EDHRECast is your resource for the most popular Magic: The Gathering gameplay format - Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH); widely known as Commander. Made by the community for the community, EDHRECast is hosted by three well-seasoned MTG players, Joey Schultz, Matt Morgan, and Dana Roach. Each week they dive into the latest news and changes to the Commander format and breakdown the meta so that you can play your deck with confidence.

Building off the articles found at EDHREC.com the team is here to use data-driven recommendations and analysis to help you make each and every one of your cards work for you. Whether you’re on a budget and still trying to get the most of our your builds, or if you’re trying to get a leg up with the best card combos, or you’re looking to figure out the best early, mid, and late game strategies, we’ll be sure to bring you all the latest information so that you’ll be the Commander of your local scene.

Find the cast on Twitter!

Dana: @danaroach

Matt: @mathimus55

Joey: @JosephMSchultz

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Is It Ever Correct to NOT Run Sol Ring (And Oth...
EDH is full of popular staples, from Sol Ring to Cyclonic Rift, and in 99.99% of cases, players are correct to run those in every deck... but what about the 0.01%? On this episode, Joey, Matt, and Dana dive into a list of ever-popular cards and ask...
80 min
Signature Spellbook - Us! | EDHRECast 052
You’ve seen Signature Spellbook - Jace, but now it’s time for Signature Spellbook - Dana, Joey, and Matt, and to discuss which cards best characterize their perspectives on the game, their methods of card evaluation, and their personal journeys...
72 min
Decks VS the Data - Reki, Meren, & Mirri | EDHR...
Its time for the cohosts to put their money where their mouths are and compare their own personal decklists against EDHREC’s data! This week, the fellas dissect Dana’s Legendary Reki list, delve into Joey’s Necromantic Meren brew, and examine...
83 min
An EDH Wishlist | EDHRECast 050
This week, Joey, Dana, and Matt concoct a list of wants and wishes for the Commander format. Characters from Magic lore that don't yet have a legendary card, various cycles that aren't yet complete, exciting planes to return to, and more! You'll want...
68 min
Leveling Power Levels ft. Mark Nestico | EDHREC...
The cast is joined by former Star City Games writer Mark Nestico, known for his satirical articles and sharp wit, for a discussion on power levels in Commander. From powerful cards to powerful decks to powerful players, there’s a whole lot to tackle...
83 min
Tuning & Pruning | EDHRECast 048
Building the deck is one thing, but improving it is a whole different ball game. On this week’s cast, the fellas each walk through their methods for fine-tuning a deck, especially in the wake of new set releases full of awesome new cards. How do you...
79 min
A Very Verhey Interview | EDHRECast 047
WotC’s own Gavin Verhey joins the cast this week! Take a listen as we discuss Gavin’s experience as a game designer, including his favorite sets, favorite cards, and of course, we analyze EDHREC’s data, including ways that WotC uses data to...
51 min
Brew Battle - Persistent Petitioners | EDHRECas...
It’s a deckbuilding competition this week as Matt, Joey, and Dana each try to build the best Persistent Petitioners deck! Do you prefer Matt’s Esper Control, Joey’s Sultai Self-Mill, or Dana’s Grixis Spellslinging? Take a listen and vote for...
53 min
Jason Alt's 75% Extrava-Xantcha | EDHRECast 045
Renowned MTG finance expert Jason Alt joins the cast this week to discuss the 75% deckbuilding theory, including his Xantcha, Sleeper Agent deck. Join the crew as they examine the ins and outs of the 75% philosophy, as well as a clever red-black brew...
61 min
Our Top 5 Political Cards | EDHRECast 044
This week, Joey, Matt, and Dana discuss their individual approaches to politics in EDH, including their Top 5 favorite political cards in the format! Take a listen for some tips on "quid-pro-quo" deals, evaluating alliances, and managing your...
67 min
The History (and Future) of EDHREC ft. Donald M...
This week your 3 favorite underlings (Joey, Matt, and Dana) sit down with the Big Boss creator of EDHREC, Donald Miner. Come listen to the origin story from it's humble beginnings all the way to becoming the behemoth of stats we all know and love, as...
63 min
Ravnica Allegiance Review | EDHRECast 042
This week your three internet crushes Joey, Matt and Dana talk some Ravnica Allegiance. What are the standouts? Is Smothering Tithe that good? Can Matt keep telling dad jokes? Tune in and find out!
89 min
Tweaking Teysa | EDHRECast 041
This week on the EDHRECast your friendly neighborhood podcasters take a long, lingering look at Teysa Karlov, three-time legend and all around Orzhov powerhouse. Matt wants to abuse her death triggers, Joey wants to make tokens, and Dana just wants to...
51 min
Brutal Honesty | EDHRECast 040
This week on the EDHRECast the prettiest people in podcasting get honest and ring in the new year by taking a hard look in the mirror and at the game they love. Truths are told, axes are ground, and realities addressed. Plus we have cake!
79 min
New EDHyear's Resolutions | EDHRECast 039
This week on the EDHRECast your favorite EDH podcasters as well as Matt reflect on the year that was, and talk about the year to come, ranging from their plans for Commander going into 201 to what things do they want to challenge themselves with, as...
47 min
Eating Your EDH Vegetables | EDHRECast 038
This week on the EDHRECast "Eggplant" Joey Schultz, Matt "Yam" Morgan and Dana "the Zucchini" Roach have a chat about vegetable cards in EDH, the ones not that fun to run but that keep the body that is your deck healthy and hale.
66 min
Accounting +1 Counters 101 | EDHRECast 037
This week on the REC (don't call it that) Joey, Matt and Dana talk +1 counters in EDH and take a look at the theme on EDHREC and examine some of the most popular cards and commanders.
62 min
EDHREtiquette with Henry Stukenborg | EDHRECast...
Joey, Dana, and Matt sit down and have a chat with former EDHREC editor and all around ubiquitous EDH man-about-town Henry Stukenborg. They talk Henry's rules of EDH etiquette, challenge some stats, and just generally talk commander with one of the...
68 min
Ultimate Stat-sters | EDHRECast 035
Still sleepy from their Thromoksgiving dinner, Joey, Dana, and Matt shake off their food coma with a look at the pulse-quickening Ultimate Masters set and delve into some of the numbers behind the cards.
74 min
Happy Thromoksgiving! | EDHRECast 034
Happy Thanksgiving! While Joey, Dana, and Matt all gorge on holiday food, we hope you enjoy a deck tech for a commander who's just as hungry as they are: Thromok, the Insatiable! Joey brings the main course for Thromok's strategy, Dana brings the...
54 min
Big Money EDH Energy | EDHRECast 033
This week on the EDHRECast Joey, Matt and Dana dig into some of the stats behind the most popular most expensive cards on EDHREC. What are the priciest cards in the format? What decks run those cards? We take a deep dive like Scrooge McDuck into his...
71 min
EDHREC’ing Deck Tech-ing | EDHRECast 032
This week on the EDHRECast the boys take a look at a couple of user submitted decks led by Vaevictus the Dire and Varina the Lich Queen and try to see how EDHREC can work to make your deck better.
76 min
Adventures in Narcissism | EDHRECast 031
This week on the EDHRECast Joey, Matt and Dana talk about their own article series on EDHREC and what those series may say about them as players and brewers. Joey: https://articles.edhrec.com/author/joseph-schultz/...
70 min
Group Hug Co-host Slug | EDHRECast 030
This week the EDHRECast shakes things up and lets Matt Morgan take control of the mic and run the show so Joey and Dana can oil up and wrestle it out in a debate about group hug.
87 min
Artifact Facts | EDHRECast 029
This week, Joey, Matt, and Dana put their heads together to discuss the most popular artifact cards, commanders, and strategies according to EDHREC! 
77 min