High Wire Woman with Rosanna Berardi

Rosanna Berardi is a lawyer, mother, and entrepreneur. She built her immigration law firm, Berardi Immigration Law, from her home apartment to a multi-million-dollar company in 15 short years. Rosanna is also the Founder and CEO of High Wire Woman, a consulting firm that provides systems and solutions to working women. She believes working women can “have it all” and shows her clients how to stay on the tight rope of life.

Episode 6: 10 Minutes a Day - How to Live Longe...
Working women all have the same problems—what to cook for dinner, how to sleep better, how to juggle work, family and life in general.  It’s not easy.  The world of a working women is super complicated and challenging to say the least.  How can we...
17 min
Episode 5: Simple and easy ways to brighten up ...
Recreate Your Surroundings: Simple and easy ways to brighten up your home and officeThe pandemic has caused all of us to stay home more.  Whether we’re working from home or supervising our kids’ remote learning, we are definitely in our homes now more...
15 min
EPISODE 4: Love the Skin You’re In
It’s mid-October here in New York State and the days are getting longer, darker and colder.  The first thing I notice during this season is the drying of my skin.  You know that feeling when you get out of the shower and your face feels tight?  Or when...
23 min
Episode 3: What's for Dinner? Meal Planning Ideas
The hardest decision most working women face every day is deciding “what’s for dinner?”  Why do we have to eat dinner every single day???  After trying several options including, a private chef (too pricey), prepared meals (tasted awful), meal kits...
15 min
Episode 2: Working from home or living at work?
The majority of working women are working from home these days.  But are we really?  A friend of mine coined a new phrase for the way we work and I couldn’t agree with it more.  COVID-19 has forced us to all live at work, without leaving our...
8 min
Episode 1: The Pandemic and the Gender Divide
The Covid-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting working women. A recent Buzzfeed article highlights the stress of the working women and it’s impact on her partner/spouse.  It’s not good!Women are now not only trying to work but cook, clean and...
13 min
Preview: Rosanna Berardi's 'High Wire Woman'
Working women: how many things are you expected to do on a daily basis? Work, raise kids, make dinner, walk 10,000 steps, prepare plant-based meals and oh…don’t forget to plan interesting date nights with your partner and amazing vacations! ENOUGH! It’s...
2 min