It's All Journalism

It’s All Journalism is a weekly podcast about the changing state of digital media. Each episode you’ll hear working journalists talk about how they do their jobs. They also discuss the latest trends in journalism and how they impact our democratic society.

Society & Culture
#333 Whose truth are journalists telling and wh...
Journalists are dedicated to telling the truth, but whose? Stephanie Lepp, an independent artist and host of the Reckonings podcast, joins producer Michael O'Connell to discuss the difference between telling the truth and telling...
31 min
#331 Investigating abuse by priests in the Cath...
Charlie Specht, an investigative reporter with WKBW in Buffalo, joins producers Michael O’Connell and Amelia Brust to discuss his months-long work investigating accusations of sexual abuse of children and young men by priests in the Catholic...
26 min
#330 Lawsuit against Trump aims to counter assa...
On this week's It's All Journalism podcast, host Michael O'Connell talks to Kristy Parker, legal counsel for the Protect Democracy Project, about the lawsuit her organization, PEN America and the Yale School Media...
25 min
#329— Looking back at the subprime mortgage cri...
Hard to believe it's been 10 years since the housing bubble burst, sending the stock market into a tailspin. Lisa Rowan, a senior writer and on-air analyst with The Penny Hoarder, and Alex Mahadevan, a data journalist at The Penny...
32 min
#328 Unraveling metrics, subscription models to...
Gwen Vargo, director of reader revenue with the American Press Institute, joins producer Michael O'Connell to discuss the finer points of how to get readers to first click on the articles reporters spend so much time creating, and then...
31 min
#327 Black Dance Magazine aims for January rel...
On this week's It's All Journalism, Producer Michael O'Connell talks to publisher Norma Porter about the relaunch of Black Dance Magazine, which tells the stories of dancers of color. Porter is running a GoFundMe fundraiser for
41 min