Drishti Talk

Drishti talk is a podcast covering governance, policy, news & events in India. Each episode covers a topic with subject matter experts.

Society & Culture
#16: Budget 2018—Overall
Chirag chats with Shashank Chowdhury for an accounting perspective on the Union Budget 2018 & a recap of the other reviews we’ve done: * [Health](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/13) * [Defence](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/15) * [Agriculture](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/14) * [MSME](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/)
37 min
#15: Budget 2018—Defence
Col. Rakesh Sharma (retd.) joins us to review the Defence allocations & implications within the Union Budget 2018.
20 min
#13: Budget 2018—Healthcare
We review the healthcare aspects of the Union Budget 2018 with Dr. Jagadish Hiremut.
25 min
112: “Considerable silence”, RTE with Hariprasa...
Hariprasad N joins us to discuss Right to Education (RTE) Act. We cover issues with the law itself, the resultant decline in educational quality and the fundamental discrimination it continues to propagate across the country.
48 min
110: ‘From the top the target has been set’, wi...
Special Guest & data guru [Vijay Chada](https://twitter.com/centerofright) joins the show to talk about India’s jump in rankings in the recently released World Bank Doing Business Report 2018. * [World Bank Doing Business Report 2018: India](http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/india) * [Two insolvency professional entities recognized by IBBI](https://ekdrishti.in/two-insolvency-professional-entities-recognized-by-ibbi-69f475f5e7b3?source=linkShare-7570374edbfe-1509903353) * [Supreme Court orders lower courts to expedite timeframes](https://ekdrishti.in/supreme-court-conclude-bail-applications-in-1-week-magisterial-trial-in-6-months-sessions-trial-96193be9c09e?source=linkShare-7570374edbfe-1509906448) * [Cabinet orders shutting down on Foreign Investment Promotion Board](http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=162097) * [Additional funds under Fund of Funds for startups (FFS) approved](https://ekdrishti.in/additional-fund-of-funds-for-startups-ffs-proposals-to-improve-aifs-and-better-cover-startup-a8d2e96138be) * [Centre cautions states on not meeting Real Estate Act’s April 30 deadline](https://ekdrishti.in/centre-cautions-chief-ministers-of-not-meeting-real-estate-acts-april-30-deadline-e318ef63a93b) * [GoI’s own State-wise EODB](http://eodb.dipp.gov.in) * [GoI sets goal of top 50 in 3 years](http://www.livemint.com/Politics/UftqeUiYVYiO0jLekhCWGJ/Arun-Jaitley-says-taking-India-among-top-50-in-ease-of-doing.html)
26 min
109: “A woman who can fight with a prosthetic l...
Special guest & author [Saiswaroopa Iyer](https://www.amazon.in/Saiswaroopa-Iyer/e/B018KERMIA/) joins the show to talk about her latest book “ _Avishi”_ , self-publishing and the rise of Dharmic fiction. ** ** **Links** * Saiswaroopa Iyer on Amazon: [Abhaya](https://www.amazon.in/Abhaya-Legend-Diwali-Narakasura-Reimagined-ebook/dp/B018ITMZ3Y) (75% off right now) • [Avishi](https://www.amazon.in/Avishi-Vishpala-Rig-Veda-Reimagined-ebook/dp/B074MZV8MZ/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8) * [The time is right for a new literary genre—Dharmic Fiction](https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/the-time-is-right-for-a-new-literary-genre-dharmic-fiction) * [Telugu Bhagvatam](http://www.telugubhagavatam.org) * [Krishnavatara by K M Munshi](https://www.amazon.com/Krishnavatara-1-Magic-Flute-Dr-K-M-Munshi/dp/8172764634) * [Debut authors, here’s why publishers are finding it difficult to market your books](https://scroll.in/article/834652/debut-authors-heres-why-publishers-are-finding-it-difficult-to-market-your-books) * Authors: * [Sundari Venkataraman](https://www.amazon.in/Sundari-Venkatraman/e/B00IBEUJV2) * [Susan Kaye Quinn](http://susankayequinn.com/) * [Rachel Abbott](http://www.rachel-abbott.com/) * [Lakshmi Hariharan](http://laxmihariharan.com/)
45 min
108: Nuclear Energy in India
Special guest Bhushan Shah returns to the show to talk nuclear power in energy, why we’re faltering on our targets set in 1950 and the mysterious deaths of nuclear scientists. We also follow up on the end of the Doklam standoff with China. Recorded: 5 September 2017 **Follow up** * [India and China agree to disengage at Doklam](https://ekdrishti.in/india-china-agree-to-disengage-at-doklam-f430b2c211fa) * [106: India v China](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/e/355e634c9414beL/) * [DDNews India First: Doklam & after, BRICS](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V4CPflLFLpA) (aired 04 Sep 2017) **Nuclear Scenario in India** * [Niti Aayog Draft Policy on Nuclear Power](http://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/new_initiatives/NEP-ID_27.06.2017.pdf#page54) (completed public comment phase) * Kushal Mehra’s Podcast: ‘[My conversation with Jaideep Prabhu](https://soundcloud.com/kushal-mehra-99891819/my-conversation-with-jaideep-prabhu)’ * [List of nuclear scientists who died mysterious deaths](http://indiafacts.org/list-of-indian-nuclear-scientists-who-died-mysterious-deaths/) * GoI: [71 suicides 1995-2015 & 2 murders only](http://dae.nic.in/writereaddata/parl/budget2017/lsus5215.pdf) * [Who is killing India’s nuclear scientists?](http://www.rediff.com/news/report/who-is-killing-indias-nuclear-scientists/20150106.htm)
33 min
107 (Bonus): “Who do you want to raise? Zombie ...
In continued conversation with Author Dimple Kaul on the perils of and exceptions under the Right to Education Act, 2009. Our full conversation is available [here](http://talk.ekdrishti.in/e/356a78ac924b92L/). Links: * [Amendment to RTE’s no-detention policy passed during Monsoon Session, 2017](https://twitter.com/chiragnd/status/895594734504333314) * [National Achievement Survey: 14% students able to answer 50% Math questions correctly](https://twitter.com/chiragnd/status/895594734504333314) * [MP Maheish Girri (East Delhi) introduces private member bill to bring all schools under RTE](https://ekdrishti.in/private-member-bill-to-bring-all-schools-under-rte-f431c45c675b)
11 min
105: 'Loan Waiver Epidemic', with Bhushan Shah
Special guest and Civil Services aspirant [Bhushan Shah](http://twitter.com/bhs7rocks) returns to the show to talk about the Presidential race and the farmer loan waiver epidemic across the country. But first, a shoutout to everyone who witnessed the Emergency—a sordid reminder of how bad things can be without our powerful democracy. Links: * [Ram Nath Kovind NDA's presidential candidate](https://ekdrishti.in/ramnath-kovind-ndas-presidential-candidate- 716ac7d3acb8) * [UP announces loan waiver](http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/yogi-adityanath-s-govt-announces-rs-30-729-loan-waiver-for-up-farmers-akhilesh-not-impressed/story-nWV0chIoRqajZB4oGv6a6L.html) * [Maharashtra announces loan waiver](http://indianexpress.com/article/india/maharashtra- farm-loan-waiver-devendra-fadnavis-farmers-4719925/) * [Punjab announces loan waiver](https://twitter.com/INCPunjab/status/877161594576392193) * [Karnataka announces loan waiver](https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/877447876363796480) * [Centre won't support state waivers](http://www.livemint.com/Industry/LplsqSwdysU92dyGq79U4L/Arun-Jaitley-on-farm- loan-waiver-to-states-generate-your-ow.html)
34 min
104: 'The Cows Come Home', with Girish Alva
Special guest Girish Alva joins me on the show to talk about the new Rules under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, the slaughter of a calf in Kerala in protest and the #GiveUpAMeal campaign. Links: * [Supreme Court intervenes to save thousands of animals from Nepal’s Brutal Gadhimai Festival Sacrifice](http://www.hsi.org/world/india/news/releases/2014/10/india-supreme- court-gadhimai-ruling-102014.html) * [New Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Rules](https://ekdrishti.in/new-rules-under-prevention-of-cruelty-to-animals-act- notified-3980f4802d1?source=linkShare-7570374edbfe-1496128337) * [How can we discuss prevention of cruelty to animals without discussing animal cruelty?](https://ekdrishti.in/opinion-how-can-we-discuss-new-prevention-of-cruelty-to- animals-rules-without-discussing-cruelty-483958bdb22c) * [Congress Youth Workers suspending for slaughtering calf in public](http://indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala-youth-congress-workers- suspended-for-slaughtering-calf-in-public-4678812/) * Girish: [Fighting for native cows](https://girishalva.wordpress.com/2017/04/06/fighting-for-native- cows/) * #GiveUpAMeal campaign: [Twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/girishalva/status/866493048229814272 ) • [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/GiveUpAMeal/)
31 min
103: 'Indian Apparel', with Bhushan Shah
Special guest and spiring civil servant [Bhushan Shah](https://twitter.com/bhs7rocks) joins me to talk about labour reforms for the textile industry and we also catch up on the mobile phone tower portal, the newly created employment data task force, health initiatives and Mumbai infrastructure. I also mispronounce meningitis. Show links & notes: * [DoT launches mobile tower review portal](https://ekdrishti.in/review-working-mobile-towers-and-their-compliance-online-440ae568ddfb) * [Employment data task force set up](https://ekdrishti.in/employment-data-task-force-set-up-cd9332e0e121) * [India’s 90:90:90 strategy for AIDS treatment](https://ekdrishti.in/90-90-90-strategy-for-aids-befc04c88f11?source=collection_home---2------5-----------) * [Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine program launched for 21 lakh children](https://ekdrishti.in/pneumococcal-conjugate-vaccine-launched-for-21-lakh-children-bbbd03a97773)
37 min
102: 'National Civil Aviation Policy', with Bhu...
Special guest and Civil Services aspirant Bhushan Shah joins me to talk about India's three-year action agenda and the National #CivilAviation Policy. Links: * [NITI Aayog released draft of three year action agenda](https://ekdrishti.in/indias-three-year-action-agenda-4c5ad8dbd390) * [India’s three year action agenda](http://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/coop/ActionPlan.pdf) * [Change of electricity target to 2018](https://mobile.twitter.com/airnewsalerts/status/859765384932622341) * [Garv dashboard to track electirification](http://garv.gov.in/garv2/dashboard) * [National Civil Aviation Policy 2016](http://www.civilaviation.gov.in/sites/default/files/Final_NCAP_2016_15-06-2016-2_1.pdf) * [RCS-UDAN launched](https://ekdrishti.in/rcs-udan-launched-ced7c69b5a2a)
37 min
101: 'Who Moved My Law & Order', with Bhushan Shah
Special guest and aspiring civil servant Bhushan Shah joins me to talk about 30 days of the new Uttar Pradesh Government and a look at the increasing foreign investment being picked up by state governments recently.
29 min