Crack the Customer Code

Crack the Customer Code is dedicated to helping business professionals, small business owners, and customer-facing professionals learn the ins and outs of creating great customer experiences. With interviews and insights from a wide range of experts in the field, Crack the Customer Code will explore both timely and timeless topics, from how to increase customer loyalty through social media to why customers are more prone to lose control with companies nowadays. Crack the Customer Code provides a peek behind the curtain of what customer experience professionals really know about customers and how to make them happy and keep them loyal.

080: Mana Ionescu, Social Customer Care with Pu...
Mana Ionescu, President of Lightspan Digital, shares tips and insights on keeping up with the changing landscape of social customer care. Social Customer Care with Purpose In today’s marketplace, as Mana explains, few organizations can...
21 min
079: 2016 Customer Experience Predictions
2016 is going to be a wild but shaky ride. Hold on tight! Where’s the next hairpin turn for your organization? Adam and Jeannie have some customer experience predictions to help keep you in your seat. Customer Experience Predictions The...
12 min
078: 2016 Customer Service Resolutions
What will you do to make 2016 the best year yet for your customers? New Year. New Customer Service Resolutions. Adam and Jeannie discuss some of the resolutions they believe every organization should have to make 2016 better for all their customers...
12 min
077: Crowdsourcing Innovation with Customers
Crowdsourcing is one way companies are reaching customers before developing products or services. What do you think about this modern way of including customers? Is crowdsourcing the way to innovate? Crowdsourcing: Tapping into the collective...
16 min
076: Aaron Walker, Veteran Entrepreneur
Aaron Walker, veteran entrepreneur, has built his business around mentorship and used his vast experience to mentor leaders in many industries. Aaron has a great story and shares how he walks the talk, while leading others to do the same. Expert...
27 min
075: Can You Gamify Customer Experience?
Who doesn’t like playing games, and winning!? Companies across many industries are learning how to gamify the experience for their customers. How can gamification improve the experience for your customers? Can You Gamify The Customer...
13 min
074: Denise Lee Yohn, Brand-Building Expert
Denise Lee Yohn, author of  Extraordinary Experiences: What Great Retail and Restaurant Brands Do, discusses the concepts of restaurant and retail stand-out experiences. Unique Opportunities in Restaurant and Retail Experiences Denise has...
17 min
073: Hacking Your Workplace Culture
What if you don’t have a budget for lots of perks to create a positive workplace culture? Are there ways to hack culture to make the workplace positive and fun? Hacking Your Workplace Culture Money is often the fourth motivator for workers....
15 min
072: Matt Phillips, Innovation Expert
Matt Phillips is the President of management consulting firm, Phillips and Company. Matt helps us all understand breakthrough innovations and experience. Innovation Improves Customer Experience What is expected in the experience offered to customers...
23 min
071: The Fan Experience Goes Digital
Seeing the game live used to be enough for sports fans. Now, stadiums are designed to be a multi-screen experience. How are experiences changing for sports fans, and how are the champions delivering victories? Connected Fans Mean More...
11 min
070: Giving Thanks to Your Customers
In honor of Thanksgiving, we’d like to share what we’re thankful for in this episode of Crack the Customer Code! We hope we can inspire you with some great stories of how some unique companies have thanked their own customers. From bold...
14 min
069: Embedded Customer Care
One of the things customers hate about customer service is finding it. How can customer care be embedded into the entire customer journey? Adam and Jeannie discuss the innovations that are making this more of a reality for customers and companies...
14 min
068: Annette Franz, Customer Experience Expert
Annette Franz, creator of the CX Journey blog, gets into the nitty gritty of what makes a customer journey map a powerful tool for any organization. Customer Journey Maps Get Real “Do I need to track all thousand steps?” Different...
17 min
067: Customer Security - It's More than Digital
Providing a secure environment for customers is more than just protecting data. What can we do to help everybody feel secure with every transaction throughout the entire journey? Customer Security as a Service Security is often overlooked as part of...
13 min
066: Jill Salzman, Community Leader Extraordinaire
Jill Salzman, creator of The Founding Moms, joins us to discuss global networking and the inception of the world's first and only online and offline meet-up and resource network for mothers. Real Women Making a Difference When asked why membership...
27 min
065: Restaurant Customer Service
With so many options on the market, it is easier than ever for customers who've had a poor dining experience at one restaurant to take their loyalty and hard earned cash to a different venue. That's a lot of pressure on restaurant staff to create...
18 min
064: Shep Hyken, Customer Experience Expert
Shep Hyken, the Customer Experience Expert and Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations, joins the podcast to talk about fusing disparate elements of customer service into one holistic whole.Realistic Customer AmazementShep’s advice...
23 min
063: How To Create Frugal Customer Experiences
Superior customer experience is a non-negotiable facet of maintaining a thriving customer base. But how can you deliver an exceptional customer experience without an exceptional budget?Keeping Costs In LineDo you know what you want the experience...
15 min
062: Shel Israel, Cross-Disciplinary Communicator
Technology is constantly affecting us, whether consciously or unconsciously, in a countless number of ways. Author and speaker Shel Israel joins the podcast to talk about the impact of technology on the future of the world, communication, and business...
23 min
061: Why Customer Service Must Be Profitable
We all know that customer service is an essential aspect of customer experience can often be disconnected from profit. How can you improve customer experience while maintaining the health and profitability of your organization?Three Dimensional...
18 min
060: Jeremy Watkin, Head of Quality, FCR
While you may think of call centers as a customer service vehicle of the past, new and improved ‘contact’ centers are alive and well. As technology trends direct customers and businesses to mobile, email, and chat platforms, how are these...
27 min
059: Pantry Market Takes DIY Cooking Offline
As customer experience experts, we have to focus on innovation in ways that others don’t. Our Customer Hero today has created a fantastic model to evolve, innovate, and better suit customer needs.Customization with Innovation and...
9 min
058: Jill Griffin, The Loyalty Maker
Jill Griffin can ignite loyalty in anyone. Customers are always searching for greener pastures, so what is Jill’s advice for keeping them loyal?High ExpectationsCustomers are getting more and more savvy about what loyalty means to their...
20 min
057: Customer Loyalty Trumps Industry Disruption
While it may be fun to be a disrupter, it’s not so fun to be the disruptee. What happens to organizations that have their entire industry shaken up? What can these businesses do to prepare for and respond to disruption?Jeannie...
14 min
056: Lori Jo Vest, Co-Author of Who's Your Gladys
Good customer service can give your company a competitive financial edge. Lori Jo Vest, co-author of Who’s Your Gladys joins the podcast today to identify key customer service strategies to take your company from simply stable to thriving...
22 min