The C.L.I.M.B. with Johnny Dwinell an...

Helping Singers, Songwriters, and Indie Artists Create Leverage In the Music Business.

Music Commentary
Song Title Challenge #102: No Girl, No Work - W...
Johnny and Brent sit down with a special guest: Hit songwriter Chris Wallin for a Song Title Challenge. How would YOU write this one?
26 min
Episode #294: Promo Hacks + Audience Selection
If you want to find out how Johnny got four hundred people to show up at a live show for an artist in a market that he never played before, listen on.
55 min
Video Content Challenge #6: Worth The Wait
Emma Zinch sits down with Johnny and Brent to discuss her latest single, 'Worth The Wait.' How would YOU promote this single?
33 min
Episode #293: More Advice For Aspiring Songwrit...
In this episode, Brent breaks down even more killer advice for aspiring songwriters like you.
61 min
Song Title Challenge #101: Practically Neighbor...
Hit songwriter Steve O'Brien sat down with Johnny and Brent to discuss ways to write this title. How would YOU write this one?
32 min
Episode #292: The REAL Story Behind The Bobby B...
The lesson in this episode is important to artists of all genres...even though these specifics orbit around country music. In a TikTok posted on August 29th, Bobby Bones calls out the record industry spouting the truth about #1s on the radio. It's all politics. Bones says the labels trade them like baseball cards. This is true, but the REAL story is much deeper and much more important for you.
49 min
Video Content Challenge #5: One Whiskey Away
How would YOU promote this one?
28 min
Episode #291: Advice To An Aspiring Songwriter Pro
If you're on the CLIMB and you want to create success in the music business, there are some things you just need to know to make money. Let's chat about that.
65 min
Song Title Challenge #100: Harleys Over Heartaches
Special guests Stefan Mork and Blue Foley sit down with Johnny and Brent for our 100th Song Title Challenge. How would YOU write this one?
21 min
Episode #290: Nashville Nights International So...
Blue Foley and Stefan Mork, the co-founders of the Nashville Nights International Songwriting Festival, sit down with Johnny and Brent to discuss some exciting news.
67 min
Video Content Challenge #4: Video Promo INTERVE...
Here's the's not all about that full length music video.
26 min
Episode #289: Lessons From This Week's Top 5 Co...
Today, we're breaking this week's top five country singles down and revealing what YOU need to know if you want to write your own top five hit.
40 min
Song Title Challenge #99: Small Town Clown
How would YOU write this one?
28 min
Episode #288: How To Use Instagram Hashtags (A ...
Have you been wondering how to effectively use hashtags to improve your visibility on Instagram? We've got you covered.
52 min
Video Content Challenge #3: It's All Good
Want more video content ideas for YOUR songs? This episode will get your creative wheels turning! A listener like you sends in their finished song, and we brainstorm various video content ideas - from full videos to lyric videos to Tik Tok Challenges... you name it! This episode, we dive into the song "It's All Good" by CLIMBer, Thurane. Listen up & keep on - we want you to win!
46 min
Episode #287: More Stuff Pro Songwriters Know T...
You thought we already shared everything that a pro songwriter knows that you don't? Think again. This episode, we're revealing more stuff that pro songwriters know that amateurs usually don't.
50 min
Song Title Challenge #98: Last One To Lie
Step into the writing room with a hit songwriter! Tune into this week's episode as Brent & Johnny D show you what the first 15 minutes of a pro songwriting session looks like. A listener like you submits a title, Johnny springs that title on Brent, and they work to find the best direction for it. This week's title is “LAST ONE TO LIE,” submitted by CLIMBer, Rod Smith! How would you write this one? We’d love to hear from you!
21 min
Episode #286: Why You Are So Much More Powerful...
It's not the most strongest artist that will survive. It's not the most intelligent artist that will survive. It's not even the richest or most connected. It's the most ADAPTABLE artist who will survive in the changing music industry. And this is where YOU have an advantage and great power... more than you even know! So listen up - we want you to win!
56 min
Video Content Challenge #2: Pamela Mary's 'Used...
Want more video content ideas for YOUR songs? This episode will get your creative wheels turning! A listener like you sends in their finished song, and we brainstorm various video content ideas - from full videos to lyric videos to Tik Tok Challenges... you name it! This episode, we dive into the song "Used To" by CLIMBer, Pamela Mary. Listen up & keep on - we want you to win!
41 min
Episode #285: Here's What The Pro Songwriter Kn...
So what does the pro songwriter know that maybe YOU don't? In this episode, we're pulling back the curtain so you can know what the pro knows. Because ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorance is failure. So listen up - we want you to win!
60 min
Song Title Challenge #97: I Never Want To Be Th...
How would YOU write this one?
26 min
Episode #284: How The Label Does The Icky Selli...
So you hate marketing and promo because you say it makes you feel like a door-to-door salesman? In this episode, we're going to dig into what you think you want and compare it to digital promotion.
61 min
Video Content Challenge #1: Borrowed
BREAKING NEWS! We're trying something brand new this time, y'all!
43 min
Episode #283: How To Prepare For An Artist Pitch
When all your hard work pays off, the stars align, and you finally get the chance to pitch your music to a major artist, how do you make the most out of your opportunity?
50 min
Song Title Challenge #96: One Heart To The Gallon
How would YOU write this one?
32 min