Con Artists

Anyone can fall victim to a con. But what kind of person intentionally tries to deceive and manipulate someone? Peek behind the masks of hustlers, swindlers, and fraudsters, and explore how far someone would go to gain money, power, and respect. Con Artists is a Spotify Original from Parcast. 

True Crime
Society & Culture
NEW: Barry Minkow Pt. 1: “ZZZZ Best”
In the 1980s, 16-year-old Barry Minkow established himself as a boy-genius after opening a chain of successful carpet cleaning stores in California.
45 min
Con Artists Bites: Murder M.O.s
Today we're discussing "M.O.s", or the "modus operandi" of murderers. We'll talk about the tactics killers use on their victims, and what those methods say about their psyches.
18 min
Gregor MacGregor Pt. 2: “Poyais”
When a string of military failures under Gregor's leadership led to his exile from South America in 1820, the Scotsman returned to Europe a disgrace.
43 min
Con Artists Bites: Indoctrination
Today we’re exploring cases of indoctrination. We’ll discuss how cult leaders, secret societies, and kidnappers gain control of their victims and what makes individuals vulnerable to malicious manipulation.
18 min
Gregor MacGregor Pt. 1: “Poyais”
In the early 19th century, Gregor MacGregor's family name had been disgraced. But the young Scot was determined to put his clan back on the map.
45 min
Con Artists Bites: Craziest Trials
Today, we're looking at some of the most fascinating criminal trials in history. We'll see how certain tactics used by attorneys influenced juries, changed outcomes, and provided some of the most unexpected legal twists and turns in recent memory.
23 min
Parcast Classic: Charles Ponzi Pt. 1
Italian immigrant Carlo Ponzi came to Boston in the early 1900's intent on making a name for himself. But as he struggled to make ends meet, he discovered a highly lucrative investment method involving the resale of Italian postage. Just one catch—there was no investment plan.
50 min
Con Artists Bites: Abduction
Today we’re discussing cases of abduction, and examining some of the most infamous kidnappings throughout true crime history.
20 min
Oscar Hartzell Pt. 2: “The Drake Fortune”
In 1922, American Oscar Hartzell took full control of his "Francis Drake inheritance scam." He bilked thousands of people out of enormous amounts of money, and when the government tried to stop him, he proved himself nearly untouchable.
40 min
Con Artists Bites: Cannibals & Vampires
Today we’re discussing cannibals and vampires. We’ll examine strange cases of predators who drink blood and feast on flesh, and delve into their unique psychology.
22 min
Oscar Hartzell Pt. 1: “The Drake Fortune”
After starting a string of failing businesses in the early 1900s, American Oscar Hartzell found himself looking for his next path to wealth. He found it when he heard about Sir Frances Drake, and his alleged inheritance. Soon Hartzell began to use tale's of Drake's fortune to make a fortune of his own.
43 min
Con Artists Bites: Wealthy Victims
Today we're looking into the crimes that affect wealthy victims. While we may assume the wealthy are most often the victims of crimes like robbery, in reality, the wealthy are less likely to be victimized than the poor.
23 min
Frank Abagnale Pt. 2: “Catch Me If You Can”
In a span of five years, Frank Abagnale Jr. took on various identities: airline pilot, pediatrician, lawyer. He had perfected the art of counterfeiting… until eventually, the law caught up with him.
44 min
Con Artists Bites: Notorious Assassins
What motivates someone to assassinate a President, or their musical hero? Today we’re highlighting three notorious assassinations and the perpetrators behind them.
20 min
Frank Abagnale Pt. 1: “Catch Me If You Can”
In only five years, Frank Abagnale Jr. managed to cause a major stir in the criminal world.
43 min
Con Artists Bites: Suspicious Celebrity Deaths
Stars—they’re just like us. So why are we so intrigued by celebrity death, and why is the intrigue amplified when the death is unexpected?
21 min
William Chaloner Pt. 2: “The Counterfeit Tricks...
For more than a decade, William Chaloner had managed to evade the law, all the while forging tens of thousands of pounds worth of coins and banknotes.
46 min
Con Artists Bites: Unhealthy Relationships
Today we're exploring cases of unhealthy relationships and examining some of true crime's most notorious couples. We'll dive into clips from shows across the Parcast Network, and look at how the twisted—often abusive—dynamic between two criminals shapes the crimes they commit.
25 min
William Chaloner Pt. 1: “The Counterfeit Tricks...
Born into poverty in 17th century England, William Chaloner pulled himself out using a con artist’s tongue and his artistry as a forger.
40 min
Con Artists Bites: Childhoods From Hell
Today we're taking a look at what some of the most infamous criminals in history have in common: a brutal childhood. As we dive into clips from shows across the Parcast Network, we'll explore how their early years of abuse, neglect, and trauma all shaped these individuals into notorious offenders.
18 min
Charles Sobhraj Pt. 2: “The Bikini Killer”
After ditching his brother to wallow in a Turkish prison, Charles Sobhraj returned to the Hippie Trail to prey on Western tourists.
47 min
Con Artists Bites: Elderly Criminals
Today we explore the unique and shocking cases when elders we expect to respect defy society and commit crimes in their old age. We'll dive into clips from shows across the Parcast Network, and discuss all the reasons a senior citizen may defy the norm and break the law.
20 min
Charles Sobhraj Pt. 1: “The Bikini Killer”
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Charles Sobhraj was one of the most elusive con artists in the world. Though his cons were elaborate, he knew he would be able to prey on unsuspecting Western tourists traveling along the “Hippie Trail,” the road between Istanbul and Bangkok.
50 min
Con Artists Bites: Victims Who Escaped
Today we're exploring those rare and hopeful instances where victims managed to break out of their captors' clutches and flee to freedom. We'll dive into clips from shows across the Parcast Network, and discuss all the ways in which a victim might escape and the psychological effects their traumatic experiences might have had on them.
29 min
Victor Lustig Pt. 2
After taking advantage of the wrong mark, Victor Lustig found himself in the crosshairs of police all over the United States.
42 min