
It's Dropouts! The insanely fun podcast hosted by Zach Justice, Indiana Massara, and Jared Bailey! Come hang out with us! We're basically friends you can put in your ears and take anywhere!

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Society & Culture
Entertainment News
Indiana Massara Caught Kissing On Camera!! Drop...
<p>Indi is finally back from Chicago!!! ...and she came back with a dirty little secret... Listen this week to hear about all of her crazy adventures in the Windy City, Zach talking about his first time ;) and the gang getting themselves into a situation they never thought would happen...</p>
50 min
Twins Dating Same Guy and Didn't Know!! Dropout...
<p>The Montoya Twins are back!! We talk about first kisses, hot moms, and other silly goose topics. Honestly does anyone ever read the descriptions? I guess comment down below if you do. Feel like I'm doing this for no one. Oh and this is Zach typing...</p>
51 min
We've Been Secretly Dating For A Year... Dropou...
<p>HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! We can't believe you guys have been in our lives for a whole year! This podcast means the world to us and we couldn't have done it without you guys!! Also happy birthday WHOLE MILK!!!!!!!!</p>
60 min
Mads Lewis exposes a little too much... Dropout...
<p>WARBY PARKER - Try 5 pairs of glasses at home FOR FREE at https://www.warbyparker.com/dropoutswith Warby Parker's FREE Home Try-On program –there’s no obligation to buy! Ships free and includes a pre-paid return shipping label. Glasses start at just $95! (Home Try-On Program only available in the US) &nbsp;</p><p>HELLO FRESH - Try America's #1 Meal Kit from Hello Fresh!! Go to https://www.hellofresh.com/dropouts12 and use our code DROPOUTS12 for 12 free meals INCLUDING SHIPPING!!! &nbsp;</p><p>This week Mads Lewis returns as a guest host! She brings on her friend? Acquaintance? Boyfriend? Pen pal? Christian! We talk relationships and what makes a good and bad partner. Oh and harry potter of course!</p>
59 min
Why Indiana left dropouts... Dropouts #50
<p>We had a falling out... Indiana and the dropouts team have decided to go our separate ways...</p>
62 min
Christian Plourde and Mads Lewis Have a Secret....
<p>Treat your skin with Apostrophe! Get $15 off your first visit with a board-certified dermatologist at apostrophe.com/dropouts and use our code "DROPOUTS"! This code is only available to our listeners &nbsp;</p><p>This week we have Christian Plourde on as a guest and Mads Lewis joins to talk all about their dirty little secrets, and dive into the details of their "relationship" ;)</p>
69 min
What It's Like Hanging Out With Justin Bieber! ...
<p>Treat your skin with Apostrophe! Get $15 off your first visit with a board-certified dermatologist at apostrophe.com/dropouts and use our code "DROPOUTS"! This code is only available to our listeners &nbsp;</p><p>This week on Dropouts Zach and Indiana talk about all of the crazy, wild things they got into while Jared was out of town INCLUDING HANGING OUT WITH JUSTIN BIEBER!!! Jared has moved into the next stage of his relationship with his boo thang ... or has he?? Last but not least, we answer questions from you guys!</p>
61 min
Talking the Hype House's new Netflix show!! w/ ...
<p>Treat your skin with Apostrophe!</p><p>Get $15 off your first visit with a board-certified dermatologist at apostrophe.com/dropouts and use our code "DROPOUTS"! This code is only available to our listeners</p><p><br></p><p>This week Thomas Petrou talks about Hype House and their new Netflix show! He talks about how he came from nothing to being a millionaire. How he got Charli D'amelio and Lil Huddy in the hype house originally.&nbsp;</p>
80 min
Our Haunting Paranormal Encounters - Dropouts E...
<p>Try 5 pairs of glasses at home FOR FREE at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJzQmlZMlAtMWh2c3hwUGloRFRIdEhYbHFSQXxBQ3Jtc0trb0Y4M3BLS3d4XzZlY2V5bDBDT2hmcjFEY1BZbi1BSWVPWUNPeXlSZEk1N2xQNGV4cWh5XzdLQjZBNXVibGxwNTVxUDlORHVCLTYyS0k0a21CUTFYVVMzenBDN1RDQi1ZdWtWVW1XUmF4dnV5aFhnQQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.warbyparker.com%2Fdropouts" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.warbyparker.com/dropouts</a>​with Warby Parker's FREE Home Try-On program –there’s no obligation to buy! Ships free and includes a pre-paid return shipping label. Glasses start at just $95! &nbsp;</p><p>This week we talk about our experiences with the paranormal. Indiana reluctantly speaks about her ghost. Jared has had a man following him his entire life. Zach rolls his eyes at all of it.</p>
66 min
My thoughts on the David Dobrik situation... Dr...
<p>On the episode we talk about the Jeff Wittek and David Dobrik Documentary. We also talk about the Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather fight! This week Indiana tricked Zach into facing his biggest fear! Come hang out!</p>
73 min
The Mian Twins talk about their love life! Drop...
<p>This week we have special guests, The Mian Twins!! We talk about how they went from sharing a room in NY to living at the triller compound! Aisha spills a little team on the Nate Wyatt rumors. Azra talks about her triller compound crush as well!! You don't want to miss this one!</p>
59 min
My opinion on the Jaden and Nessa situation... ...
<p>This week Zach and Jared get into a physical fight with a group of 6 year olds. Indiana talks about the Jaden and Nessa drama. Also the crew finds an abandoned dog and takes him home!</p>
53 min
Mads Lewis talks about her pregnancy - Dropouts...
<p>This week Mads Lewis talks her pregnancy?! The crew talks relationships and red flags you should look for when dating someone. Indiana tries something she never thought she'd try!</p>
62 min
Markell Washington tells all the triller compou...
<p>This week we have Markell Washington as our special guest! This may be the funniest podcast yet! He talks winning a tesla from David Dobrik and Charli D'amelio. How he went from working at subway to making videos with Addison Rae! You don't want to miss this one!!</p>
87 min
Worst date of my life... Ep. 40
<p>DROPOUTS AFTER PARTY!! https://stereo.com/zachjustice https://stereo.com/jarebearmusic https://stereo.com/indianamassara &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>This week we talk about our past relationships. Jared gets tricked into a fake date. Zach talks about how he used to pick up girls as a child. Indiana and Jared both have dreams that have some explaining!!</p>
56 min
Reacting to Addison Rae’s new song ep. 39
<p>DROPOUTS AFTER PARTY!! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTRNd1U1LWUtTkMxNmw3bTV6c0lXbFlVeG0wZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsd1VkdjRTaEQyckVPTjdBd1F5Q2lRRVloZzdpQ25uVWU2U2pYM3hkc2VTbXg0dlJVeWdGS2NvWURhdjNBdkpaOW4xSVhuVjZ4WDRfMVJxLXQyNVkyRnNHMkNNakFYSXNMaXJUdW15WHBMSHRfNTlpSQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fzachjustice" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/zachjustice</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU5ZUkpVNjhMZWRlalg1Qk9SR0h0OXd2cVFyUXxBQ3Jtc0ttSWpfVnFmRnFKY3lENXM4UnJFODdkU3hVTFNZaG12LWdtYVlqa0V5MmtSelZ5VzBleFRzSTRlQlBmaWVmMS1nY1NmcGhVdm90UWtjbEVaLUhUV01zYTBnY1Fxb0JFMGhPQkFYanpUYW5idklDYnIwMA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fjarebearmusic" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/jarebearmusic</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHJub2ExdEoxYnE5T2VpbUt4WEo5S19LSURFd3xBQ3Jtc0tseVF2dlRmLTVuZm5JcFllRFc5OFgwSDA5VnpnOEhlVExUUmwyRDljZ3JjanY3STc2ZFhkN1lqWVc5YkkxRy1uV2RmT1VUaFVXc2o2ZWJyZFBGNHRNclRuOFpweXBIWGJYc2tfTVAxalVGOG1wX0V5MA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Findianamassara" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/indianamassara</a></p><p><br></p><p>This week we review Addison rae’s new song! Does Jared accidentally get with his unknown sister?? Also indiana goes on concussion protocol!</p>
69 min
Wasted, Accidentally Took Two Girls Home... Dro...
<p>DROPOUTS AFTER PARTY!! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXE0aUtybzgwc2VsNjY1SDE3X29QQWlxR0lqd3xBQ3Jtc0tuOVAwYXdtUERtS25lVEQyNjVPNUp5S09OMzN4VlF5a2E5VnZEQ0FtMVRxb0piaHRfb19uSXc3NGZSd0lMcHd1dWtOWHFiVmVrNG5hSDFDdGswN0xwbkpBVlMwT29KTWFsTndkb3pqQVA5LUxGQm82OA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fzachjustice" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/zachjustice</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0FfNWotS3R3SkI1NnJadjZUVU03U1RibWhxd3xBQ3Jtc0tuZG5mS21Pclh2Q0plMWZNSzQ5U0lqVldESzhvb2cxUmRGcjF3UjlwRi1ZdjlYU0hYMUdXWl81LWo1Tm1nLWpLRTFCS0F6Ym82OE9MbkxGckgzWVpESkVNZ1pncEk1WDYyQU1LY0cwLVZUZDFuWXZQYw&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fjarebearmusic" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/jarebearmusic</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTdEbHpvR2hFTVpNdzN2cTYyaVhVdlJTaVdBUXxBQ3Jtc0tsRzhDMG1KNTJwaWRPMkI2bW1SeS0wSS1mN1dNdGE5aDZOdkFkX0pXVU5nUHRqTENObjhNakM5azREbWdZd0QybUZuLVdtSU1CNDJOOVNUMXRaaVdVb2x4M09ULVRhRUFwTHV1MklCNllIWERkbTdHSQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Findianamassara" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/indianamassara</a></p><p><br></p><p>This week Indiana talks about her desert experience and finds out she’s a distant relative to MegaMind. The gang does their first installment of the new smash hit segment Dropouts Drip. Last but not least, Jared gets borderline blackout drunk, throws up in zach’s truck, and he and zach accidentally take two girls home.</p>
52 min
Indiana got breast implants??? Dropouts Podcast...
<p>DROPOUTS AFTER PARTY!! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqazA5RmJEUnFyZHZrZk5LSWk1NUR1X0xXTHZud3xBQ3Jtc0tsWEdHV0t2aFMyRjBIeGR2ZS1OZ1MyODV6V3Utb3NqWGc5dVlxakZNcExwTXJSVFU2M3FCWkNOYi04QkJFaUtUUURqU1VJdl9ucFRtMzZDYUhGdURzS2xadTRPbmlWUEU5Y1dZcjM5Qk1NaGhHUGhCaw&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fzachjustice" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/zachjustice</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHBQVlFWbEhER1F4ZkVjUE42VGRJSjBxal9nd3xBQ3Jtc0tsaHZxWk5BU2tXN2pmWFhLR3dKR2wtMEdIZmRnemY1amxUY19pcG5zb3dqWWtQWTBveHkyWC1kaGw2cnUxM0lsWUE1LXBIVFhrcXVBRkFPMjdEWnAwXzUtMFRKY2lRNEF2ZFA3Q2lkM0pHczNrVHh0RQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Fjarebearmusic" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/jarebearmusic</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0ZLcHZMWVp6WlJTVEc2WWxPdXAwNExJWUUxUXxBQ3Jtc0ttRTVCYzBJdDlGYUtzd24xVjRWcFFmOThRTG9vb3JzRjRHUXFIVlh6UGFPbUhJUndQRzRfcEhaem1ITmM5OEdLeFNWODZhcDZLLXVudDRLRmlBY3F1ZmtXQ2ZnWlZTTWVlMXZsVWoxUFc3ZHdlZ3U1RQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fstereo.com%2Findianamassara" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://stereo.com/indianamassara</a></p><p><br></p><p>On this weeks episode we talk about indiana's boob job. Jared flies a girl into town for some romance. The girl's get hit on by a celebrity!!</p>
51 min
Hooking up in the car did not go well! Montoya ...
<p>LIVE AFTER PARTY!! Follow @ZachJustice on the stereo app to listen! https://stereo.com/zachjustice &nbsp;</p><p>This week we talk about our weird experience hooking up in a car. The Montoya Twinz talk about what it was like in the texas snow storm. Then we play a spicy game of never have I ever!</p>
65 min
Why Indiana is in the hospital... Ep. 35
<p>This was a scary week for the gang. A crazy man tries to break in, in the middle of the night. Indiana has to be rushed to the hospital.</p>
57 min
<p>HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! We talk about our best and worst dates. Indiana has a horrific disfiguring injury. Zach makes vulgar jokes like always, Jared and Indi become uncomfortable...</p>
58 min
First Date Gone Wrong! EP 33
<p>This week we find out about Jared's interesting first date! We talk a little bit too much about s3x and who would bail us out if we went to jail!</p>
48 min
Indiana gets a secret tattoo! Dropouts Podcast ...
<p>This week the boys find out about Indiana's secret tattoo! We also find out the reasoning behind Indiana not talking to Zach for 12 hours. We also reveal our biggest weaknesses in relationships. &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Keep up with us!&nbsp;</p><p>Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/</p><p>Indiana: https://www.instagram.com/indiana/</p><p>Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/&nbsp;</p><p>Pre-Save Jared's New Song!!! https://ffm.to/meanit&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/</p>
59 min
Are we hooking up? It's complicated... Ep. 31
<p>Indiana and Jared are getting more and more sus about if they've hooked up. We talk about a famous actor revealing that he eats human flesh. Oh and we also take a test on Australian slang.</p>
53 min
Talking Olivia Rodrigo Drivers License Drama - ...
<p>This week we talk about all of the Olivia Rodrigo drivers license drama. The boys try to convince Indiana not to get this crazy tattoo. Indiana tries her hardest to find South Dakota on a map, and fails miserably.</p>
54 min