Best Of Dr. Phil

Full episodes of Dr. Phil with intriguing guests presenting compelling yet relatable stories from the real world and Dr. Phil's down to earth, common sense, usable advice for the challenges of life. Hear America's doctor talk about things that matter to people who care.

Society & Culture
Mental Health
Growing Up Too Fast
Dr. Phil talks with parents who say it Is difficult to raise their teen daughter in an oversexed, celebrity-obsessed, cosmetic surgery-seeking society.
41 min
Marriage Crisis: Drowning In Debt
Money is the number one reason why couples say they get divorced. The country's current financial crisis has resulted in more couples getting buried in a landslide of debt which takes its toll on a marriage. Is your marriage on the rocks because of debt?
41 min
Risky Teen Behavior
How well do you know your teenager? Could your child be participating in risky or illegal activities right under your own roof?
40 min
Banned From The Wedding
A bride-to-be takes on her future mother-in-law in an ugly feud that has torn a family apart. Can Dr. Phil cut through the drama and broker some peace for this family?
40 min
At War With My Teen
What happens when a household is in total meltdown and filled with constant battles? Meet a mother who is afraid of her 17-year-old son and the stepfather who says he's caught in the middle. But is the boy the only one to blame for the chaos in the house?
41 min
Bully Husband
Karen writes to Dr. Phil saying her husband mentally abuses her by telling her how fat she is, how terrible she looks, criticizes her makeup, calls her names, tells fat jokes. She hides in a bathroom to eat and he won't touch her "until she loses 200 lbs"
41 min
Con Artists & Thieves
From petty theft to check fraud, Dr. Phil's guests say they are addicted to stealing, and it is destroying their families.
41 min
Husband's Shocking Confession Pt. 3
Dr. Phil continues the dramatic story of Wade and Michelle. What started out as the story of a husband who admitted to being a sex addict and a compulsive liar, has turned into a frightening story of alleged rape and murder. Part 3
41 min
Husband's Shocking Confession Pt. 2
Michelle thought she had a perfect marriage until Wade admitted to keeping a horrible secret from his wife. Little did she know this one revelation would be the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Phil continues the startling story of Wade and Michelle. Part 2
41 min
Lying Husband Pt. 1
Should you stay in a marriage with your husband if you find out a secret that disgusts you? Wade made a shocking confession to his wife, Michelle, only after he failed a polygraph test that she made him take. Will he now come clean? Part 1
39 min
Starving For Perfection
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, "If I could lose five more pounds, I'd be perfect"? Darlene and Jennifer have been starving themselves in the name of perfection, but are they also killing themselves on their quest?
41 min
Meddling Moms
They track your every move and monitor your conversations. This may sound like the latest GPS locator, but they are actually meddling moms!
41 min
Bully Dads
They threaten, scream, intimidate and even bite. They are not tantrum-throwing tots ... they are bullying dads!
42 min
Addicted Twins Pt. 3
Cindy tells her own alcohol history. Sarah emerges from her addiction haze. Dr. Phil reunites the twins with Perry, their father. Leaving The Dr. Phil House, a stop at the studios and a goodbye to Dr. Phil, the twins head to separate rehab centers. Part 3
43 min
Addicted Twins Pt. 2
One day off heroin Sarah begins painful withdrawals. Tecoa struggles with drug cravings while two weeks clean and six months pregnant. Are Dr. Phil's efforts sabotaged between the twins? Dr. Phil shows the girls a terrifying look into their future. Part 2
42 min
Addicted Twins Pt. 1
Dr. Phil sits down with mom Cindy with footage of her daughter Sarah's street life: prostitution, smoking crack cocaine and shooting heroin. Twin Tecoa tells how it began. Off the streets and into The Dr. Phil House, will the girls commit to rehab? Part 1
41 min
Man Camp Pt. 5
Meet three women ready to divorce controlling, chauvinistic husbands. At Dr. Phil's Man Camp, an intensive week-long stay in The Dr. Phil House, can these couples repair the damage from their toxic attitudes, explosive fights and abusive behaviors? Part 5
40 min
Man Camp Pt. 4
Meet three women ready to divorce controlling, chauvinistic husbands. At Dr. Phil's Man Camp, an intensive week-long stay in The Dr. Phil House, can these couples repair the damage from their toxic attitudes, explosive fights and abusive behaviors? Part 4
51 min
Man Camp Pt. 3
Meet three women ready to divorce controlling, chauvinistic husbands. At Dr. Phil's Man Camp, an intensive week-long stay in The Dr. Phil House, can these couples repair the damage from their toxic attitudes, explosive fights and abusive behaviors? Part 3
40 min
Man Camp Pt. 2
Meet three women ready to divorce controlling, chauvinistic husbands. At Dr. Phil's Man Camp, an intensive week-long stay in The Dr. Phil House, can these couples repair the damage from their toxic attitudes, explosive fights and abusive behaviors? Part 2
42 min
Man Camp Pt. 1
Meet three women ready to divorce controlling, chauvinistic husbands. At Dr. Phil's Man Camp, an intensive week-long stay in The Dr. Phil House, can these couples repair the damage from their toxic attitudes, explosive fights and abusive behaviors? Part 1
42 min
On The Outs With In-Laws
Manipulative, violent, controlling, downright diabolical. These are words Anna-Laura uses to describe her mother-in-law Janice. She says Janice is forcing her husband Morgan to choose between his mother and his wife. What can this family do to get along?
30 min
Fighting Over The Will
When you imagine getting an inheritance, you might assume all your financial problems would be solved. But can the money be more trouble than it's worth?
42 min
Slave To My Spouse
Do you constantly have to compromise to get along with your mate? Do you feel like you have to give up a vital part of yourself to be in a relationship? Dr. Phil talks to controlling guests, and the loved ones who feel trapped by them.
42 min
Twisted Love: The Aftermath Pt. 2
Dr. Phil follows up with Charles and Tracy. After coming to the conclusion that his dream of being shared by his wife and mistress was never going to happen, did Charles follow through and end his relationship with the other woman? Part 2
42 min