Explore Premuim Health

Explore Health Talk Weekly is a wellness-focused Health podcast where we listen to various Healthcare professionals as they give a detailed breakdown of "over 5000+ human health issues" and of course give "valid treatment and/or management processes" for these health problems. We notice an ever-increasing burden of chronic diseases, primarily driven by a lack of common knowledge and the inability to ask questions. We need to know about these diseases in bits and reliable treatment procedures to follow up with. Join us every week for fresh episodes as we bring you the "Best Health and Fitness/Wellness Updates" coined from "evidence-based research". Explore Health Talk Weekly is a must-listen-to podcast show for deep explanations and candid discussions on critical health and wellness issues afflicting our society. Make sure to subscribe to not miss new episodes. Tell a friend and you might save a soul. Enjoy the show. _Nezpod Studios. ® 2022.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Nephritic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that result from damage to the kidneys and is often confused with nephritic syndrome in fatigue syndrome there is a substantial amount of protein being lost through the kidneys in the urine defined as more than 3.5 grams per day this leads to hypoalbuminemia a low level of albumin in the blood as albumin is the most abundant protein normally in the blood these two are defining features in nephrotic syndrome nephritic syndrome is different in that there is less proteinuria but also the presence of hematuria and red blood cell or white blood cell casts in the urine hypertension and oliguria which is a reduced urine output typically between 80 and 400 ml per day the
11 min
Chronic kidney disease
chronic kidney disease or chronic renal failure is a progressive irreversible condition characterized by either a reduction in kidney function or kidney damage as a result of any cause that a present for more than 3 months it is divided into stages based on the glomerular filtration rate which is a measure of how well the kidneys are functioning it shows the flow rate of filtrate through the glomerulus of the Nephron into the Bowman's capsule and ultimately through the renal tubules the stages are labeled 1 to 5 with 2 groups in stage 3 the definition of a reduced GFR is below 60 milliliters per minute but in groups 1 and 2 the GFR may actually be above 60 but there is evidence of kidney damage end-stage renal disease
15 min
Nephritic Syndrome With Pathology
nephritic syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that result from glomerulonephritis which is inflammation of the kidney specifically the glomerulus this could be remembered because itís means inflammation rather than being a disease itself nephritic syndrome is the manifestation of an underlying disease that causes the inflammation and there are many of these causes it is easily confused with nephrotic syndrome which instead is a collection of signs and symptoms resulting from a high amount of protein being lost through the kidneys in the urine this leads to hypoalbuminemia meaning low levels of albumin in the blood these are the two defining features in nephrotic syndrome there is some overlap but nephritic syndrome is different in that the degree of proteinuria is lower and there is the
15 min
The Bones of the Hand & Wrist In 2 Minutes (Wit...
tricky to remember but this pneumonic will help you remember not only the names but also their positions the rest is made up of eight bones roughly in two rows of four the pneumonic starts as some lovers try positions s is for the scaphoid L flew name T4 triquetrum and P Pi is a form to remember the position you can use the letter P because the Paisa form is on the same side as the pinky the scaphoid and the lunate articulate with the and the radius is always on the same side as the thumb the second half of the pneumonic is that they can't handle which is for the trapezium trapezoid capitate and hamate the scaphoid is the most commonly injured bone of the wrist usually from a fall onto an outstretched hand
4 min
Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow (Lateral & Medi...
tennis elbow and golfer's elbow a to similar conditions causing pain in the elbow and a medically know is lateral and medial epicondylitis respectively this means inflammation of the epicondyles which are bony protuberance has on the distal of the humerus the elbow is made up of the humerus articulated with the radius and ulna and allows for flexion and extension of the forearm however there are muscles that attach to the epicondyles that allow for wrist hand and finger movements like grasping and twisting and repetitive use of these muscles is thought to lead to micro attendance generating pain for this reason the conditions are known as enter Sapa these-- which means attachment point disease in
7 min
Osgood Schlatter Disease (Tibial Tubercle Apoph...
Osgood-Schlatters disease also known as tibial tubercle apophysitis is a condition characterized by anterior knee due to inflammation of the apophysis and apophysis is a normal developmental protuberance from a bone that provides an insertion site for tendons in this case the patellar tendon on to the tibial tubercle it primarily affects children and adolescents because by adulthood the apophysis will fuse with the rest of the tibia it is weaker than 10 and so is prone to injury Osgood-Schlatters disease is a stress or traction injury that occurs due to repetitive Force being applied through the strong patellar tendon on to the tibial tubercle typically from movements involving leg extension such as running or jumping but
5 min
Shoulder Dislocation (Glenohumeral Joint Disloc...
...a shoulder dislocation is when the humerus separates from the shoulder joint and is the most common of the large joint dislocation normally the shoulder joint is made up of the head of the humerus articulated with the glenoid fossa of the scapula which is why it is known as the glenohumeral or joint it is a synovial ball and socket joint with a large range of motion but at the cost of being more unstable the head of the humerus is around four times larger in the shallow surface area of the glenoid fossa which contributes to the large range of motion but also to the instability the joint is stabilized by surrounding the glenoid labrum is a bring of fibrocartilage around the glenoid fossa that better anchors the humerus and glenoid and there are also a number
9 min
Ankle Fractures
ankle fractures a common injuries involving a break in one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint there are three bones that make up the ankle the tibia fibula and tailless specifically the medial and posterior malleolus by of the and the lateral malleolus of the fibula there is an additional joint between the tibia and fibula called the tibiofibular syndesmosis this is a fibrous structure made up of the anterior and posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament and the interosseous membrane the ankle is a hinge primarily allowing supplanter and dorsiflexion and is at its least stable in plantarflexion it is described as a mortise and Tenon joint which are essentially a hole and the
9 min
Stress Response - Health FAQs with Dr Gates
for those of you who have not tuned in to us we run essentially a chronic pain practice board Gates is board certified functional neurologist I'm a board-certified functional medicine practitioner we melded those two disciplines into a model of care to address a substantial portion of chronic conditions chronic Jesus and and although we cure few we're able to help most get under some some control quite considerable control and be able to manage their case and the properly selected and the properly cite the patient the reason we cure for you is because pretty much everybody walks in here ends up having an autoimmune problem and they also usually walk in here under a chronic stress with a chronic stress response usually we caught a sympathetic dominance or fight flight system is engaged and it doesn't tend to let go these things can lead to anxiety
9 min
Hashimoto and Plastics - Health FAQs with Dr Gates
.so we're going to talk about Hashimoto and Plastics today Hashimoto's is a subject that we've been long associated with frankly probably for most people are associated with and we're taking quite a bit of use for even diagnosing people at and so and getting heat on it and the point from that is that Hashimoto is the understanding of what's going on with Hashimoto's is the number of things it's related to the things that can create a Hashimoto's isn't it is an immune attack on your thyroid primarily and so you're always looking for the things that are creating the immune attack and and and it can be a multitude of things and I was just mentioning to dr. Gates we're talking about Plastics that I remember reading about that at like 10 years ago but wondering is actually something that has something to do with it because back then it was I was everything was Metals was right it was it was is there anything you could think of the alternative groups were putting out as yet avoid all of this which is basically everything in life it seemed like but it turns out that Plastics do create a negative effect on the condition of Hashimoto's and so we're going to discuss that this probably fairly briefly it's not a long topic I would assume and so and if it's not brief then that's fine too so so Plastics as the famous gentleman in the Dustin Hoffman movie from many years ago The Graduate said to Dustin Hoffman when he had him in his graduate courses okay so I'm 65 days going to be people more my age The Graduate it was the famous line for the decade
8 min
Immune System - Health FAQs With Dr. Gates
"...and today we're going to talk about a concept that has time so I think been controversial I think at times been considered theoretical when I first got into functional medicine years ago is actually a prominent Conrad of the immune system and because what we started to realize was in chronic pain we have a chronic pain practice for those of you who haven't watched us before and we treat just about anything that won't go away and we've combined two disciplines functional neurology and functional medicine to address fibromyalgia and periphery often chronic fatigue and chronic got problems chronic thyroid problems and dizziness vertigo balance things that won't go away people get things they go away B they don't go away you need to know why and the immune system was an obvious first place to start I think for those in the field at that time that there must be something with the immune that's causing the problem there's a concept called th1 th2 shifts th1 th2 balance I've drawn the little seesaw picture of it and I think a thousand times and try and explain to people and and and I think it's I don't I think dr. Gates is going to explain to me today whether it's getting more credibility or just something that you're using more because you see it's a valuable tool because it is affecting people frequently will talk about that Gates does all the treatment now and he's always researching and frequently will tell talk to me about how this was a th this was a shift during pregnancy this is the mystical why do I get pregnant and then I feel good and then all sudden I don't after I deliver the child it's this is the if you have allergies you have a shift more towards one side than the other so and certain autoimmune problems have a certain quality..."
16 min
Serotonin Syndrome Serotonin Toxicity - Psycho...
serotonin syndrome also known as serotonin toxicity is a potentially life-threatening condition due to excessive serotonin levels in the body this can come from using medication as a therapy due to drug interactions recreational drug use or even intentional overdoses the end result is an increase in the amount of serotonin in the synaptic cleft able to bind serotonin receptors for example selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitors like Citalopram inhibit the reuptake of Serotonin into the presynaptic neuron meaning more is available to bind the post synaptic receptors monoamine oxidase Inhibitors likes alleged lean prevent the breakdown of Serotonin so more is available ssris tend to be the most common cause
8 min
Schizophrenia - Psychology
schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by impairments in the way reality is perceived with Associated changes in schizo means split and free Nia means mind in Greek but it's important to remember it is not meant to mean split personality which is a condition schizophrenia affect how people think feel and behave and the symptoms are divided into three main types Karthik or positive symptoms negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms psychotic symptoms include hallucinations meaning sensing something that there and auditory hallucinations are particularly common thought to occur in 80% of patients at some point delusions are
10 min
Puds -Health FAQs With Dr Gates
"...today we're going to talk about pots and why it is becoming more common prevalent rights becoming more prevalent so we are seeing more pots aren't we're seeing more pots and I had noticed that we were seeing more pots we were giving more pots diagnosis pots postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome we get a zillion people okay exaggeration we so many people that come in here with heart palpitations and I bend over and I get lightheaded and by the time people most people get here with those symptoms they've usually been evaluated for like trans ischemic attacks and and and pretty much give it a clean bill ..."
9 min
Puds -Health FAQs With Dr Gates
"...today we're going to talk about pots and why it is becoming more common prevalent rights becoming more prevalent so we are seeing more pots aren't we're seeing more pots and I had noticed that we were seeing more pots we were giving more pots diagnosis pots postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome we get a zillion people okay exaggeration we so many people that come in here with heart palpitations and I bend over and I get lightheaded and by the time people most people get here with those symptoms they've usually been evaluated for like trans ischemic attacks and and and pretty much give it a clean bill of and we see it a lot
2 min
DSM V Criteria for Depression - SIG E CAPS Mnem...
all right so say keycaps is a mnemonic to remember the DSM-5 criteria for depression or depressive disorder remember the patient needs to have five of the following symptoms within the same two-week period and these must include either a depressed mood or a loss of Interest or pleasure is anhedonia the possible features RS4 sleep disturbances I for interest diminished also known as anhedonia G4 guilt and or for energy decreased so fatigue C stands for concentration problems and a stands for appetite or weight changes which includes significant weight loss without dieting or weight gain P is for psychomotor agitation or retardation
3 min
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD - P...
Bulls could be often overlooking details or making careless mistakes difficulty maintaining focus on tasks or during conversation even when there's no obvious others are failing to follow instructions complete tasks organize tasks losing items and forgetfulness females tend to display more symptoms of inattention and distractibility then hyperactivity and impulsivity the hyperactive-impulsive features include trouble sitting still fidgeting talking constantly including others or even being unable to wait turns such as Inner Line as patients get older the symptoms become less evident poor handwriting and dyslexia have also been found to be more prevalent in patients with ADHD additionally emotional dysregulation
9 min
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome - Psychology
obstructive sleep apnea is a breathing disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of Airway obstruction during sleep leading to periods with breathing stops known as apnea moving from wakefulness to sleep causes relaxation of muscle tone including the muscles of the upper Airway this allows the soft palate and the tongue to relax and to create an obstruction that reduces the patency of the respiratory tract rapid eye movement or REM sleep in particular is known to feature this reduction in muscle tone but it can happen throughout the Sleep Cycle there is snoring when some are still enters but as the obstruction progresses the airflow can be severely reduced causing apnea the reduction in the ventilation
9 min
Gut -Health FAQs With Dr. Gates
we spent a long time looking at these at these varying aspects that you've all probably been exposed to at this point in time and managed to get a what we feel is a pretty good understanding of how to go about these autoimmune problems because it turns out to pretty much every walks in here with just about anything they walk in with Aniston autoimmune problem and and if you have something that comes and won't go away and it came out of nowhere and won't go away for example people get migraines and then they go away and they never get them again okay the people walk in here the people get migraines they come in here you never go away and it's the same way with certain pains and it's the same way with certain gut problem and it's the same way with many of the conditions dizziness vertigo Bells fibromyalgia chronic fatigue those types of things so whatever reasons they don't go away maybe the maybe the biggest reason we last week we argued for the chronic stress response may be the biggest reason is autoimmunity and
24 min
Major Depressive Disorder - Psychology
"depression is a mental state of low mood there are several subtypes of depression but the major depressive disorder is the one that is usually intended it is expected to be the number one cause of disease burden worldwide by 2030 the term major depressive disorder was first used in the 1970s and the disorder was added to the diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders known as the DSM in the in 80s today we have the DSM-5 which lays out nine criteria on which the diagnosis is based they include a low mood most of the day on most days and anhedonia which means a loss of pleasure or interest in previously enjoyable activities these two are considered core symptoms and one of them must be present for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder the other criteria include significant weight loss or weight gain insomnia or hypersomnia meaning not sleeping enough or sleeping too much fatigue or a loss of energy nearly every day psychomotor retardation which means ass going down of thoughts and physical movements that is noticed by others then there is inappropriate guilt or feeling worthless a reduction in the ability tea to concentrate and it recurrent thoughts of death a total of five or more over a period of at least two weeks leading to significant clinical distress or impaired functioning need to be present for the diagnosis and the symptoms cannot be the result of substance abuse or another condition major depressive disorder is thought..."
10 min
Hot Flash And Hormone Replacement -Health FAQS ...
welcome back to me chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner primarily is dr. Gates I am a board-certified chiropractic neurologist and and so we have practice in which we have morphed into a practice of chronic pain and chronic conditions in the title of today's topic is hot flash going Beyond hormone replacement therapy and little did I know when I started getting into treating fibromyalgia many years ago and that it would morph into the practice that we have and even less that I know that it would more into me having to understand something about hot flashes and or hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy seems to be pretty popular in this country I know those of you who may be watching in Southern California there seems to be
40 min
Health FAQS With Dr. Gates - Non-celiac Gluten ...
"I never heard a group okay and so the bottom line is that he was talking about that a long time ago it's been around a while when I started to see the Improvement in my page consistently I thought wow this is what I want to do for a living and I had no clue 0 no clue at all that I was going to become conversant in gut problems I did that was going to become in thyroid problems there's going to have to become conversant and hormonal issues but the biggest thing is I had no clue art practice with developed into a man it's almost virtually 100% so this immune issue the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a like confused you on this matter if we have confused on this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it everyday it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating eating glue is creating incentives and you amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it the tests are convoluted I am certain that what we are telling you is going to be proven not only is it's been proven in the but in future testing the testing I think is in evolution I think they will be better like the test that you just got talking about the dma believe Mom feels that is a better test is pretty cost-effective it's not real expensive so I think we're going to see this thing calm down as time goes on I don't think the gluten free market is going to go away that'll that'll sink"
40 min
Health FAQS With Dr. Gates - Non-celiac Gluten ...
e the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a like confused you on this matter if we have confused on this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it everyday it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating eating glue is creating incentives and you amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it
3 min
Health FAQs With Dr. Gates- Stress Hormone
they also looked at patients who had PTSD suicidal ideation so those are your severe depression patients and bipolar disorder and they looked at all of their stress hormones they looked at cortisol they looked at aldosterone aldosterone is a hormone that goes up when you're trying to save sodium into your circulation like if you cut off an arm and you're bleeding out that's why we have aldosterone but it is a stress hormone look to DHEA DHS a sex hormone that comes from your adrenal glands they also looked at estrogen and testosterone levels and what they found is that in the marathon runners their cortisol levels and they're all dosterone just went up a little bit but it was only temporary whereas they saw in these soldiers who are out there for two weeks and you know bad conditions their aldosterone went up three times normal what it should be
5 min
Health FAQs With Dr. Gates- Stress Related Heal...
"...and depending on how this goes we may end up doing in the first two weeks I don't know but we'll definitely do it today so I'm just going to get cut right to the chase here this seems to be a stress-related group of questions so is there a link between long-term stress of about five years and hyperthyroidism / Graves disease tell you what I'll just read this and and I'll keep my stuff out of this now I think we should turn back and forth but with Graves disease the literature does state that stress can precipitate the condition some people dispute that in the literature but overall it's pretty well accepted this stress does cause Graves disease stress is not as much identified as a trigger for Hashimoto's yet but we're anticipating that that's going to change because we hear it all the time or person goes through major stressor and then they develop Hashimoto's so just realize this is an evolving situation we don't have all the answers even here in...things are changing all the time but I just read an article this morning...and they were talking about stress as it pertains to hyperthyroidism so yes without a doubt without
23 min