Greg Williams The Master Negotiator a...

One way to #WinMoreNegotiations is to #IncreaseYourNegotiationSkills. By enhancing your #NegotiationSkills you’ll #NegotiateBetter. Continue to discover more!

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

For more free tips on how you can become a better negotiator while reading body language, go to  


(Click to see and Tweet) Greg’s quote!

#TheMasterNegotiator #GregWilliams #negotiation #CSuiteNetwork #HarvardBusinessReview #NegotiationTraining #NegotiationSkills #GlobalGurus 

“How Long Will You Carry Your Burdens”
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>When surrounded by burdens, the path forward can be daunting. Thus, burdens can have a profound negative impact on your life. But if you know how to deal with them, you can move through life and negotiations easier.&nbsp;</p> <p>When you listen to this podcast, you’ll discover helpful thought-provoking insights that you can use to rid your mind and your environment of burdens. You'll be better for doing so.&nbsp;</p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p>For more helpful tips on how you can negotiate better and to learn how you can do so by reading body language, go to <a href=""><strong></strong></a><a href=""><strong> </strong></a>- There you'll find free tips that you can use to improve your life.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
0 min
“How To Stop Crazy Negotiators From Killing Neg...
<p>Never be overwhelmed, baffled by, or #bullied by a #crazy #negotiator again. This episode tells you how you can prevent yourself from being taken advantage of when you #negotiate against such people in your #negotiations.&nbsp;</p> <p>Everyone encounters crazy negotiators at times. After listening to this episode, you'll know how to deal with the crazy types of negotiators that you encounter.&nbsp;</p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p>For more insightful and free information about how you can become a better negotiator, while learning how to read body language, go to ... &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=" ">;</a></p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“How Does This End”
<p>This episode helps you answer the question, how does this #end? That's a question you should ask yourself before engaging in an activity that could impact the rest of your life. The point is, without considering how one activity might influence another, you go through life somewhat blind.&nbsp;</p> <p>You'll discover tools in this episode that just might cause you to pause long enough to open your eyes to potential #danger, #risks, and #harm that might await you should you choose the wrong path.&nbsp;</p> <p>When you hear the story about the $10,000,000 contract and how $20,000 could have been saved, you'll reflect upon decisions you make.&nbsp;</p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p>For more insightful information about how you can become a better negotiator and learn to read body language, go to <a href=""></a> &nbsp;There, you'll find free tips and articles that you can use to increase your negotiation abilities.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
5 min
“Negotiator - How To Detect Hidden Danger In A ...
<p>When you shake someone's hand, what does it say? What silent signals are you and the other person sending to one another?&nbsp;</p> <p>A handshake conveys a lot of information. It can indicate when someone is trying to dominate you. It can also send a message that says, I'm willing to follow you. That, and a whole lot more is sent through the simple exchange of a handshake.&nbsp;</p> <p>In this episode, you'll discover helpful information that will allow you to understand the silent information sent when people exchange a handshake. Having this insight will allow you to understand the intent of someone simply by the way they shake your hand. The information will also give you a 'hand up' when you deal with people and in your negotiations.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>For more free helpful information about how you can negotiate better and read body language, go to <a href=" ">;</a></p> <p><br></p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“What Are You Waiting For”
<p>What are you waiting for? This episode will help you answer that question when assessing where you are versus where you'd like to be in your life.&nbsp;</p> <p>Do you know what you’re waiting for is a question that you need to evaluate when assessing why you’re not in a better place – at a better point in your life.&nbsp;</p> <p>When you engage in activities that don’t support the goals you wish to achieve, you should ask yourself, what am I waiting for? When you find yourself veering off-track of a successful endeavor, take note of where you’re headed. And if you don’t like the distant destination that you’re headed towards, ask yourself, what am I waiting for? That will help you get back on track.</p> <p><strong>Remember, you're always negotiating</strong> ... even with yourself :) !</p> <p><br></p> <p>To obtain more insightful tips on how you can negotiate better and to learn how to read body language, go to <a href=""></a> - There you'll find lots of free and insightful information from which you can enhance your negotiation skills, while reading body language to enhance the process. &nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
5 min
“How To Be Better - Negotiator - Control Your R...
<p>Positioning in a #negotiation impacts a #<strong>negotiator</strong>’s ability to #negotiate before the negotiation begins. Because the way you position yourself determines how the other negotiator will perceive you. And it’ll regulate your interactions. Thus, to be a better negotiator, you must #<strong>control</strong> any #risky #positioning that might impact a negotiation.</p> <p>This episode outlines how you can control a negotiation by controlling the image that others have of you. It also discusses how to use influence and the influence you acquire from others to enhance the appearance that others have of you. By using the content you'll discover in this episode, you'll become more active in controlling risky behavior that could hurt your negotiation positioning efforts.&nbsp;</p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!&nbsp;</p> <p>For more insightful free tips on how you can become a better negotiator and to discover how you can learn to more accurately read body language, go to &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""></a> - There you'll find free information that you can use to enhance your negotiation skills.&nbsp;</p>
6 min
“How To Stop A Thief From Taking Your Life”
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>#Time is your most precious commodity. Once it’s gone, your #life ends. Thus, your time is your life. What you do with it determines what your life will be. &nbsp;</p> <p>No matter who you are, no matter what you do, every day a #<strong>thief</strong> takes a little bit of your <strong>life</strong> away from you. Depending upon your complicity in his act, he takes a little or a lot.&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode helps you become more #successful by drawing your attention to how you can better utilize your time. After listening to this episode, you'll become more mindful about using your time more wisely. Doing that will allow you to #achieve more in life.&nbsp;</p> <p>For more insightful tips on how you can #NegotiateBetter and #ReadBodyLanguage go to <a href=""></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- &nbsp;There you'll find free information that you can use to improve all aspects of your life by becoming a better negotiator.</p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“Negotiator - Embrace Right Buy-In - Cure Stupi...
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>“As a negotiator, getting the right buy-in helps you stop disasters before they occur.”</strong> -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator &amp; Body Language Expert</p> <p>Whether you realize it or not, you're always #negotiating! And, a good #<strong>negotiator</strong> knows, when you embrace the <strong>right </strong>buy-in, you <strong>cure </strong>hidden #<strong>disasters</strong> before they can occur.&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode highlights insights that'll allow you to discover how you can avoid disasters in your negotiations and life by getting the right people to buy-in to you, your dreams, and your goals.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>For more insightful tips on how you can become a better negotiator, while reading body language to enhance that process, go to <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;<br> Remember, you're always negotiating!&nbsp;</p>
6 min
“His Body Language Screamed - Alert Gullible Li...
<p>&nbsp;Something about his <strong>body language</strong> caught my attention. It screamed, #<strong>liar</strong>!&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>What #BodyLanguage signals do you observe to detect when someone is #lying? Most people miss vital information conveyed through someone's body language because they don't know exactly what to observe.&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode gives insights into some of the gestures you should look for when assessing if someone's lying. It does that by telling the story of a man on a train that was asking for money to reach his daughter's location. His #lie did not escape me because I read his body language. After listening to this episode, you'll have those insights too.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>For more insightful tips on how you can read body language and negotiate better, go to <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“How To Use Disinformation To Negotiate Better”
<p>You set the stage for any #negotiation with information. That’s called positioning. The way you present that information, and its content, shape the persona the other negotiator has of your negotiation power, resources, and abilities. #<strong>Disinformation</strong> plays a vital role in shaping that persona &nbsp;- using it strategically can help you <strong>negotiate better</strong>.</p> <p>This episode discusses how you and use disinformation to negotiate better. It also outlines how you can combat the efforts of others to use disinformation against you.&nbsp;</p> <p>For more information about negotiation and reading body language, go to <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
5 min
“How To Make Your Words Colorful To Inspire Peo...
<p>If you wish to become more of a #leader, you must know how to use #words effectively. This episode will give you insights into how you can use words that have #color in them - they serve to #inspire #people.&nbsp;</p> <p>After listening to this episode, you'll become more aware of #alliterations, #rhythm of speech, and the flow by which people become inspired. This episode will help you become a better #communicator and increase your perception of being a #leader. It will also allow you to #increase your #negotiation #skills.</p> <p>If you'd like more insights about how you can become a better #negotiator, please visit &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">;</a></p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p>Thank you for listening.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
5 min
“How To Use Stop-Loss Brackets When You Negotia...
<p>This episode discusses how to use Stop-Loss Brackets when negotiating. Stop-Loss brackets can be used in any aspect of life to control one's emotions when making decisions that impact one's life. To #negotiate better, a good #negotiator will always employ Stop-Loss #brackets in their #negotiation.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you're not familiar with Stop-Loss Brackets, listen to this podcast and discover a whole new way of controlling situations. If you're familiar with Stop-Loss Brackets, listen to discover new ways to use this tool.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><em>For more information about reading body language and negotiation, click here!</em></a></p> <p>Remember, you're always negotiating!</p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“What Moves You The Most Fear Reward or Pain“ -...
<p>Do you know what moves you to action the quickest? You should always be aware of what motivates your actions. Having that insight allows you to be more aware of how you're driven by the decisions you make and how they're controlling your thoughts and actions.</p> <p><strong>This episode gives you insights about how you make decisions</strong>. It will also help you identify when you're predominantly driven by #fear, #reward, or #pain. Having that insight about yourself will allow you to control your actions and emotions better. It will also help you become a better #negotiator in life and your #negotiations.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click here</strong></a> to discover more information about negotiations and reading body language,&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“Persuasion - How To Use It In The Negotiation ...
<p>Have you ever wanted to become more persuasive? When it comes to persuasion, there are many factors to consider.&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode discusses the factors of persuasion from the perspective of a negotiator - because you're always negotiating. So, the episode gives insights into personality type, the negotiation situation, and the negotiation environment.&nbsp;</p> <p>After listening to this episode, you'll have additional information from which to negotiate better. You'll also have greater insight about what it takes to be more persuasive ... and everything will be right with the world.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
6 min
“What Is The Best Line To Be In?” - Episode #3
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode explores the possibilities of where lines can lead us in our life. It looks at lines as they move us along the path of life, be it in a negotiation, interactions with our friends and loved ones, and in our work environments. &nbsp;Most of the times, we're not aware of where such lines are taking us, nor the impact they have on our mental state state of mind.&nbsp;</p> <p>This episode will give you new insights into viewing lines from another perspective.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
5 min
"How To Use Microexpressions To Negotiate Better"
<p>This episode discusses the seven micro-expressions that are generic to everyone on earth. That means, everyone will display the same emotion to a stimulus no matter where they live on the planet. And, since micro-expressions last for less than one second and they occur before the brain has the chance to stop the emotion from being displayed, being able to read micro-expressions is like being able to read someone's mind.&nbsp;</p>
6 min