The C.L.I.M.B. with Johnny Dwinell an...

Helping Singers, Songwriters, and Indie Artists Create Leverage In the Music Business.

Music Commentary
125: 7 Things Every Lyricist Should Know
If you’re a songwriter looking to improve your game, then this episode is a MUST. These 7 pieces of information are clutch for every songwriter. You’ll revisit this episode multiple times moving forward today. Grab a free copy of Brent’s free book, Think Like A Pro Songwriter by going to
32 min
017 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “In Pieces Together”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing the song title “In Pieces Together” If you’d like some professional help finishing your song, schedule a coaching appointment with Brent today.
12 min
124: How To Build Value In Your Brand
The Louisville Crashers are Louisville’s biggest and highest paid live band, but how did they do it? I’ll bet you’d love to know how to start getting your artist income up right now. Listen to Johnny and Brent talk with Mark Maxwell the lead singer of The Louisville Crashers. It’s all about building value in […]
37 min
009 Expand Your Brand: Super Engaging Content
Have you ever wondered why some content you post is DOA and some get a boatload of likes and comments? This minisode will share 5 different kinds of content that are sure to blow up your engagement. Remember how great you felt the last time you had some momentum going in your artist career? You […]
16 min
123: Write The Video Before You Write Your Song
Want to learn a neat little trick that will help you write lyrics that are more detailed, colorful, and meaningful to the listener? Then this episode is for you. Another AMAZING way to write better songs is to participate in Brent’s online songwriting event, Building A Hit: From Blank Page to Finished Lyric throughout the […]
30 min
016 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Supermodel”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing lyrics for the song title “Supermodel”. If you’d like to privately craft some killer lyrical approaches to your song or even get help writing your really good song idea, then schedule a coaching session with […]
16 min
122: Are You Lying To Yourself?
Have you ever said you don’t have time to do (blank) in your artist career? Have you ever said or thought you can’t afford this or that? This one phrase will quickly clarify what you really want as an artist. The answer will either provide peace in your current career accomplishments or cause you to […]
30 min
008 Expand Your Brand: 5 Content Consistency Hacks
Do you ever feel stuck when you’re creating social media content? Do you ever feel Uninspired? Here are 5 hacks that will help you post consistent content on your social media platforms. (#5 is a LIFESAVER!) Remember how great you felt the last time you had some momentum going in your artist career? You can […]
15 min
121: Building A Hit Blake Shelton’s “I Lived It”
What makes a hit song? Listen to Brent and Johnny dissect the lyrics on Blake Shelton’s latest #1 “I Lived It” If you want to up your songwriting game, then you’ll love my 4-week online songwriting workshop event, Building A Hit: From Blank Page To Finished Lyric. To get more information, download Brent’s free ebook Think […]
28 min
015: SONG TITLE CHALLENGE “Skip The Rocks”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing lyrics for the song title “Skip The Rocks”. If you’d like some one-on-one help but privately with your song titles, or maybe you’d like some coaching that will transform you into being a better songwriter, […]
11 min
120: The Difference Between Radio & Online Mark...
If you’ve ever felt like your spinning your wheels getting your music out there, it’s probably because you’re marketing online like they market music on the radio. They’re DIFFERENT. Learn the differences in this episode and get your marketing back on track. Imagine what you’d feel like if a large fan base absolutely LOVED your […]
33 min
007 Expand Your Brand: 5 Ways To Grow Your Face...
You can grow your Facebook audience without spending money. Here are 5 ways to work a little more and grow, grow, GROW! Imagine how your artistic career will transform after you quickly learn to optimize your time. You’ll grow your audiences and brand quicker when you have a strategy customized to your specific strengths and […]
14 min
119: Is Pitching To A Publisher A Waste of Time?
OMGosh!! Somebody wrote a blog saying that “Pitch to Publisher” events are a waste of time and money because the songwriter likely won’t get a single-song contract out of the deal. You won’t BELIEVE Brent’s reaction to this! If you want an opportunity to play your songs for a hit publisher, then Brent’s Play For […]
38 min
014 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Don’t Wanna Train An...
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 5-6 different ways to conceptually approach writing the song title “Don’t Wanna Train Another Me”. If you’d like to improve your songwriting craft by working with a pro writer, then a coaching session is exactly what you need. Go to […]
17 min
118: LIVE From The CLIMB Conference
If you’ve ever questioned whether you can break out as an artist or a songwriter from a remote location (aka your small town), then this episode is for you. The first ever CLIMB Conference was held in Salt Lake City, Utah on May 4-5, 2018. Imagine how BIG your audience could grow if you learned […]
44 min
006 Expand Your Brand: Social Media Is A Cockta...
This one simple tweak can move you from frustration and stagnation on your social media accounts to movement & growth. Imagine how much your audience would grow with just a small amount of guidance from the experts. Schedule a consulting appointment today and customize a strategy to transform you into the artist that everybody loves. […]
15 min
117: What Really Happens In A Publisher Meeting
Have you ever wondered what happens inside a real publisher meeting? Listen to Brent break down all the things that the publisher may do and/or say.   If you’re frustrated because you have great songs but zero connections in the industry, then Brent’s quarterly “Play For Publisher” event could change your life. Get your amazing songs […]
31 min
013: SONG TITLE CHALLENGE “Long After Dawn”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. In this episode Brent and Johnny craft 3-5 conceptual approaches to the song title “Long After Dawn” If you ever get stuck on songs or would like to learn more writing with a hit songwriter, then you could transform your songwriting with a one-on-one coaching session. Schedule […]
19 min
116: The Unbelievable POWER of Social Proof
Social Proof determines how you behave, how you think, what you purchase, and what artists you like. You IDENTIFY with certain artists because your tribe identifies with them. So How can an indie artist use this incredible power of persuasion to increase merch sales, and grow a fan base? If you’re feeling like you could […]
35 min
005 Expand Your Brand: 3 Reasons People Aren’t ...
If you don’t feel like enough people are responding to your social media posts, then this episode is for you. Schedule an appointment now to craft a customized marketing strategy for your particular sound. Contact us at and put CONSULTATION in the subject line.
15 min
115: Your Song’s First Line REALLY Needs This
The first line of the song is mission-critical to the listener wanting to hear the second line. This episode focuses on what you must do to keep the listener interested.   If you would like to get (online) face-to-face with hit songwriter Jimmy Yeary, then you’ll want to be present at the next Know The […]
41 min
012: SONG TITLE CHALLENGE – “A Whisper of Peace”
Ever wonder what 4-5 different conceptual approaches toward lyrics on a specific song title look like? Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter and find out. In this minisode, Brent and Johnny dive into the song title “A Whisper of Peace”. They dropped 4-5 different ways to write it. Are you curious to see […]
16 min
114: Without This They May Not Take You Seriously
Talent is one thing. Professionalism is another. It’s NOT just about the song. It’s also about the recording. A professional recording shows people you don’t know that you’re a professional. If you’re interested getting 50% off your song demos, then the Song Demo Scholarship Program if for you. Now you can afford to get the […]
39 min
004 Expand Your Brand – 5 Instagram Branding Hacks
Have you ever been confused by exactly what a brand is? These 5 hacks will help you become a ninja on all your social media platforms, not just Instagram. If you’re feeling like nobody is hearing your music, then schedule a transformation consultation and get excited again. Send an email to and put CONSULTATION in […]
18 min
113: How To Make Your Ballads More Radio Ready
Every songwriter writes a ton of ballads, but these tricks and strategies will ensure that you’re beating out your competition. If you’re interested in writing more commercial songs, then you’ll want to find out more about Frettie’s “Know The Row” event. It’s free if you’re a Frettie member, but you don’t have to be to participate. […]
31 min