Best Of Dr. Phil

Full episodes of Dr. Phil with intriguing guests presenting compelling yet relatable stories from the real world and Dr. Phil's down to earth, common sense, usable advice for the challenges of life. Hear America's doctor talk about things that matter to people who care.

Society & Culture
Mental Health
My Ex Won't Stop Videotaping and Posting Our Ou...
Amie says she lives in fear of her 7-year-old son, Jayden, who has violent outbursts in which he punches, kicks, spits and throws things, prompting her to call the police at least 15 times this year.Desperate for help, Amie says she began posting videos of Jayden’s tantrums online, one of which has received almost 2.5 million views. But Jayden’s father, Chad, says Amie is just looking for attention and blames her for their son’s bad behavior, claiming she sometimes triggers his outbursts. Dr. Phil brings the exes together in search of answers. How does Chad respond to Amie’s allegations that he is an absentee father? Plus, don’t miss Dr. Phil’s revealing one-on-one talk with Jayden. How can Amie and Chad learn to co-parent peacefully and get Jayden back on track?
42 min
Molested & Abused for over 10 Years: "Why Won't...
Sisters Ashley, 30, and Megan, 24, say growing up they were sexually abused repeatedly by their step-grandfather, Joseph Palmer, and claim their grandmother, Peggy, knew about the abuse --but did nothing to stop it. In 2007, Palmer was convicted of 151 counts of sexual misconduct and sentenced to more than 250 years in prison. The sisters say they can’t move on until they get an apology from Peggy, who continues to adamantly deny that the abuse ever took place. Emotions run high on Dr. Phil’s stage when the sisters face their grandmother for the first time since the trial. Why does Peggy say her granddaughters are lying? Plus, what causes Peggy to storm off stage? And, don’t miss Part 2 tomorrow --will Peggy have a change of heart?
42 min
Love Scams: "My Mother Sent Her Online Fiancé o...
Norma, a 70-year-old widow, says she can’t wait to move to Ghana to be with her fiancé, “Richard,” whom she met online two years ago but has never seen in person, despite sending him her entire life savings of more than $300,000 – as well as three cars. Norma’s daughter, Tammy, believes her mother isbeing scammed by a catfish. Dr. Phil tracks down the real man behind the images of “Richard” -- is this a scam? Plus, get an update on two past guests: Sebrina (link: who learned she had been victimized in a catfish scam, and Anna (link:, who confronted her husband, Pablo, about his infidelities. How are they now?
42 min
Three Daughters, Three Addicts, One Family Bein...
Linda and Rich say their three 20-something daughters are all hooked on heroin -- and the parents disagree about how to handle the situation. Linda admits she enables her daughters by giving them money, paying their bills and providing a place to stay, but she says she just can’t kick them out -- like Rich wants to do. Dr. Phil gives the couple an uncensored look at a day in their daughters’ lives -- obtaining money at any cost, buying drugs and shooting up together. Will this be the eye-opener the parents need to stop enabling their daughters and help save their lives? And, will the siblings accept help under Dr. Phil’s one big, non-negotiable condition?
42 min
Blacklisted By Mom: Can We Speak To Our Dad Bef...
Siblings Karina, Nicole, Amber and Chase say their mother has blacklisted them from their family and won’t let them see their father, who is dying of bone cancer. They claim their mother won’t give them a current address and even deletes their text messages to their dad. They say they miss their dad and their younger siblings, who live at home. Their mother strongly denies these accusations and points the finger back at her oldest children, who she claims have isolated themselves from the family and abandoned their father in his time of need. Emotions run high when this fractured family comes together on Dr. Phil’s stage -- and these four children reunite with their father. What does he say about the situation? What’s at the root of this family feud? And, can everyone put an end to the fighting before it’s too late?
42 min
My Bulimic Daughter Thinks Calories are Contagious
Wanda says her 15-year-old daughter, Bella, is battling an eating disorder, and she fears for the teen’s life. She says Bellais obsessed with being skinny and will starve herself and then binge and purge. She also says her daughter associates germs with calories --causing her to wash her hands obsessively, change her clothes several times a day and hold her breath so she doesn’t “catch calories.” Bella admits she is so obsessed with food, she can’t concentrate in school, hoards food in her bedroom and binges and purges 30 to 40 times a day. Why does she say she blamesher mother for her disorder? And, will she grab on to the lifeline Dr. Phil offers?
43 min
My Family Does Not Know I’m A College Girl Suga...
Michelle, 23, says she moved out of stateand her family thinks she is attending a prestigious university and working a retail job.But in reality, she ismaking a living as a Sugar Baby --a young woman who dates older menand is pampered withmoney and perks. Michelle says she hasreceivedmore than $80,000 in cash, lavish gifts and trips --and she says she believes it’s an honest living, because she doesn’t sleep with men for money. When Michelle reveals her secret to her brother and father, how will they react? And, Michelle says she hopes to become an attorney one day --could her Sugar Baby lifestyle affect her career aspirations? Plus, a few months ago,Ashley (link: to her then-fiancé, Cesar, that she had been a Sugar Baby throughout their engagement --did he call off the wedding? Tune in to learn the surprising twist that happenedafter the show!
42 min
Mike and Vicki say their 37-year-old son, Ryan, was once making millions running a successful real estate company, but for the past three months he has been living in their garage, on their dime, along with his 24-year-old girlfriend, Rachel. The parents claim Ryan is a “freeloader” who sleeps all day, acts entitled, picks fights and even leaves them to care for his 5-year-old son. Ryan admits things are chaotic in his life but insists it’s not all his fault. Why does he say his parents are partly to blame for his business failing? Dr. Phil has some tough questions for Ryan about his behavior --does he take any accountability? And, hear from Rachel --is she happy with their living situation? Plus, Ryan isn’t the only one staying with mom and dad --you won’t believe how many mouths Mike and Vicki say they are feeding! How can the parents stop the bleeding and take back control of their lives? And, is Ryan ready to step up to the plate and work toward living on his own?
42 min
Tanya says her soon-to-be ex-husband, Winston, is a “master manipulator” who used his status as an upstanding Christian professor at a prestigious university to violate her emotionally and financially. Winston says it was Tanya who misrepresented herself during their whirlwind, four-month courtship --and he claims she’s a gold digger. Tensions run high as the estranged couple face each other on Dr. Phil’s stage --along with two other women who claim Winston also lied to them: His self-proclaimed former fiancée, Julie, and his ex-wife, Kelly. Was Winston engaged to Julie while dating Tanya? Plus, Winston accuses Tanya of hiding a secret from her past and getting him fired from his job --how does she respond? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s advice for Winston and the three women. Is Winston an imposter, like the women claim --or are they just seeking revenge? And, can everyone move past the accusations and name-calling and reach a truce?
42 min
Is Our Son a Kleptomaniac?
Nancy and Mark say their 18-year-old son, Chris, has been a thief and a liar for most of his life, and after taking him to dozens of doctors and holding him accountable for his actions, nothing has helped. They say Chris regularly steals items such as DVDs, candy, watches and money --from department stores, family and neighbors --and shows no remorse for his actions. Chris admits he gets a rush from stealing and says it’s bound to happen if he’s left alone. Does he have any desire to change? Chris’ 21-year-old sister, Meredith, says she resents having to “babysit” her brother and put her life on hold just to keep him on track. Dr. Phil brings the family together in search of answers and a resolution. Is Chris a kleptomaniac, like Nancy and Mark fear? What’s at the root of his behavior? And, how can Chris regain his family’s trust and take control of his life?
42 min
My Husband Spanked Me with a Wooden Spoon and H...
Dr. Phil sits down with Renee, whose husband, Kirby, made headlines last year for spanking her with a wooden spoon --an incident she caught on camera. Kirby, interviewed separately due to a protection order, told his side of the story yesterday. Today, Renee says it took her years to realize that what she considered “domestic discipline” was actually abuse. What made her decide to record Kirby that night and then turn the video over to police? And, is there any chance of saving this marriage? Then, last season, Marie and Ron(link: got viewers talking with the chaos caught on camera inside their home. What happened after the show? Plus, an update from another former guest you have to see to believe!
42 min
The Vanderbilt Football Player's Interview From...
It’s a shocking story that is making headlines across the nation: Two former Vanderbilt University football players recently were found guilty of raping an unconscious female classmate in a campus dorm room in June 2013 after a night of drinking. It took a jury just three hours to convict Cory Batey and Brandon Vandenberg, both 21, on charges that included aggravated rape and sexual battery in connection with the incident --which prosecutors say was proved by cellphone photos and video. In an exclusive interview, Dr. Phil sits down with Cory, who is behind bars awaiting sentencing and facing up to 145 years in prison. What does he remember about that night? And what, if anything, would he do differently? Cory and several of his former teammates --including two who are currently awaiting trial --are accused of trying cover up the incident in the days that followed. How does Cory explain his actions? And, why does he believe he deserves a second chance? Plus, what message does he have for the victim?
42 min
Grandma Returns: Will She Finally Apologize for...
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Ashley and Megan, who say they were sexually abused for years by their step-grandfather. And although he has been convicted, the siblings say their grandmother, Peggy, continues to deny that the abuse ever took place. Peggy insists her granddaughters are lying and have ruined her life. Is there any hope of fixing this fractured family? Hear from Ashley and Megan’s mother, Brenda, who says she is furious with Peggy, whom she trusted to care for her daughters. Did Brenda ever suspect anything was going on? How can Ashley and Megan begin to heal the wounds of the past and move forward? Plus, Dr. Phil shares information every parent needs to know to keep their kids safe.
42 min
Inside the Mind of the Man Who Shot the America...
Last month, a jury convicted 27-year-old Marine Corps veteran Eddie Ray Routh in the shooting deaths of former U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle --the inspiration behind the movie American Sniper--and Kyle’s friend, Chad Littlefield, at a Texas shooting range in 2013. Routh admitted to killing the men, but his lawyers argued that he suffered from severe mental problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), after returning home from service --and even received psychiatric treatment a week before the shootings. In an exclusive interview, Routh’s parents, Jodi and Raymond, open up to Dr. Phil about their son. What was he like as a child? And, when do they say they noticed a change in his behavior? Jodi admits she reached out to Chris, who volunteered to work with veterans suffering from PTSD, and asked him to help her son. Does she have any regrets? Plus, hear from Routh’s sister, Laura, who says she was the first person her brother confessed to on that fateful day. Did she ever suspect he was capable of such a horrific act?
42 min
Our 7-Year-Old Son Threatens to Kill Us!
Kim and her ex-husband, Ryan, say they’re terrified of their 7-year-old son, Rylan, whom they adopted when he was an infant. They say Rylan has a fascination with knives, talks to an imaginary friend named “Bleeder” --who tells him to kill his entire family --and has even sent two teachers to the hospital. Desperate for help, the parents turn to Dr. Phil. What might be causing Rylan’s aggressive behavior? Could information about their son’s birth parents provide some clarity? Plus, Dr. Phil reviews home video of Rylan’s interactions with his parents and the police. Is he as dangerous as his parents fear?
42 min
Race to the Altar
Dr. Phil’s guests say they’re not getting any younger, and the race is on to say “I do.” Sharon is 48 and says her biological clock is ticking away. She recently got engaged to a man whom she acknowledges is flawed, and she says her family doesn’t approve of her husband-to-be. Can she get them to accept her beau before they walk down the aisle, or do her relatives have a reason to be concerned? Then, Shea from the reality show Southern Belles: Louisville says that as she was planning her big day, she learned that her fiancé allegedly cheated. Now that the wedding is off, can Shea pick up the pieces and move on? Plus, a dating coach explains the biggest dating mistakes women make.
46 min
Do You Lie?
Do you ever fib? Did you know that people lie three times in 10 minutes when they're trying to get to know each other? Dr. Phil gets to the bottom of why people tell tales and how to put an end to the falsehoods. Erin admits that a lie she told her ex-husband, Eric, destroyed their marriage and led to divorce. Is Erin now ready to be honest, or is she still hiding the truth? And, does this couple have a chance of making it work the second time? Next, Dr. Robert Feldman sheds light on why men and women are dishonest. Then, Michelle was engaged to a man whom she thought was her soul mate, until she hired a private investigator and found out he was lying to her. Should she ever trust him again? Dr. Phil offers advice for how to change your relationship with a liar. And, Dr. Phil shares Tweet she received of lies people have told. Is yours one of them?
44 min
How To Stay Sober
Dr. Phil delves into the anatomy of addiction with two families on the verge of losing it all. Rigo was a police sergeant in charge of keeping crime off the streets, but at home he was taking up to 2,000 pain pills a month. He says his addiction caused him to lose everything he loved including his job and his family. Now he fears he’ll lose his beautiful home and his marriage too. Rigo says he’s been sober for seven weeks, but his wife of seven years, Robin, is doubtful. She says she’s seen him get sober and relapse so many times, if his current sobriety doesn’t stick, she will divorce him. Is Rigo doing everything he can to stay clean? Then, Chuck is an unemployed therapist due to his alcohol addiction. He says he’s had so many DUIs and spent so much time in jail, he can’t keep track anymore. He says he quit the bottle 90 days ago, but his wife of two years, Janet, calls him a habitual relapser. Is divorce in their future? If you think a loved one may be struggling with an addiction, or if you suspect your child is experimenting with drugs or alcohol, don’t miss this show! Learn the no-holds-barred truth about addiction, rehabilitation and sobriety, what to look for, and the cutting-edge medication and treatment that helps addicts get sober and stay sober.
44 min
My Big Day Was Ruined
The bridal party may look beautiful, the guests may arrive on time, and the best man may remember the rings, but sometimes the best-planned ceremonies can go horribly wrong. Dr. Phil’s first guest, Gi’Zelle, is well acquainted with wedding disasters. When she woke up on her special day, she had no idea she’d end the evening eating pizza at home with her bridesmaids. Gi’Zelle says the man of her dreams left her at the altar, and she hasn’t seen or spoken to him since. In the four years since the young woman was jilted on her big day, she says she hasn’t been on a single date. Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s surprise for her! And, Brandi says a series of mishaps marred the day she wed Robert. But nothing could prepare her for the biggest calamity of them all, one that caused her to be rushed to the hospital in her wedding gown! Robert says he thinks his wife feels their relationship is doomed because of that incident. How can Brandi let go of the painful memories and move on? And, Carrie got hitched at a chapel in Las Vegas and says everything that could go wrong did. She says her wedding gifts were stolen, the reception food was undercooked and the rabbi who officiated the service was actually a reverend in disguise! Her husband, Mitch, says the ceremony was fine, and he wants his wife to get over it. How can Carrie move past the guilt? Plus, was your wedding or honeymoon a catastrophe? Log on to and find out how you could win a seven-night trip to Fiji!
43 min
How To Fix A Broken Family
You've heard people complain, "If I only knew then what I know now, I wouldn't be in this mess," but what about those times when you choose not to see the writing on the wall? Dr. Phil meets couples who say their relationships went from bad to worse after they said, "I do," and now their families are broken.Melody was 18 when she got pregnant and moved in with Scott, and for two years, they argued nonstop. Before they got hitched, Melody says Scott would say, "I'm not in love with you. I wish you would leave, andI wouldn't marry you for a million dollars," so why did she walk down the aisle with him? Scott says Melody pushed him into fatherhood and marriage, and there are times he doesn't love his wife. Should this couple cut their losses now, or do they have a chance for a successful union? Next, Sheree and Shawn were married for nine years and have two teenage sons. Although they've been divorced for more than five years,Sheree says Shawn won't accept it, is still in love with her and finds ways to threaten and harass her. Shawn admits he still loves Sheree, but says she betrayed him when he was dying of cancer, and now she's alienating him from his kids. Is he playing what Sherree calls the "sick card"? Hear from a woman who takes care of Shawn. Is she contributing to Shawn's behavior? Then, hear what the teenage sons have to say. And, find out the five questions you should ask yourself before you end your marriage.
46 min
Money Saving Tips & Tricks
If you're suffering through the difficult economic times and looking for ways to save money, get out your pen and paper and start taking notes! Dr. Phil's guests offer real tips to help you save money on clothes, utilities and vacations. Plus, learn how to cut your grocery bill in half and how to entertain your family on the cheap. The Economides family has mastered the art of spending less. They say they have the secret to living on $44,000 a year, even with five children. You might be surprised how easy it is to implement their frugal ways of living. See how far they can stretch $100 at the grocery store and how they expand their family wardrobe on just $75. Then, Daniel and Mandy say they keep blowing their budget and need help reining in their spending. They've separated twice because of money issues and have even filed for bankruptcy. How should they realign their lifestyle? And, Ashley is a stay-at-home mom who says she's been able to slash her grocery bills by more than half. Learn how she does it and how you can too! Plus, find out how you can win a $1,000 Shell gas card. Don't miss these amazing tips and tricks to live on less that will put money in your pocket!
43 min
Young Wives Club
How young is too young to tie the knot? Dr. Phil meets three couples in their early 20s who have relationships rocked by betrayals, domestic violence and infidelity. Tara, 22, says her common-law marriage is full of hatred. She says her partner, Matt, calls her terrible names, doesn’t help her with housework or their three children, and has even threatened to kill her. Matt, 26, says Tara likes to fight and goes into attack mode over little things like an empty toilet paper roll. Then, Monica, 20, says she can’t take another day in her marriage and has filed for divorce for the second time. She says her husband, Cadum, is lazy, has cheated on her twice and acts like a teenager rather than a husband and father. Cadum, 22, says his wife is controlling, and their fights have become physical. And, Jenna, 21, says every day with her fiancé, Ed, is hell. She’s called off the wedding at least eight times because of their constant out-of-control fighting, and they often call family members to pick up their two children so they can fight. Ed, 21, says Jenna beats him and has broken his collarbone with a table leg, yet he’s the one who gets arrested. Dr. Phil offers to put these couples up in The Dr. Phil House for an intensive three-day relationship overhaul. Can these young couples get their relationships back on track for the sake of their children?
41 min
Affairs Of The Heart
Can married people be friends with someone of the opposite sex without sex getting in the way? At what point does a friendly relationship become an affair of the heart or emotional infidelity? Meet Randy, who says his wife, Amanda, has crossed that line. He says that during their 11-year marriage, Amanda has been emotionally unfaithful time and time again, with men ranging from online acquaintances to arock-and-roll singer who happened to be Randy’s best friend. As a former Navy Seal, Randy says he feels like he’s in a constant state of red alert because he has to watch Amanda like a hawk. Amanda says her emotional entanglements are just fantasies, not real cheating. She’s not looking to replace her husband but merely wants a little more freedom because Randy’s controlling behavior makes her feel like a prisoner in her own marriage. Can this marriage, rocked by betrayal and facing a true time of reckoning, continue? And how great a role does drinking play in Amanda’s indiscretions? Plus, the couple’s three little girls suffer the fallout from their mom and dad’s problems. Learn the classic parenting mistake Amanda and Randy make that you don’t want to repeat.
43 min
What's Wrong With Men?
Dr. Phil addresses the question all women want to know the answer to: What’s wrong with men? With the help of TIME Magazine writer and comedian Joel Stein, Dr. Phil tries to solve the mystery of what makes men tick. First up, single ladies Shannon, Emily and Caroldean all have a gripe -- or 10 -- about men! They face off with Christopher, Kayo and Marcus, self-proclaimed jerks who want to explain their points of view. Watch sparks fly as the singles debate dating, sex and relationships. Then, Kaydee says her husband of six years, Mike, is broken, and she can’t find the “man”ual. He won’t bring her flowers, he won’t buy her cards, he won’t even take out the trash! You won't believe the reason Mike gives for being romantically challenged. And, don’t miss the couple’s hilarious home videos about what really annoys them about each other. Plus, Dr. Phil dispels the myths about men. What is fact and what is fiction? You may be surprised!
44 min
Honeymoon Hangover
Are you a newlywed suffering from honeymoon hangover? It’s when the vacation in the Bahamas is over, the dress is put away and couples realize there’s an important thing they now have to face: Marriage. Dr. Phil says he is shocked to find how little couples know about each other before they walk down the aisle. Jeremy and Tamarra have been married for only eight months, and they wonder if their marriage can be saved. Jeremy says Tamarra is so clingy that he’s had to give up everything he enjoys in order to spend time with her. Tamarra says being married means doing everything together, so why wouldn’t Jeremy want to spend every free minute with her? Dr. Phil gives them a newlywed quiz. How well do they really know each other? Then, Mandy says her husband of three years pulled a 180-degree turn after they got married and changed his mind about an important value they shared: faith in God. Now, Nic says he’s an atheist, and Mandy is worried about what this means for their marriage and their family. Plus, Dr. Phil answers important questions from engaged couples: Should partners open a joint checking account? Do you need to get along with your future spouse’s family? How much do you need to know about your partner’s past? If you’re about to tie the knot, grab a pen and paper and make sure you know these important facts about your mate!
43 min