From The Bunker

From The Bunker

A one hour show about politics and pop culture

Once a week

Show #663
Legs and Jody were united via the Zoom. It was late. They were tired. Hope you tolerate this installment. Talk at you next week!
50 min
OK, OK, So...In 3 Acts
Sean discusses the Olympics, Ukraine, and the pandemic.
17 min
Show #662
David and Jody were in the Bunker. There was talk of Russia and Ukraine. The Durham BS. Donald and his accounting problems. Palin. And much more! Hope you enjoy this week's installment. Talk at you next week!
37 min
OK, OK, SO....traveling...
8 min
Show #661
Legs was in SF so he Zoomed in with Jody who was in the Bunker quarantining since Lonny traveled last week. And apparently Jody is a heavy breather. Lonny has one part of the house and Jody has the other. His first at home test for Covid was negative...only testing since he traveled to Florida! He has a PCR test on Saturday and if that and his 2nd at home test next Monday are all negative, quarantine will be over! Plus...McConnell is not happy about the RNC censuring Cheney and Kinzinger. Neither is Mitt Romney, he texted with his niece, who runs the RNC. Donald took WH documents to Mara-Lago! Illegal much? And much more! Hope you enjoy this week's installment. Talk at you next week!
53 min
Ok, Ok, So...Best Damn Salad
5 min
Ok, Ok, So...Why The Ban?
Sean discusses the Tennessee ban on Maus and banning of books in general.
5 min
Show #660
David and Jody were in the Bunker. Donald sounds super nervous while also trying to start a race war! Kayleigh turned over texts. David worries about Biden's messaging. And much more! Hope you enjoy this week's installment! Talk at you next week!
40 min
OK, OK, So...Sean's Covid Experience
Ok, Ok, another podcast we are offering on From The Bunker. It is Sean "Legs" Barton discussing his thoughts weekly. This week is his Covid experience. Hope you enjoy this week's installment! He will talk at you next week.
10 min
Show #659
Legs tested negative for Covid and was with Jody in the Bunker. We discussed his Covid, Jody's colonoscopy & mammogram, television and movies. And John Eastman. Plus more! Hope you enjoy this week's installment. Talk at you next week.
63 min
Show #658
David and Jody were in the Bunker. The GOP infighting is fun. Ginni Thomas should be investigated. Matt Gaetz is gonna be going through some things. Ghislaine Maxwell is not fighting the names of men being unredacted anymore, who knew she had the right to fight it...and that lead to ... David and Jody going off the rails disscussing the morality of young folks, 15-17 and old folks fornicating. It was David's idea. And some more! Hope you enjoy this week's definitely controversial show. It will be more civilized next week. Talk at you then!
56 min
Show #657
Legs was unable to make it today, but luckily author of "Laboratories of Autocracy", David Pepper was on the Zoom with Jody today talking about his book and the importance and urgency of the Senate doing its job to save our democracy. Hope you enjoy this week's installment. Talk at you next week!
35 min
Show #656
David and Jody were in the Bunker. David is positively Covid Negative. The filibuster may finally be reformed and voting rights might pass. Crossing our fingers, toes, and eyes. David discussed his Scientology experience. And much more! Hope you enjoy this week's installment. Talk at you next week!
43 min
Show #655
Legs and Jody were in the Bunker. Jody's brother and sister-in-law came in to drop stuff off. There was a lot of babbling.
55 min
Show #654
48 min
Show #653
45 min
Show #652
42 min
Show #651
Legs and Jody were in the Bunker. Guns were talked about along with the new Covid variant…GET VACCINATED. And, no we are not sorry we yelled about that. Some in Donald’s circle are going to be going through some things.
54 min
Show #650
David and Jody were in the Bunker. Vigilantism is potentially on the rise. The McMichael Bryan trial has gone to the jury and in our estimate, the prosecutor did a great job, hoping the jury agrees with her. We may be going authoritarian,
42 min
Show #649
Legs and Jody were in the Bunker. The Rittenhouse jury is out and what a trial it has been. The Wyoming GOP is mad at Liz Cheney. Donald’s Covid response. And much more! Hope you enjoy this week’s installment! Talk at you next week!
56 min
Show #648
Legs and Jody were in the Bunker, Legs was not expected, so our special guest, MARY TRUMP (Sorry to yell), was kind enough to share Legs with Jody. We talked “Foundation”, “Dune”, donald and other things! Super special thanks to Mary for sitting in and...
47 min
Show #647
David and Jody were in the Bunker. New 3 part series on the Jan. 6th insurrection in the Washington Post is worth the read and we talked about it a little. Elections in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Miami, Atlanta and more are today.
45 min
Show #646
David and Jody were in the Bunker. Certain members of Congress are going to be going through some things soon. Some Donald supporters are finally realizing he ain’t the guy they hoped he would be. And much more! Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.
37 min
Show #645
Legs was in the Bunker! Woo and HOOOO!!! Apologies for those on this email list. The first publishing of this episode went terribly awry. Anyway, Bannon may be going through some things, we’ll see. The Capitol insurrectionist who injured Officer Fanone...
48 min
Show #639
David and Jody were in the Bunker. Texas, Texas, Texas! CA Recall, VOTE NO! And much more! Hope you enjoy this week’s installment. Talk at you next week!
39 min