Fifth & Mission

The flagship news podcast of the San Francisco Chronicle. Producer/host Cecilia Lei and co-host Laura Wenus discuss the biggest stories of the day with Chronicle journalists and newsmakers from around the Bay Area. | Get full digital access to the Chronicle:

It's All Political: California Dreaming: Gavin ...
For coverage of Gov. Gavin Newsom's State of the State speech Tuesday night, Fifth & Mission presents The Chronicle's It's All Political podcast, hosted by Joe Garofoli. Sacramento reporters Alexei Koseff and Dustin Gardiner join host Joe Garofoli to break down Gov. Newsom's speech as he likely faces a recall.
25 min
Back to School: A Plan for San Francisco
After a year of distance learning, young kids in San Francisco public schools now have a date to return. Meredith Dodson, co-founder of the family group Decreasing the Distance, talks about the plan and its highlights problems.
19 min
Bay Area Man Admits Role in Historic FBI Burglary
March 8, 1971. While the nation watched the first Ali-Frazier fight, eight activists broke into a small FBI office near Philadelphia. The files they stole and leaked would change uncover Cointelpro and change America.
18 min
Trump, a Pandemic and a Coup: A Long-Distance L...
Reporter Tatiana Sanchez tells the story of a two-year separation and a remarkable reunion for San Francisco schoolteacher Kenny Kruse and Yar Zar Min of Myanmar.
15 min
Breaking: California's New Equity Vaccine Plan
Health reporter Catherine Ho talks about a big change in the state's vaccine program that will steer 40% of the supply to eligible people in the roughly 400 lowest-income ZIP codes.
8 min
The Bay Area Reopens, But is That a Good Idea?
San Francisco and other counties entered the red tier on Wednesday, reopening indoor dining, gyms and museums. But is that smart with just a fraction of the population vaccinated and variants taking hold? Chronicle reporters Aidin Vaziri and Steve Rubenstein discuss the city's first day in the red tier and why it has some doctors concerned.
21 min
Is the End of Shutdown Near?
San Francisco prepares to open indoor dining and other activities as the city moves into the red tier. Erin Allday talks about whether we can expect another surge or if vaccines mean the worst is coming to an end.
16 min
What's Next for Schools After Reopening Deal?
Reporters Alexei Koseff and Jill Tucker talk about California's multibillion-dollar reopening plan, which could mean a windfall for schools if they meet certain dates and requirements.
17 min
Was it Blackface or Acne Cream? Blackface Accus...
Two boys who were forced out of a Bay Area high school over what appeared to be a blackface photo have filed a $20 million lawsuit, saying the selfie was years old and they were actually wearing acne medication. It's the latest emotional dispute over racism on campus and the responsibility of schools. Reporter Matthias Gafni and columnist Justin Phillips talk about the case and the necessary conversation it raises.
19 min
When Will Tourists Return to San Francisco?
The city's 215 hotels are usually packed nightly. But a year into the pandemic, half of them are temporarily closed, the rest mostly empty. S.F. Hotel Council CEO Kevin Carroll talks about how a key industry can rebound.
25 min
The Cost of Anti-Asian Racism
Reporter Janelle Bitker talks about conversations she's been having with Bay Area Asian Americans who have been victims of coronavirus-related racism, including a recent series of brutal physical attacks.
21 min
Remembering Lawrence Ferlinghetti
The legendary poet, publisher and City Lights founder, who died Tuesday, is remembered by Jerry Cimino of the Beat Museum and others, and we hear him recite from "A Coney Island of the Mind."
18 min
Half a Million Dead
The U.S. has surpassed 500,000 dead in the COVID-19 pandemic as steady progress is being made on vaccinations. Reporter Erin Allday talks about that and new worries about a variant spreading in California.
17 min
Can San Francisco's Iconic Cable Cars be Saved?
San Francisco's 148-year-old cable cars have been out-of-service for nearly a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with no timeline for returning.
16 min
Is the Winter Surge Over?
We're not out of the woods, but health reporter Erin Allday says the Bay Area is turning the corner on the pandemic. Plus: Business reporter Carolyn Said on a study estimating tens of thousands have died due to the nation's unemployment crisis.
19 min
How a Year of Distance Learning is Impacting C...
No San Francisco public school student has seen the inside of a classroom in nearly a year, though six elementary schools are ready to reopen -- eventually. Chronicle reporter Jill Tucker explains the latest on the move to reopen the city's schools and how Zoom school has spelled disaster for some kids.
22 min
A Man in Crisis Killed: Will the Officer Be Cha...
Reporter Rachel Swan talks about her investigation into the police shooting of a mentally ill man in Danville. An officer killed Laudemer Arboleda, who was unarmed, after stepping in front of his car during a low-speed chase.
22 min
The New Battle of People's Park
Just as in 1969, when Gov. Ronald Reagan sent in the National Guard, activists want to preserve the Berkeley park while UC wants to build housing. Times — and the stakes — have changed, but reporter Sarah Ravani says the fight is a familiar one.
15 min
Extra Spicy: The Fight to Save Chinatown
The 2021 Lunar New Year marks a full year of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on San Francisco’s Chinatown. Well before the Bay Area shut down, America’s oldest Chinatown experienced reduced business and xenophobia. With thousands living in Single Room Occupancy hotels and legacy businesses on the brink of closure, the neighborhood is fighting to survive. This is an episode of The Chronicle's food and culture podcast, Extra Spicy.
29 min
Chinatown's Endangered Banquet Halls
Large banquets have long been crucial to San Francisco's Chinese community, and the halls that host them have been the backbone of Chinatown. Journalist Melissa Hung talks about their decline and efforts to save them.
19 min
New Coronavirus Variant Found in Bay Area
The South Africa mutation has been identified in two patients, in Alameda and Santa Clara counties. As reporter Erin Allday explains, this could present a challenge: Current vaccines aren't as effective in fighting this variant.
16 min
Trump Trial Moves Forward
The Chronicle's Washington correspondent Tal Kopan has the latest from the impeachment of Donald Trump.
20 min
Will S.F. Schools Reopen This Year?
A deal between the district and labor unions only sets the conditions needed to return. Will it happen before summer? And what might the school day look like? Jill Tucker has answers.
16 min
Why You're Hitting the Pandemic Wall
Feeling exhausted, confused and just plain over it? You're not alone. Reporter Ryan Kost looks at the mix of good and bad news on the coronavirus front and why it's causing so much uncertainty.
16 min
Phil Matier Says Goodbye to the Chronicle
Ending his column after 35 years, Matier talks to Joe Garofoli about covering Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris from the beginning in this excerpt from the It's All Political podcast.
12 min