What Next: TBD | Tech, power, and the...

Every Friday and Sunday, Slate’s popular daily news podcast What Next brings you TBD, a clear-eyed look into the future. From fake news to fake meat, algorithms to augmented reality, Lizzie O’Leary is your guide to the tech industry and the world it’s creating for us to live in.

Tech News
Business News
Nietzsche with a 3D Printer
Meet the DIY weapons maker who says gun control is “a fantasy.”
45 min
“You Have to Be Heard”
FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn says the fight for a free and open internet isn’t over.
43 min
How Russian Trolls Went Local
A Deep Dive Into How Russia Gamed Facebook
35 min
“Like” Is Too Simple an Emotion
The inventor of Facebook’s iconic button reflects on technology’s unintended consequences.
42 min
FISA and Fury
National security expert Marcy Wheeler explains the hypocrisy behind the Nunes Memo
40 min
Through The Revolving Door Between Facebook and...
A Former Facebook Employee Says Russia Used Its Ad Tools As Designed
34 min
Dudebros Everyday
Journalist Taylor Lorenz takes us inside the cultish, male-dominated world of teen YouTube stars and how they make millions
30 min
The Problem With Facebook Is Facebook
Why Facebook and “Meaningful Interactions” Don’t Mix
33 min
Live from CES: Our Dumb "Smart" Future
How many laundry folding robots do we really need?
31 min
Science Fiction by ABBA
Batterygate, the gig economy, and science-fiction clichés
33 min
What’s a Firefox?
If Then on Uber’s misdeeds, media consolidation, and Firefox’s future.
38 min
Beanie Babies for Geeks
Will the end of net neutrality be the start of an Internet ice age?
29 min
The Ellen Pao Effect
Ellen Pao Knows Who Will Fix Sexism In Silicon Valley
24 min
Antitrust Superstar
Trump Is Tackling Monopolies. Is Silicon Valley Next?
35 min
Hack Friday
A digital media bubble, the death of net neutrality, and Brian Krebs on Black Friday cybersecurity
39 min
Leaving Zen on the Table
And How Fighting Tech with Tech Might Make More Tech...
45 min
You Can’t Hardcode Community
An expert on trolls and hate speech says there’s no easy fix for online harassment
35 min
Trash Moths to the Trash Flame
If Then's first episode digs into the congressional hearings on social media & Russian election meddling
41 min
Coming Nov. 2, Slate's New Tech Show IF THEN
A Tech Podcast From Slate
8 min