The C.L.I.M.B. with Johnny Dwinell an...

Helping Singers, Songwriters, and Indie Artists Create Leverage In the Music Business.

Music Commentary
140: Your Career Is Like Skiing
Your artist career is just like skiing. The goal isn’t to get to the bottom of the mountain, the goal is to get as many runs in as you can before the day is over. Johnny breaks down several different marketing consultations that resulted in successful brand growth for the artists. Real World Examples. You […]
37 min
017 EXPAND YOUR BRAND: Wickedly Powerful Archet...
Did you know Coca-Cola’s brand archetype is the Innocent? Are you aware Pepsi’s is The Jester? Apple’s is the Outlaw, Tom Hanks is The Innocent, Jack Nicholson’s is the Outlaw, Taylor Swift’s is The Innocent. What’s your personal archetype? What’s your artist brand archetype because it’s entirely possible they may be different. Brands become more […]
20 min
139: Are Your Songs Road Ready?
Are your songs road ready? What the heck does that even mean? The insights in this episode will greatly improve your chances of a getting a major cut. Download Brent’s free book, Think Like A Pro Songwriter today at
37 min
024 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Thank You For Noticing”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Ever heard a pro songwriter riff on-the-spot conceptual ideas for lyrics to a song title that was sprung on him live? No pressure, right? Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing lyrics for the song title, “Thank You For Noticing”.   Brent can help […]
15 min
138: How To Attract Massive Opportunity
But how’d we do it? How did we get this big break? Did we get lucky? Were we “discovered” and then everything happened really quickly? Was it nepotism? Nope, this is the story about The C.L.I.M.B.’s climb to a partnership and platform with a much larger audience for us. We followed these simple steps. The more […]
41 min
016 EXPAND YOUR BRAND: Instagram – Make Your Fr...
Instagram is all about the image(s). These SUPER CREATIVE imaging strategies and apps will help your feed stand out immediately and clarify beyond a reasonable doubt that you are an artist! Oh and they’re F U N as well! REMEMBER: This will be a little daunting at first because it’s foreign…but once you get the […]
23 min
137: Songwriting Is NOT A Pro Songwriter’s Job
If songwriting is NOT a pro songwriter’s job, the what the heck is the job? Find out in this week’s episode. We are PROUD to announce that The C.L.I.M.B. Show podcast has partnered with Disc Makers! Stay tuned for more details or visit Download Brent’s free book Think Like A Pro Songwriter at
39 min
023 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Sunshine On Wheels”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent & Johnny craft 4-5 conceptual approaches for writing lyrics to the song title “Sunshine On Wheels”   PS: If you have song title that you’d like to try this exercise with but want it to be private or if you want to up your […]
17 min
136: Long Game or Short Game?
Are you looking for immediate gratification in your songwriting and/or artist career? Are you playing the long game or the short game? Are you PLANNING for the long game or the short game? Listen to Johnny and Brent discuss the difference between the two and get your plan moving forward. PS: Do you look at […]
38 min
015 EXPAND YOUR BRAND: Don’t Make This Rookie M...
This one social media value bomb is the difference between your content looking pro or looking like a rookie. Whether your content is images or videos, it’s super easy and totally WORTH IT.   PS: Are you looking at the costs for your marketing as an expense or an investment? The marketing is the ONLY […]
16 min
135: Don’t Be Too Proud To Start At The Bottom
Why is money something you think is standing in your way? J.K. Rowling, George Clooney, David Geffen, Ralph Lauren, and Oprah Winfrey all started dirt poor with absolutely nothing. Winfrey, Geffen, and Rowling are all BILLIONAIRES now. So why can’t you achieve your musical dreams? In this episode we interview Barbara Strauss, successful concert promoter, […]
38 min
022: SONG TITLE CHALLENGE – “I Just Wanna Hear ...
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing the lyrics for the song title “I Just Wanna Hear Him Breathe” For help on your song title lyrical concepts or just help writing your song, schedule a coaching call with Brent Baxter today at […]
19 min
134: Interview with Hacking Music Authors, John...
Last year Spotify received 30,000 uploads per month, now they handle 20,000 song uploads per day! Additionally, every minute of ever day the game changes on social media and digital marketing making it difficult to get ahead. In this episode we interview John Pisciotta and Wade Sutton who are the authors of the brand new book (which […]
57 min
014 EXPAND YOUR BRAND: How To Define Your Audience
Daredevil Production artists have a bigger fan base, social media footprint, and more engagement from actual fans than almost all major label artists who are not famous. How do we do it? Before you can expand your audience, you’ll need to know exactly who they are. Rap fans, Country fans, Rock fans, are not specific […]
18 min
133: 5 Ways To Run A Publisher Meeting
Have you ever wondered how you’d act in a publisher meeting? What should you do to stack the deck in your favor and make the publisher like you and your songs? Here are 5 ways to take control over a publisher meeting that will ensure they never forget you. Here’s your chance to get in […]
41 min
021 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Plastic Jesus On The...
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. FYI, you won’t believe where this one goes! Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches to writing the lyrics for a song called “Plastic Jesus On The Dash”. If you’d like to conceptualize your song, prepare, or repair your song lyrics privately with Brent, […]
14 min
132: Sheryl Crow’s Last Album
Why did Sheryl Crow announce she will no longer be recording albums and how on earth does that affect you as an indie artist? Listen to Johnny and Brent break it all down for you in this episode. You know what you know, but do you know what you don’t know? You can change that […]
29 min
013 EXPAND YOUR BRAND: Defining Your Brand
Most indie artists are unaware of their brand and consequently, their social media is confusing to consumers. If you confuse, you lose. Artists are always talking about their “brand” but how do you really define it? Listen to Lexi and Johnny discuss some cool ways that will help you define your brand so that your […]
17 min
131: Should I Copyright My Song?
You have a bunch of songs but when should you copyright them to protect yourself? Listen in to Brent and Johnny discuss a few pointers to ensure that you’re protected and you’re not spending money you don’t need to. For an amazing free resource on songwriting, download Brent’s free eBook Think Like A Pro Songwriter today at […]
28 min
020 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Till The River”
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 different conceptual approaches for writing lyrics to the song title, “Till The River” (edited from “I Had You Beat Till The River”). If you’d like to craft a better version of your song with Brent privately and write the best […]
19 min
130: Who’s Holding You Down?
One of the hardest lessons that EVERYBODY has to learn as they climb the ladder of success is how and when to let go of certain friends and/or family that are holding you back. Listen to Johnny bare his soul about the pain of terminating a toxic relationship. Snoop Dogg “The Gap” video: Imagine how […]
36 min
You’re probably selling too much. You might be coming off as obnoxious on your feeds, like the person you just met at a party that can’t stop talking about themselves. This minisode will teach you a couple guidelines make your feeds cool, relevant, and sharable so you can grow your audience. PS: Nobody can ever […]
18 min
129: Rhyming Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Song
Are you chasing rhymes and ending up with boring mediocre lyrics? Listen to Brent and Johnny discuss some common mistakes that songwriters make and how to avoid them. Bottom line, this episode will make you a better songwriter. Brent is always connecting you with the pros. To find out what events are coming up next […]
28 min
019 SONG TITLE CHALLENGE: “Faith and Consequen...
Get inside the mind of a hit songwriter. Listen to Brent and Johnny craft 4-5 conceptual approaches for writing the lyrics to the song title “Faith and Consequences”. If you’d like some help preparing or repairing your songs lyrically, then a coaching session with Brent is just the ticket. It’s super easy and think about […]
15 min
128: It’s Not About You
The reason your social media efforts are lackluster is because most artists social media feeds are all about the artist…look-at-me, look-at-me, look-at-me,look-at-me. What’s in it for the consumer who doesn’t know you from a can of paint? This episode will focus on the concepts you need to master to be a ninja at connecting with […]
33 min