Lions of Liberty Network

The greatest OG libertarian/anarchist podcast network in the world. On Monday, John Odermatt delivers a powerful mix of inspiration, health and faith to set your mind, body and soul free with "Finding Freedom," Wednesday Brian McWilliams will make you laugh at our broken world while providing the promise of a better future with Mean Age Daydream, and Fridays we have "Meme Wars" with some politics, some comedy and some memes.

FF 435: Radical Transformation with with James ...
James Whitfield is the Founder and CEO at Ex-Offenders Resource Network.
50 min
The Political Class Just Sh*t In Our Mouths
37 min
ReAwaken America with Clay Clark
Today on Finding Freedom we welcome Clay Clark back to the show. Clay is an American business trainer, entrepreneur, event organizer, podcast host, author, public speaker, business investor and real estate investor.
30 min
Drop Memes, Not Bombs & No, Eating Doesn't Make...
32 min
Tower Gang Toad in the Hole! Cohen / Hogg Guns,...
55 min
FF 433: Fighting Back Against the Great Reset w...
Jason Jones, in his new book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset, he lays out a full-scale campaign against this “Great Reset” to help equip you with the armor to protect and defend yourself, your loved ones, and all those vulnerable to the antihuman designs of global elites who have demonstrated a propensity for trampling basic human rights to achieve their one-world vision.
58 min
The Moon is Made of Gas? / Elon vs Brazilian So...
26 min
FF 432: Good to Go: Fitness and Travel with Jas...
On today's show Jason Gagne joins to talk about the health obstacles that he had to navigate in order to build his strength and agility, now he helps others to do the same with Good 2 Go Body.
49 min
Meme Wars: Is the American Dream Dead?
Is the American Dream dead? On today’s meme wars Brian and Odie talk about the quickly unraveling state of the American economy before slinging some sweet memes.
26 min
The Religion of Trans / Will JK Rowling be Arre...
47 min
FF 431: Launching a Podcast Studio with Dan Wise
Today we welcome Dan Wise back to the program. Dan was on Felony Friday way back in 2017 to talk about his prison consulting business and growing YouTube channel. Since then he has gone all in on podcasting and is building an awesome community through Wise Media Group LLC.
47 min
Baltimore Bridge Crash Expert Insight / "3 Body...
36 min
FF 430: Creating a Parallel Wellness Economy wi...
Peter Gillooly is today’s guest on Finding Freedom. Peter is the CEO of The Wellness Company. He holds degrees in engineering and business and has led several other tech startups prior to The Wellness Company.
51 min
Dr. David Beito on FDR & The New Deal's War on ...
46 min
FF 429: Combatting the Fertility Crisis with An...
52 min
Meme Wars: Fani Gets to Stay / Haitian BBQ
30 min
The Boeing Suicides / Oregon Woke Trail / UK Ba...
40 min
FF 428: Creating the Life You Want with Jeremy ...
Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world.
48 min
Escape the "U.S. Corporation" & Your Secret Tax...
59 min
FF 427: Frank Parlato Wants to Make Jerry Sandu...
Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist. Lately, Frank has been writing prolifically on his website, Frank Report, exposing the farce known as the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
50 min
Eric Brakey is Leaving Politics and Joining the...
Eric Brakey joins Brian and John to discuss his pivot from politics (Maine State Senator 2014 - 18, 2022 - present) to take on the Executive Director role with the Free State Project.
49 min
Lefty Comedy Waves the White Flag / The Burning...
36 min
FF 426: Persecuted for Using the Wrong Pronouns
Today on Finding Freedom we dig into some important topics, for example, Indiana parents had their child removed from their care for using the wrong pronouns.
54 min
Philosophy vs. Reality / NYPD's "Flop and Frisk...
37 min
FF 425: Living Off the Land and Building a Lega...
Sonia Gomez is co-founder of Abundant Acres, which is focused on helping families design regenerative food systems, family compounds, and profit centers on their property to live healthy, happy, and free.
60 min