In this episode of Deacons Pod, the Paulist Deacon Affiliates speak with Fr. Robin Ryan, CP, author of the new Paulist Press book "Life is Changed, Not Ended: An Introduction to Christian Eschatology."
57 min
Signs of Hope in the Sundays of Lent
Three of the Paulist Deacon Affiliates (Deacon Drew, Deacon Dennis, and Deacon Mark) discuss the Gospel readings for the Sundays of Lent 2025 in this episode of Deacons Pod.
58 min
When Politics Hurts Your Church Life - Paulist ...
Paulist Fr. Bruce Nieli is the guest on this episode of Deacons Pod about how threshold Catholics are dealing with issues ignited by the new presidential administration in Washington, D.C. Fr. Bruce discusses the status of refugees and migrants in the United States; the abrupt federal funding cuts for Catholic Relief Services; and how believers in non-violence should react when faced with political violence.
Paulist Press' new graphic biography "Dorothy Day: Radical Devotion" is the subject of this special episode of Deacons Pod. This colorful, visual narrative tells the story of Servant of God Dorothy Day (1897 - 1980), founder of the Catholic Worker movement.
The Paulist Deacon Affiliates' guest is Colleen Thomas, a spiritual director trained in the monastic arts of discernment, spiritual companionship, and retreat leadership, and a long-time practitioner of centering prayer.
64 min
Our 2024 Year In Review
In this special "Year In Review" episode of Deacons Pod, the Paulist Deacon Affiliates take a look back at how 2024 went for them personally, for their parish ministries, and for our podcast.
47 min
Comfort and Joy: Christmas for the Soul - Fr. M...
Paulist Fr. Mark-David Janus joins the Paulist Deacon Affiliates for this special episode of Deacons Pod. They speak about Fr. Mark-David's wonderful new Paulist Press book "Comfort and Joy: Christmas for the Soul." The book provides a reflection for each day of the season of Advent and the 12 days of Christmas.
49 min
Hark!: The Stories Behind Our Favorite Christma...
Maggi Van Dorn is our guest on this special episode of Deacons Pod. She is the host of the wonderful podcast “Hark! The Stories Behind Our Favorite Christmas Carols” from America Media. The Paulist Deacon Affiliates ask Maggi about the deep dive she takes into the history, music, and lyrics of one specific Christmas carol or hymn on each installment of "Hark!" released during Advent.
43 min
What Is the Church For? - Fr. Stephen Bevans, SVD
What is the Church for? Does the Church have a mission? Or, does the mission have a Church? What is your understanding of God? Fr. Stephen Bevans, SVD, raises these questions in this week's edition of Deacons Pod.
58 min
Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain's Journey - ...
In this episode of Deacons Pod, the deacons speak about the film with Paulist Fr. Tom Gibbons, vice president of Paulist Productions and an executive producer of "Fighting Spirit." The film shares the stories of multiple U.S. military chaplains who died while serving.
53 min
Challenging People to Be Disciples: Dan Pierson
Do today's Catholic leaders have the knowledge and understanding to help people become disciples of Jesus Christ? Do parish leaders have the empathy and relationship-building skills to create a culture of welcome? Those are two of the questions raised in this episode of Deacons Pod featuring an interview with Dan Pierson of Grand Rapids, MI.
43 min
A Consistent Ethic of Life: Navigating Catholic...
The Paulist Deacon Affiliates speak with Dr. Steven Millies, author of the new Paulist Press book "A Consistent Ethic of Life: Navigating Catholic Engagement with U.S. Politics." Dr. Millies directs The Bernardin Center at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
63 min
Fear and Faith: Hope and Wholeness in a Fractur...
The Deacons welcome Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, author of the new Paulist Press book "Fear and Faith: Hope and Wholeness in a Fractured World."
60 min
Come From Away: Kevin Tuerff (Rebroadcast)
In this rebroadcast of a 2022 episode of Deacons Pod, the deacons speak with Kevin Tuerff, the real-life “Kevin T.” portrayed in the Broadway musical “Come From Away” about the thousands of airplane passengers stranded in Gander, Newfoundland, on September 11, 2001.
58 min
Why God?: Stories to Inspire Faith: Fr. Richard...
It is often in unlikely individuals and places that we discover God's transforming love. That is a premise of "Why God?: Stories to Inspire Faith," the new Paulist Press book from Fr. Richard Leonard, a Jesuit priest, author, and film critic from Australia. Deacon Patrick Murphy-Racey speaks with Fr. Richard in this great new episode of Deacons Pod.
54 min
Creating a Culture of Relationships and Welcome...
When a Catholic leaves their parish, should we call them and ask "why"? Should departing parishioners be asked to complete marketing-style exit surveys? Is the abuse crisis a factor for those leaving the Church? These are just some questions posed to Diane Blair in this episode of Deacons Pod.
46 min
God on the Road: Stories of Sacred Travel
In this special installment of Deacons Pod, five of the Paulist Deacon Affiliates share stories of sacred moments they experienced while traveling.
52 min
Racism: A Sin That Divides - Matt Kappadakunnel
The deacons speak with Matt Kappadakunnel, author of the Paulist Press book "The Catholic Church and the Struggle for Racial Justice."
50 min
Managing Our Afflicted Thoughts - Sr. Mary Marg...
This episode of Deacons Pod features Sr. Mary Margaret Funk, OSB, a Benedictine nun of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, IN. Sr. Meg is author of "The Matters Series" and other books from Liturgical Press. She also is a leader in interreligious dialogue.
51 min
Letting Go of the Drama - Fr. Laurence Freeman,...
Meditation and contemplative prayer may help people take a break from the drama in their lives, and be a balm to polarization in our society. Those are just two of several takeaways from this special episode of Deacons Pod featuring Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB, a Benedictine monk and director of the World Community for Christian Meditation.
61 min
An Extroverted Editor: Heidi Busse of Give Us T...
Heidi Busse, editor of the devotional periodical Give Us This Day, has a lively conversation with the Paulist Deacon Affiliates about Benedictine values, addressing polarization, and ministry with Catholics on the threshold.
59 min
Right There With You: Helen Osman
Helen Osman, a longtime leader in faith-based communications, joins us for a conversation about providing hope for the Catholics at the threshold of the Church door; trends in Church media; and more.
49 min
Words of Hope for Catholics at the Threshold
In this special episode, we compile responses from our several of our pod guests to our regular question: "What words of hope would you give to Catholics at the threshold of the Church door, both those who are thinking about returning to Church and those who are thinking about leaving?"
51 min
Ministry of Service: Deacon Chris Lawton, C.S.P...
In this episode, the deacons have a wonderful conversation with Paulist Deacon Chris Lawton and Paulist Deacon Dan Macalinao. They are both Paulist seminarians and transitional deacons who are slated to be ordained priests on May 18, 2024.