
Maybe you’ve laid awake and imagined how it could have been, how it might yet be, but the moment to act was never right. Well, the moment is here and the podcast making it happen is Heavyweight. Join Jonathan Goldstein for road trips, thorny reunions, and difficult conversations as he backpedals his way into the past like a therapist with a time machine. From Spotify Studios.

Personal Journals
Hello from Heavyweight
0 min
#58 Harry
Before Scott died, he bequeathed to his brothers his beloved pet parrot, Harry. The brothers promised to care for the bird. Except they didn’t. Over twenty years later, they want to find Harry and make things right.
42 min
Heavyweight Short: Loch
Loch swears his kindergarten teacher used to steal his cheese. But no one believes him.
26 min
Heavyweight Short: Yasser
When Yasser was a boy, he saw a cartoon that changed his life. He’s been searching for it ever since. The only problem is… it’s vanished.
23 min
Introducing: Death, Sex & Money
Heavyweight will be back next week with a brand new episode.
34 min
#57 The Budget Motel
In 1993, Nick was shot in an Idaho motel room. One stranger came to his aid. Nick wants to find him.
36 min
#56 44 Photos
One morning, Amy opened her mailbox and found a package with 44 photos inside—photos of complete strangers. Now Amy wonders: Who are they? And why were the photos sent to her?
28 min
#55 Toby
After his father’s death, Toby found a box of cassette tapes in his dad’s house. These private recordings tell the story of how his parents’ relationship fell apart—a story that Toby never knew, and might not want to know.
45 min
Introducing: The Retrievals
Heavyweight will be back with a new episode next week.
57 min
#54 Victor and Maite
Victor can’t stop painting portraits of his ex-wife, decades after their divorce.
32 min
#53 Leif
On Valentine’s Day in junior high, Leif was supposed to ask Kalila out. But he never did. Seventeen years later, Kalila wants to know why.
42 min
#52 Lenny
Lenny was Jonathan's childhood best friend, but they drifted apart as they grew into adulthood. Now, Lenny is dying and needs a friend. So Jonathan makes the call.
41 min
Trailer: Heavyweight Season 8
Season 8 begins October 5th.
1 min
#51 The Elliotts
In 1525, the Archbishop of Glasgow placed a curse on the Elliott family. Now, 500 years later, one very unlucky branch of the Elliotts wants it lifted.
55 min
#50 Nick
Is Nick hearing his dead brother’s voice in a song by a Grammy-nominated musician?
39 min
Heavyweight Short: Jesse & Tori
For Jesse, Tori has always been the one that got away.
19 min
#49 Another Roadside Attraction
When Stephanie was in high school, a bookstore seemingly dropped out of the sky into her small Texas town. Then, just as quickly, it was gone.
45 min
#48 Ben
Ben was just a kid when Sihan arrived from Korea. He lived with Ben’s family for several years. And then one day, just as suddenly as he’d arrived, Sihan was gone. Ben has been trying to find him ever since.
35 min
#47 Frederick J. Brown
Maia found a painting in the garbage and took it home. But as it turned out, it wasn’t just any painting.
33 min
Heavyweight Short: Cody
One day in high school, Cody received a hug that melted his heart. Sixteen years later, he still can’t stop thinking about it.
15 min
#46 Dan
On Dan’s first date with his wife Nancy, a stranger took their photograph. Nineteen years later, Dan wants the photo back. But to get it, he'll have to face the last person he wants to.
37 min
#45 Sgt. John Kapphahn
When Melanie was a kid, she recorded Billy Ray Cyrus’s 1993 TV Special over something irreplaceable: the sole copy of an interview her father did on Walter Cronkite after being injured in Vietnam. Thirty years later, she wants to make things right.
40 min
#44 Sara
Sara received a letter from a woman with the exact same name as her. In it, the woman claimed to be her childhood best friend. The only problem? Sara doesn’t remember this person. At all.
41 min
#43 Maura
When Maura was 17, her favorite cousin died in a car crash. Maura’s been too afraid to drive ever since. But now, a decade later, she wants to face her fear.
35 min
#42 Mark
When Mark was in college, his dream was to be a famous painter. It’s a dream he missed out on by only an inch. This is the story of that inch.
40 min