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True Crime
Missing Person Cindy Valle
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24 min
Missing Person Cindy Valle_Trailer
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4 min
The abduction & Murder of Cherish Perrywinkle
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38 min
Bodybuilder Shoot Grandparents over Baby Custod...
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14 min
Girl mysteriously gone since 2019 just reported...
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14 min
Murder At The Pig Farm
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30 min
Murder At The Pig Farm Trailer
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2 min
Little Mary Murder Two Kids
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31 min
Fugate Teenage Killers
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40 min
Mysterious Death Of Police Deputys Girlfriend M...
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39 min
University Gilrs Rape And Murder
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44 min
Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Grimes
"...the sisters loved their McKinley Park home to travel the short distance to the movie theater at around 7:30 p.m. and since they were planning on staying for the double feature they promised their mother Loretta that they'd return home by midnight a classmate of Patricia's and named Dorothy Weinert was actually attending the first showing of the film with her younger sister that same night she led to reports noticing Barbara and Patricia sitting in front of her for the film and then again at around 9:30 as she was leaving she noticed the two standing in line to purchase snacks for the second showing all seemed well I'm going to make an assumption here and say that Patricia and Barbara were very responsible and trustworthy because they're young girls and they were being allowed to go out on their own to see a late movie their parents must have trusted them enough to agree to let them go out without having to worry about them breaking their curfew so when 12 am came around and the girls still haven't showed up at home Loretta knew something was amiss she had two of her other children go to the bus stop to wait and see if they'd showed up there however there were no signs of Barbara or Patricia and at 2 a.m. Loretta called the initial investigation Into The Disappearance of the grime sisters interesting, to say the least at the beginning of sorties was sure the girls would turn out somewhere as they were theorized to be Runaways they were thought to have just run off with boyfriends or something so their case wasn't being looked at as a top priority it wasn't until one week had passed did this start to become a missing persons case and by December 31st The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes was Front Page News once word got out about The Disappearance the police were flooded with tips from all over the Nation about alleged sightings two weeks after their disappearance a classmate of just started receiving strange phone calls in the middle of the night the first time she answered the phone there was no answer on the other line the second time they called a voice that sounded exactly like Patricia's said is that you Sandra is Sandra there and then they hung up The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes became one of the largest missing persons cases in Cook County history fifteen thousand Flyers were distributed locally and hundreds of volunteers offered their assistance in searching the surrounding suburbs the Church of the girls and their family frequented offered up a one thousand dollar reward for any information regarding the girl's whereabouts where their disappearance 300,000 people would be questioned and 2000 suspects would be interrogated police had gone through several leads but no new information had come out of It ultimately please decided that Barbara and Patricia must have just run off on their own volition to tend and Ovis concert..."
11 min
Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Grime...
"...something that you'd like to listen to I would go ahead and fast forward about two minutes autopsies were done the following day in order to give the girl's bodies enough time to thaw out and what they would find nobody could have ever imagined each body underwent a five-hour autopsy when there's some exclusion tents were examined Pathologists were able to conclude that the sisters most likely died within about five hours from the last time they were seen at the theater so that would make their time of death somewhere between the late evening of December 28th and the early morning of the 29th no conclusion was actually ever made to their actual time of death toxicology reports were able to conclude that neither Barbara or Patricia consumed any alcohol drugs or poison prior to their death Barbara was discovered to have engaged in sexual intercourse however no marks or wounds were found on her body to suggest that it was forced semen was also found in Patricia's vaginal fluid no fatal wounds were found however both of the girls faces were inflicted with wounds that were thought to have come from rodents after death the official cause of death for both Barbara and Patricia is Murder By secondary shock as a result to being exposed to the elements which caused their body temperature to go below the critical level compatible with Life Walter made Caron was one of the coroner's to perform the autopsies on Barbara and Patricia and he had determined that the girl's body is had been laying there near Devils creaks four weeks before they were discovered on January 22nd apparently it had gotten extremely cold and there was tons of snowfall during the weeks leading up to the discovery of the bodies and that was the reason that they were not found sooner however Chief investigator Henry gloss believe that Barbara and Patricia had been alive until at least January 7th and that they were dumped just after the snowfall since only after then with the snow be able to melt around their bodies due to them still being warm enough to create the ice that was found to have formed around them he also believe that the wounds on the sisters faces were consistent with that of some kind of brutal assault leading him to conclude that they were indeed molested like I said there were many alleged sightings of Barbara and Patricia and these sightings went along with glosses timeline a security guard named Jack Franklin reported giving the girls directions on the morning of December 29th that afternoon at around 2:30 p.m. a friend of the girls named Judy Barrow reported seeing both of the sisters walking Westward and in the early evening another classmate of Patricia has stated that she saw her walking past a restaurant and the company of two other girls none of which were Barbara on the early morning of December 30th at around 5:40 a.m. the restaurant owners of D and L Restaurant on West Madison which was only about five and a half miles from Brighton theater sees Barbara and Patricia who seemed drunk as she was unable to walk on her own they were in the company of one of their dishwashers Edward Benny Bedwell that well was a young Drifter from Tennessee and it was said that he bore quite the resemblance to Elvis Presley he quickly became a suspect and actually later confessed to the murder of the grime sisters however he later recanted his confession after stating that it was coerced by police after they did an intense three-day interrogation on him and even after the owners of the restaurant said they had missed identified the girls he was with that morning that well would be charged with Barbara and Patricia's murder however no evidence against him would be found and on February 6 he'd be freed on a 20 thousand dollar Bond another Prime Suspect it's 17 year old Max flag and even though in the state of Illinois it is illegal for a minor to be..."
4 min
Secrets Untold Of The Assasination Of JFK
"...this week we will be diving into the possible players that could have been involved in the assassination who could have done it who could have planned it out who could have set the gears in motion who could have pulled the trigger whodunit there are some key groups that we have found out were part of this or could have been part of this we will go over all of them and we will start with one of the biggest in Notorious groups that could have been behind this assassination Ian and that is La Cosa Nostra the mafia so to understand how the mafia plays a possible part in the assassination of JFK we have to look at all the things prior to 1963 as well documented that the mafia and the CIA had a professional relationship they teamed up in a plot to kill Fidel Castro after the Bay of Pigs the casino operations of the mafia had taken a hit resulting in millions lost and in operation Mongoose the mafia would a the CIA by having one of the mafia Associates who worked in the kitchen of Castro attempt to poison him the reaches of the mafia even extended to the FBI as it said operation Mongoose was a secret program aimed against Cuba to remove communism from its power so right off the bat we have to look at the mafia as a very viable threat when it came to JFK it's no secret that JFK had quite a few enemies at the time of his assassination which makes the conspiracy ever-growing Lee Harvey Oswald it was later found out through investigation kind of had ties to the mafia was peripherally attached to them but Jack Ruby the man who ended up killing Lee Harvey Oswald definitely had ties to the mafia if you look back at Jack Ruby's history he was born in grew up in Chicago so he became an affiliate of the Chicago Mafia family's mainly the families who ran Chicago's big crime outfit from 57 mainly 2862 giancana family were also heavily involved in the 1960 presidential election Victory with Kennedy JFK in and Robert their father Joseph he was running bootlegging during the time of prohibition and he kind of had the ins and outs of when prohibition would end through being friends with politicians and people high up in the world and he ended up buying up all the scotch from these British importers and he bought up all the scotch so when prohibition ended he made this mass amount of and he stepped on the toes of the Mafia the time especially within the Chicago area and other major cities well I'm sure that doesn't float too well assuming that that was a huge massive income for the illicit markets of the time yeah you're looking at the time of prohibition where the mafia like..." Having Fun? Do you love the show? Hit the subscribe button and leave us 5-star ratings and/or great reviews.
43 min
Secrets Untold Of The Assasination Of JFK - Tra...
"...this week we will be diving into the possible players that could have been involved in the assassination who could have done it who could have planned it out who could have set the gears in motion who could have pulled the trigger whodunit there are some key groups that we have found out were part of this or could have been part of this we will go over all of them and we will start with one of the biggest in Notorious groups that could have been behind this assassination Ian and that is La Cosa Nostra the mafia so to understand how the mafia plays a possible part in the assassination of JFK we have to look at all the things prior to 1963 as well documented that the mafia and the CIA had a professional relationship they teamed up in a plot to kill Fidel Castro after the Bay of Pigs the casino operations of the mafia had taken a hit resulting in millions lost and in operation Mongoose the mafia would a the CIA by having one of the mafia Associates who worked in the kitchen of Castro attempt to poison him the reaches of the mafia even extended to the FBI as it said operation Mongoose was a secret program aimed against Cuba to remove communism from its power so right off the bat we have to look at the mafia as a very viable threat when it came to JFK it's no secret that JFK had quite a few enemies at the time of his assassination which makes the conspiracy ever-growing Lee Harvey Oswald it was later found out through investigation kind of had ties to the mafia was peripherally attached to them but Jack Ruby the man who ended up killing Lee Harvey Oswald definitely had ties to the mafia..."
3 min