort was initially sentenced to LIFE in federal prison for a drug related offense. However, in 2016, the federal government granted his petition for a...
42 min
ELL 157: Rand's Festivus, The Boogaloo and "Do ...
Happy New Year! On the first Electric Libertyland of 2020, Brian jumps on a few quick stories before unleashing the might of "Do Nothing Man" vs. the Terrible Tariffster. Show notes at  
50 min