Bloody Drown Valley

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True Crime
The Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Gr...
<p>&quot;...the sisters loved their McKinley Park home to travel the short distance to the movie theater at around 7:30 p.m. and since they were planning on staying for the double feature they promised their mother Loretta that they&#39;d return home by midnight a classmate of Patricia&#39;s and named Dorothy Weinert was actually attending the first showing of the film with her younger sister that same night she led to reports noticing Barbara and Patricia sitting in front of her for the film and then again at around 9:30 as she was leaving she noticed the two standing in line to purchase snacks for the second showing all seemed well I&#39;m going to make an assumption here and say that Patricia and Barbara were very responsible and trustworthy because they&#39;re young girls and they were being allowed to go out on their own to see a late movie their parents must have trusted them enough to agree to let them go out without having to worry about them breaking their curfew so when 12 am came around and the girls still haven&#39;t showed up at home Loretta knew something was amiss she had two of her other children go to the bus stop to wait and see if they&#39;d showed up there however there were no signs of Barbara or Patricia and at 2 a.m. Loretta called the initial investigation Into The Disappearance of the grime sisters interesting, to say the least at the beginning of sorties was sure the girls would turn out somewhere as they were theorized to be Runaways they were thought to have just run off with boyfriends or something so their case wasn&#39;t being looked at as a top priority it wasn&#39;t until one week had passed did this start to become a missing persons case and by December 31st The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes was Front Page News once word got out about The Disappearance the police were flooded with tips from all over the Nation about alleged sightings two weeks after their disappearance a classmate of just started receiving strange phone calls in the middle of the night the first time she answered the phone there was no answer on the other line the second time they called a voice that sounded exactly like Patricia&#39;s said is that you Sandra is Sandra there and then they hung up The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes became one of the largest missing persons cases in Cook County history fifteen thousand Flyers were distributed locally and hundreds of volunteers offered their assistance in searching the surrounding suburbs the Church of the girls and their family frequented offered up a one thousand dollar reward for any information regarding the girl&#39;s whereabouts where their disappearance 300,000 people would be questioned and 2000 suspects would be interrogated police had gone through several leads but no new information had come out of It ultimately please decided that Barbara and Patricia must have just run off on their own volition to tend and Ovis concert...&quot;</p>
11 min
The Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Gr...
<p>&quot;...something that you&#39;d like to listen to I would go ahead and fast forward about two minutes autopsies were done the following day in order to give the girl&#39;s bodies enough time to thaw out and what they would find nobody could have ever imagined each body underwent a five-hour autopsy when there&#39;s some exclusion tents were examined Pathologists were able to conclude that the sisters most likely died within about five hours from the last time they were seen at the theater so that would make their time of death somewhere between the late evening of December 28th and the early morning of the 29th no conclusion was actually ever made to their actual time of death toxicology reports were able to conclude that neither Barbara or Patricia consumed any alcohol drugs or poison prior to their death Barbara was discovered to have engaged in sexual intercourse however no marks or wounds were found on her body to suggest that it was forced semen was also found in Patricia&#39;s vaginal fluid no fatal wounds were found however both of the girls faces were inflicted with wounds that were thought to have come from rodents after death the official cause of death for both Barbara and Patricia is Murder By secondary shock as a result to being exposed to the elements which caused their body temperature to go below the critical level compatible with Life Walter made Caron was one of the coroner&#39;s to perform the autopsies on Barbara and Patricia and he had determined that the girl&#39;s body is had been laying there near Devils creaks four weeks before they were discovered on January 22nd apparently it had gotten extremely cold and there was tons of snowfall during the weeks leading up to the discovery of the bodies and that was the reason that they were not found sooner however Chief investigator Henry gloss believe that Barbara and Patricia had been alive until at least January 7th and that they were dumped just after the snowfall since only after then with the snow be able to melt around their bodies due to them still being warm enough to create the ice that was found to have formed around them he also believe that the wounds on the sisters faces were consistent with that of some kind of brutal assault leading him to conclude that they were indeed molested like I said there were many alleged sightings of Barbara and Patricia and these sightings went along with glosses timeline a security guard named Jack Franklin reported giving the girls directions on the morning of December 29th that afternoon at around 2:30 p.m. a friend of the girls named Judy Barrow reported seeing both of the sisters walking Westward and in the early evening another classmate of Patricia has stated that she saw her walking past a restaurant and the company of two other girls none of which were Barbara on the early morning of December 30th at around 5:40 a.m. the restaurant owners of D and L Restaurant on West Madison which was only about five and a half miles from Brighton theater sees Barbara and Patricia who seemed drunk as she was unable to walk on her own they were in the company of one of their dishwashers Edward Benny Bedwell that well was a young Drifter from Tennessee and it was said that he bore quite the resemblance to Elvis Presley he quickly became a suspect and actually later confessed to the murder of the grime sisters however he later recanted his confession after stating that it was coerced by police after they did an intense three-day interrogation on him and even after the owners of the restaurant said they had missed identified the girls he was with that morning that well would be charged with Barbara and Patricia&#39;s murder however no evidence against him would be found and on February 6 he&#39;d be freed on a 20 thousand dollar Bond another Prime Suspect it&#39;s 17 year old Max flag and even though in the state of Illinois it is illegal for a minor to be...&quot;</p>
4 min
The Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Gr...
<p>...just started receiving strange phone calls in the middle of the night the first time she answered the phone there was no answer on the other line the second time they called a voice that sounded exactly like Patricia&#39;s said that you Sandra is Sandra there and then they hung up The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes became one of the largest missing persons cases in Cook County history fifteen thousand Flyers were distributed locally and hundreds of volunteers offered their assistance in searching the surrounding suburbs the Church of the girls and their family frequented offered up a one thousand dollar reward for any information regarding the girl&#39;s whereabouts where their disappearance 300,000 people would be questioned and 2000 suspects would be interrogated police had gone through several leads but no new information had come out of It ultimately please decided that Barbara and Patricia must have just run off on their own volition to tend and Ovis concert Elvis himself...</p>
4 min
Fugate teenage killers
<p>&quot; Annihilation and spree killing you just said family Annihilation I did so couple of definitions here so family and I Elation is like when multiple close family members are killed in one like one location in a short period of time and then spree killing so you have like serial killings which are like multiple victims multiple murder victims but there&#39;s like a cool-off period in between like it&#39;s like a course of time yeah and it&#39;s multiple locations okay this there&#39;s like mass murder which is like multiple murders in like one location and then for this case it&#39;s a spree killing so it&#39;s multiple murders multiple locations but it&#39;s a short period of time if that helps yeah yeah I mean I&#39;m just more into the first one you said kind of caught my interest yeah please you&#39;re kind of sad though I&#39;m Gonna Knock It Off don&#39;t tell me that all right all right so Charles Starkweather was born on November of 1938 and Lincoln Nebraska to guy and Helen Starkweather he was the third out of seven kids wow yeah there&#39;s lots of big fan every every murder comes from a big family seemed honest so guy was a carpenter but he had arthritis in his hands so there was like frequent bouts of unemployment because obviously Carpenters need their hands so kind of real unfortunate ailment he had Helen was a waitress she had to pick up the shifts a lot when guy was laid off I guess or unemployed they weren&#39;t the most well-off family like in terms of finances obviously but they made it work guy and Helen will always liked helping their neighbors whenever they needed and the neighbors just slowly love the Starkweather children because they were all so well-behaved Charles had it really rough growing up the once school started he was bow-legged and he had a stutter and he was extremely nearsighted now the nearsightedness wasn&#39;t diagnosed until he was a teenager so everybody just assumed he was a slow learner but he just couldn&#39;t see for shit so like he did he couldn&#39;t even read the top of the eye chart like the giant e.e. he couldn&#39;t even read that like that&#39;s how nearsighted he so kids bullied him a lot there was actually one case where they pushed him into oncoming traffic and laughed at him and said like his bow legs weren&#39;t working and that&#39;s why he went into traffic he got hit by a car oh my God yeah I don&#39;t think it was serious though but like but at the same time like that&#39;s so messed up for somebody to do it like what grade was this in it didn&#39;t specify it was just a real quick like oh yeah and then his bullying got so bad one day that he got pushed into oncoming traffic and and taller than his peers...&quot;</p>
41 min
Lizzy Borden The Inquest
<p>&quot;;re listening to a Touch of Madness based on the Trial of Lizzie Borden by Kate Lavender your full name is Lizzie Andrew Borden is it Lizzie or Elizabeth Lizzie you were so Chris I was so Christened what is your age please 32 your mother is not living no sir when did she die she died when I was two and a half years old you do not remember her then no sir what was your father&#39;s age he was 70 next month what was his whole name Andrew Jackson Borden and your stepmother what was her whole name Abby Durfee Borden how long has your father been married to your stepmother I think about 27 years how much of that time if they lived in the house on Second Street I think I&#39;m not sure but I think about 20 years last may always occupy the whole house yes sir somebody told me it was once fitted up for to tenements when we audit it was 42 tenements and the man we bought it off of stayed there a few months until he finished his own house after he finished his own house and moved into it there was no one else moved in we always have the whole have you any idea how much your father was worth no sir have you ever heard him say no sir have you formed any opinion no sir do you know something about his real estate about what his real estate I know what real estate he owned part of it I don&#39;t know whether or not I know all of it or not don&#39;t tell me what you know of he owns two farms and swans see the place on Second Street and the AJ Borden building and corner and land on South Main Street where McManus has and then a short time ago he bought some real estate up further south that formally he said belonged to a mr. Bert did you ever deed him any property he gave us some years ago Grandfather Borden&#39;s house on Ferry Street he bought that back some weeks ago I don&#39;t just know how many as near as you can call well I should say in June but I...&quot;</p>
24 min
University Gilrs Stutter Rape And Murder
<p>&quot;;s story takes us to Narborough a village on the outskirts of Leicester in the East Midlands of the United Kingdom it was a quiet Suburban almost rural setting the perfect place to raise a family it was safe and friendly but everyone knew each other and people could leave their doors unlocked and let their children play outside freely Linda man was a 15-year-old school girl she was bright loved school fashion and makeup and she had a lot of friends she used to babysit for local families as a way to earn pocket money to buy records and makeup on the 21st of November 1983 Linda left home to babysit one of the local families her parents have gone out for the night and Linda&#39;s two sisters were at home waiting for Linda to return home from babysitting but as the time came for Linda&#39;s return past and the hours continue to take by there was no sign of Linda her parents returned home and are realizing that she had not come home they began to comb the neighborhood looking for her calling out to her as they went their shouts garnered the attention of other villagers come join the family in their search for but by 10 p.m. there was still no sign of her and so the family contacted the authorities little did anyone know what this conjuncture that Linda&#39;s disappearance would go on to have horrific devastating consequences for not one but two local families of this quiet...&quot;</p>
46 min
Mysterious Death Of Police Deputys Girlfriend M...
<p>&quot; this case really raises the question our police officers investigated like regular people or are they given special treatment especially when death is involved on the night that Jeremy Banks girlfriend Michelle O&#39;Connell was shot by his colleagues from the St. Johns County Sheriff&#39;s Office walked onto the scene and immediately deemed her death a suicide this is another case where there really isn&#39;t much investigating done in a gunshot death and a person&#39;s life is treated pretty much like it doesn&#39;t matter so let&#39;s get into it when st. Johns County sheriff&#39;s deputies arrived at the St. Augustine home of Jeremy Banks on September 2nd, 2010 they found his 24-year-old girlfriend Michelle O&#39;Connell lying on the floor with an intraoral gunshot wound to the head, and dozens of prescription painkillers in her pocket please get someone to my house please send my girlfriend I think she just shot herself there&#39;s blood everywhere Banks yelled hysterically to the 911 operator so hysterically in fact that the woman called him ma&#39;am several times he was extremely offended by this and the audio and made her to go ahead and lower his voice and then got real fucking calm and said it sir it&#39;s sir anyway I digress so upon arrival deputies found Banks a fellow Saint John County Sheriff&#39;s deputy crouched at the bathroom door of the master suite clutching his phone the gun was found on Michelle&#39;s left with the Tactical light switched on later pictures taken at the scene revealed a second shot had been fired into the carpet despite the efforts of the First Responders Michelle was pronounced dead at close to 11:48 p.m. that night so st. Augustine Florida is an absolutely beautiful town that boasts the oldest city in America Castillo de San Marcos known simply as the fort to locals is the oldest masonry fort in the continental US and Ponce De Leon&#39;s Fountain of Youth is also located there so this is a very old city lately mired in history and Scenic Beauty it&#39;s a small town of roughly 14,500 people so as you can imagine there&#39;s not a lot of violent crime here I looked up crime rates in 2008 and it said it was slightly higher than the national average but like literally by 1% and murder rates were like non-existent so it&#39;s an incredible place it holds a pretty much a huge significance I&#39;m not going to tell you why for myself and my husband we&#39;ve had some great times there including at a location featured in this case the st. Augustine Amphitheatre enough about the underrated city of St Augustine let&#39;s get back to the case of Deborah Maynard a former St. Johns County Sheriff&#39;s Office Deputy who was on the scene immediately after the 911 call was placed Deborah was having coffee when she got the call that shots were fired which is the signal 18 and she rushed to the address as she entered the house she saw a pair of feet in the doorway...&quot;</p>
39 min
Murder at the pig Farm
<p>&quot; murdered 11 people I feel like this guy&#39;s just not right duh so at this point Charles and Carol are now you said that she turned herself in crying saying that he killed someone so it&#39;s done you think she&#39;s playing the victim well we&#39;ll discuss you&#39;re jumping the gun a little bit they&#39;re both interested so Charles was brought up on one charge of first-degree murder for the murder of Robert Jensen the teen who tried to help him after he drove into a ditch I could not for the life of me find why they didn&#39;t try him for the other murders like they just I mean I guess the Robert Jensen one his car was at the scene so they could like to link him to it Robert Johnson&#39;s girlfriend Carol King was at the scene as well so like why couldn&#39;t they at least I mean so it really doesn&#39;t matter but it just I don&#39;t know it bugs me that I not find that anywhere so Charles this is another Karma situation I love it Charles willingly chooses to be extradited from Wyoming to Nebraska so that means that he was going to he was picked up in Wyoming so he&#39;s going to get tried to Wyoming but he was like no I can be tried in Nebraska strictly because the governor of Nebraska at the time was vocally against however funny thing is that Governor made an exception for Charles yes so Charles during the trial kind of kept changing his story so he initially said that Carol wasn&#39;t even present for the murder of Robert Jensen then once he found out that she was kind of like placing all the blame on him he claimed that she was a willing participant his lawyers were even wishy-washy and bounce back and forth between him committing the murder due to insanity and him being completely innocent and like pick one right like you can&#39;t just play Both Sides right field you gotta pick one and commit to it the jury though wasn&#39;t having any of it and Charles Starkweather was convicted of murder and sentenced to death oh Carol Fugate maintained her innocence through her whole trial even to this day she still does she claim she was a hostage and he just threatened to kill her entire family if she didn&#39;t follow him supposedly unaware that he had already killed her family the judge declares that she had multiple opportunities to run away and so then on November 21st 1958 Carol Fugate was given a life sentence and became the youngest person in American history to be tried for and convicted of first-degree murder...&quot;</p>
32 min
Trailer Murder At The Pig Farm
<p>&quot; murdered 11 people I feel like this guy&#39;s just not right duh so at this point Charles and Carol are now you said that she turned herself in crying saying that he killed someone so it&#39;s done you think she&#39;s playing the victim well we&#39;ll discuss you&#39;re jumping the gun a little bit they&#39;re both interested so Charles was brought up on one charge of first-degree murder for the murder of Robert Jensen the teen who tried to help him after he drove into a ditch I could not for the life of me find why they didn&#39;t try him for the other murders like they just I mean I guess the Robert Jensen one his car was at the scene so they could like to link him to it Robert Johnson&#39;s girlfriend Carol King was at the scene as well so like why couldn&#39;t they at least I mean so it really doesn&#39;t matter but it just I don&#39;t know it bugs me that I not find that anywhere so Charles this is another Karma situation I love it Charles willingly chooses to be extradited from Wyoming to Nebraska so that means that he was going to he was picked up in Wyoming so he&#39;s going to get tried to Wyoming but he was like no I can be tried in Nebraska strictly because the governor of Nebraska at the time was vocally against however funny thing is that Governor made an exception for Charles yes so Charles during the trial kind of kept changing his story so he initially said that Carol wasn&#39;t even present for the murder of Robert Jensen then once he found out that she was kind of like placing all the blame on him he claimed that she was a willing participant his lawyers were even wishy-washy and bounce back and forth between him committing the murder due to insanity and him being completely innocent and like pick one right like you can&#39;t just play Both Sides right field you gotta pick one and commit to it the jury though wasn&#39;t having any of it and Charles Starkweather was convicted of murder and sentenced to death oh Carol Fugate maintained her innocence through her whole trial even to this day she still does she claim she was a hostage and he just threatened to kill her entire family if she didn&#39;t follow him supposedly unaware that he had already killed her family the judge declares that she had multiple opportunities to run away and so then on November 21st 1958 Carol Fugate was given a life sentence and became the youngest person in American history to be tried for and convicted of first-degree murder...&quot;</p>
2 min
Students Of Light Religious Cult
<p>&quot;...what you are about to hear may include disturbing descriptions of sexual or physical abuse or may contain coarse language listener discretion is advised they called themselves the students of light we used to call him the veggies or the vegetarians the vegetarian Mafia extremely manipulative a secret and insular spiritual sect United by their common search for enlightenment forgive yourself for your suppressed anger forgive yourself for scattering your Consciousness you felt pure clear happy like drugs at the drugs it really was to some the students of light were a divinely inspired spiritual School whose founder a man named John Haynes possessed Supernatural knowledge and abilities what I felt coming from that man could not have come from a normal person never ever;s Professor Loren Dawson sociologist at the University of Waterloo and an expert on new religious movements the Heyday of new religious movements and on public concern about them the so-called Great American Cults care which really spread all over the world primarily started in the States was definitely late 70s early 80s in responding to groups it mainly came into being at the end of the 60s and into the 70s and you know there seemed to be a sudden surge of hundreds if not thousands of groups at the time it was thought to be so urgent because it was that all this is something totally new and an affront to mainstream culture and if we don&#39;t immediately grab hold of us like a disease is going to take over our youth like Many religious groups of this period the students of Light have themselves been called a secretive cult with their leader John heinous accused of controlling and subjugating others in feeding his ego and lining his own pockets the story of the students of light will unfold over our coming episodes with much of it told Through The Eyes of former members who have agreed to share their you&#39;ll hear about why people chose to join the group in the first place I think we were all speakers really change the world to make a difference and about why many eventually became disillusioned and left you&#39;ll also hear about the group&#39;s Inception by its founder John heinous and how his leadership of the group evolved over the course of several decades I would say he changed quite a lot from being fairly humble sort of spiritual leader to being well learn it completely and yeah I think he turned into a bad man and you&#39;ll hear about some of the darker allegations that former members have leveled against John and the group allegations in from brainwashing and mind control and then of course we were told not to use our minds that our minds were destructive to sexual abuse he told her that it was for her spiritual growth pay extremely manipulative to the mistreatment of children sometimes it was a thing with the parents oh the parents aren&#39;t Towing the line will take your kid away or oh the kids acting up so yeah yeah we&#39;ll teach this family lesson join us as we take a deep dive into Toronto students of...&quot;</p>
24 min
Students of light Religious cult Trailer
<p>&quot;;s Professor Loren Dawson sociologist at the University of Waterloo and an expert on new religious movements the Heyday of new religious movements and on public concern about them the so-called Great American Cults care which really spread all over the world primarily started in the States was definitely late 70s early 80s in responding to groups it mainly came into being at the end of the 60s and into the 70s and you know there seemed to be a sudden surge of hundreds if not thousands of groups at the time it was thought to be so urgent because it was that all this is something totally new and an affront to mainstream culture and if we don&#39;t immediately grab hold of us like a disease is going to take over our youth like Many religious groups of this period the students of Light have themselves been called a secretive cult with their leader John heinous accused of controlling and subjugating others in feeding his ego and lining his own pockets the story of the students of light will unfold over our coming episodes with much of it told Through The Eyes of former members who have agreed to share their you&#39;ll hear about why people chose to join the group in the first place I think we were all speakers really change the world to make a difference and about why many eventually became disillusioned and left you&#39;ll also hear about the group&#39;s Inception by its founder John heinous and how his leadership of the group evolved over the course of several decades I would say he changed quite a lot from being fairly humble sort of spiritual leader to being well learn it completely and yeah I think he turned into a bad man and you&#39;ll hear about some of the darker allegations that former members have leveled against John and the group allegations in from brainwashing and mind control and then of course we were told not to use our minds that our minds were destructive to sexual abuse he told her that it was for her spiritual growth pay extremely manipulative to the mistreatment of children sometimes it was a thing with the parents oh the parents aren&#39;t Towing the line will take your kid away or oh the kids acting up so yeah yeah we&#39;ll teach this family lesson join us as we take a deep dive into Toronto students of...&quot;</p>
3 min
JFK Assaination Details You Missed
<p>&quot;...this week we will be diving into the possible players that could have been involved in the assassination who could have done it who could have planned it out who could have set the gears in motion who could have pulled the trigger whodunit there are some key groups that we have found out were part of this or could have been part of this we will go over all of them and we will start with one of the biggest in Notorious groups that could have been behind this assassination Ian and that is La Cosa Nostra the mafia so to understand how the mafia plays a possible part in the assassination of JFK we have to look at all the things prior to 1963 as well documented that the mafia and the CIA had a professional relationship they teamed up in a plot to kill Fidel Castro after the Bay of Pigs the casino operations of the mafia had taken a hit resulting in millions lost and in operation Mongoose the mafia would a the CIA by having one of the mafia Associates who worked in the kitchen of Castro attempt to poison him the reaches of the mafia even extended to the FBI as it said operation Mongoose was a secret program aimed against Cuba to remove communism from its power so right off the bat we have to look at the mafia as a very viable threat when it came to JFK it&#39;s no secret that JFK had quite a few enemies at the time of his assassination which makes the conspiracy ever-growing Lee Harvey Oswald it was later found out through investigation kind of had ties to the mafia was peripherally attached to them but Jack Ruby the man who ended up killing Lee Harvey Oswald definitely had ties to the mafia if you look back at Jack Ruby&#39;s history he was born in grew up in Chicago so he became an affiliate of the Chicago Mafia family&#39;s mainly the families who ran Chicago&#39;s big crime outfit from 57 mainly 2862 giancana family were also heavily involved in the 1960 presidential election Victory with Kennedy JFK in and Robert their father Joseph he was running bootlegging during the time of prohibition and he kind of had the ins and outs of when prohibition would end through being friends with politicians and people high up in the world and he ended up buying up all the scotch from these British importers and he bought up all the scotch so when prohibition ended he made this mass amount of and he stepped on the toes of the Mafia the time especially within the Chicago area and other major cities well I&#39;m sure that doesn&#39;t float too well assuming that that was a huge massive income for the illicit markets of the time yeah you&#39;re looking at the time of prohibition where the mafia like...&quot; Having Fun? Do you love the show? Hit the subscribe button and leave us 5-star ratings and/or great reviews.</p>
43 min
Brutal Murder of Emmett Till
<p>&quot;...Emmitt Lewis Teal was a 14-year-old African-American boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being accused of a fennec a white woman in her family&#39;s grocery store the brutality of his murder and the fact that his killers were acquitted drew the attention of the long history of violence persecuted against African Americans in the United States and he started Emmett Till was born in 1941 in Chicago he was the son of Mamie carthon and Louis to Emmett was largely raised by made me tear with the help of her mother she and Louis teal separated in 1942 after she discovered that he was being unfaithful maybe accused Louis to you of choking her Consciousness when he has violated orders to stay away from Amy the judge in 1943 forced Lewis Till&#39;s to choose between jail and enlisting in the United States Army in 1945 only weeks after his son&#39;s fourth birthday Louis to was executed in Italy due to willful misconduct when Louis Jill was a teenager in 1955 Emmett&#39;s Uncle Moses invited him to visit his Mississippi farm for two weeks his mother only agreed after a serious talk about the differences between Mississippi and Chicago even through racism existed in both places the rules for black people was much stricter in the South Mamie recommended metl avoid white people altogether the fourteen-year-old understood packed his travel bag at his father&#39;s ring so that he could show his cousins and headed for the train station met me and Emmett Till hug for so long the it almost missed his train unbeknownst to her it would nice time she&#39;d see your son alive when Emmitt arrived in Money Mississippi in August 21st 1955 since Moses write with a sharecropper Emmett spent most of his days helping with the cotton Harvest on August 24th Emmett and a group of teens went to a local grocery store after a day of working in the fields accounts of what transpired varies because they were no Witnesses in the...&quot; You love the show? Leave us your comments and 5-star ratings if we impress you.</p>
16 min
Trailer - Brutal Murder Of Emmit Till
<p>&quot;...some sheets your son alive when Emmet arrived in Money Mississippi in August 21st 1955 since Moses write with a sharecropper Emmett spent most of his days helping with the cotton Harvest on August 24th Emmett and a group of teens went to the local grocery store after a day of working in the fields accounts of what transpired varies because there were no Witnesses in the store some witnesses state that one of the boys Derek immaterial to talk to the stores cassia curl Bryant a white woman it was reported that he either oh that her touched her hand flirting with the woman as he was leaving the store Moses right later stated the kidnapper is only mentioned...&quot;</p>
1 min
Murder Of Susan Galvin
<p>&quot; we&#39;re going to be learning about the murder of Susan Galvin Susan Galvin was born in Bedford Massachusetts on December thirty first nineteen forty-six her parents Helen and Lorimer Galvin Susan was the eldest of seven children and would regularly help take care of the kids while her parents were at work so it seems younger brother Larry says that Susan was kind of like a second mom to the younger kid at some point during her early childhood the family relocated to Spokane Washington Susan continued to help her parents run the family while she attended school at North Central High School once you graduated she decided to move out of her parent&#39;s house and start her own independent Life by all accounts Susan was a really caring and responsible woman so I don&#39;t get the feeling that she minded taking care of her siblings but she was officially an adult now and she had had this dream of moving to the capital city of Seattle so when Susan was 19 years old she made that dream a reality and move to Seattle to begin working as a records Clerk for the Seattle Police Department and this was really big for the time Susan have wanted to do something in law enforcement but this was the late 60s and women didn&#39;t really work in that field so Susan saw working as a records Clerk as a great start for her having lived in Seattle for a year the young girl was really enjoying living in the city she was dating a lot she was newly single and she lives right in the downtown core very close to all the action including the police department where she worked the Seattle Police Department was located in the Seattle Center at the bottom of the Space Needle it was a very busy popular area especially with tourists really it sounds like an awesome area to work in Susan regularly worked what was called the graveyard shift starting at midnight and not finish...&quot;</p>
21 min
A Trend Of Serial Killers
<p>&quot; far in our investigation we&#39;ve discussed for victims and the night each of them vanished from Southwest Fort Worth Katherine Davis was last seen alive in late September of 1984 Cindy Heller was abducted not quite a month later and Sarah Costco was taken in late December those three women&#39;s bodies were all found the first month of 1985 Angie Ebert also disappeared in December of 1984 and was still missing when we left off her purse was found not far from where Cindy Heller&#39;s car was discovered abandoned with its interior burned if you haven&#39;t listened to the first three episodes go ahead and push pause here and go back to listen and get caught up although we didn&#39;t directly call them out some important Clues show up as we tribe each case my colleagues and I want to give you the opportunity to be aware of each of those details as we reason through who could be and who most likely isn&#39;t responsible for these murders there are three additional cases We Believe are likely connected to these four but we haven&#39;t discussed those just yet we&#39;ll get to them soon we already have a theory about a likely suspect and we think it&#39;s important for you to know what we know about him before we walk you through those three remaining cases we acknowledge that our Theory could be wrong our Prime Suspect may not have been involved at all or he could have committed some of these murders and someone else or several people could have carried out the others after all we&#39;re talking about 7 separate homicides...&quot;</p>
34 min
Abduction And Murder Of Angela Edward
<p>&quot;...could one person have killed all these women searching for that answer feels like jumping into the Vortex of a tornado and trying to pick out the truth as mere coincidence is mixed with the relevant similarities and fax swirling around you so you wait until the dust settles and the air is still as you plot the details of each case on paper you can clearly see the damage left by a terrible storm that swept through the lives of the victims&#39; families and friends more than 35 years later they&#39;re still waiting for answers still waiting for justice still waiting for peace at the end of 1984 the southwest side of Fort Worth Texas was the epicenter of this storm but it&#39;s tendrils stretched over months and across boundaries and county lines as my colleagues and I started sifting through a mountain of cold cases from North Texas we saw patterns emerge that pointed to the real possibility of a serial killer I want to be clear though we don&#39;t think all the cases from this area and this time period are connected we looked at dozens of unsolved murders before we began to narrow the criteria and identify specific patterns echoed among we weren&#39;t the first to see those patterns police have analyzed them for years but without DNA proof and definitive evidence it would be a mistake to declare with certainty that one person committed multiple murders in fact when these murders happened police at first emphatically declared that they weren&#39;t connected the investigators who inherited these cold cases have benefited from the clarity of hindsight and like them we now know that more than...&quot;</p>
21 min
Cause Rehta Parsons Of Suicide
<p>&quot;... the story I&#39;m talking about involves sexual assault and suicide this is the story of Rehtaeh Parsons a 17-year-old girl from Dartmouth Nova Scotia Canada she experienced something that no one should ever have to go through an experience that would haunt her so deeply that she felt like there was no other way to escape the pain and to take her own life her story is not only heartbreaking but disturbing uncomfortable and it&#39;s a huge warning to all parents that we need to better protect our children and be more accountable of her parenting after listening if you have teenagers or preteens at home maybe it&#39;s time to open a dialogue with them about their own experiences because knowing what&#39;s going on in their lives is half the battle it&#39;s only then that we can take action as necessary rental Parsons who also went by Ray did not live a long life but she did leave a legacy behind she made a huge hacked on everyone she met in the 17 years that she walked this planet rehtaeh was born on December 9th 1995 to her parents Glenn canning and Leah person the couple had actually broken up before she was born but they did an incredible job of co-parenting and ensuring that Ray always knew she had the love and support from both her parents rehtaeh was named after her mother&#39;s nice Heather as rehtaeh was Heather spelled backwards Leah persons had fallen in love with the name when she was only 13 years old way before she was pregnant and she just knew if she were to have a daughter she would name her rehtaeh the name was as unique and beautiful as Ray would be so it was quite fitting growing up rehtaeh lived full time with her mother Leah in Coal Harbour Nova Scotia along with her two half sisters but her father lived close by so she would spend a ton of time with him too although not...&quot;</p>
28 min
Irrational Murder Of Meredith Emerson
<p>&quot;...So today we&#39;re going to talk about Meredith Emerson and just up front just to tell you she was abducted in the North Georgia Mountains I&#39;m really familiar with these parts of the story so when I start talking about where she was hiking I have been there a dozen times a so yeah we&#39;re going to be talking about Meredith Emerson she was a 24-year-old woman who lived in Buford Georgia which is about 30 miles or 48 km east of Atlanta Meredith was abducted from Blood Mountain in Union County Georgia on New Year&#39;s Day of 2008 how is that in relation to Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain is about 25 miles east of Atlanta and Blood Mountain...are hiking the entire Trail now there are some people that will travel for months all the way from Maine Down to Georgia or vice versa good Lord I know I mean I&#39;m just first thing that I&#39;m thinking is Bears very melt 3 million hikers is an awful large number yeah but that&#39;s spread out over that 14th state it is a lot but I&#39;m going to save the majority of the population of hikers is the day Travelers that just go up for the day I&#39;m not an outdoor expert but that&#39;s what I&#39;m going to assume I know you know there when I go up to Blood Mountain there&#39;s a ton of people out there at all times yeah that&#39;s so that&#39;s what we&#39;re going to be talking about today now a question yeah Blood Mountain was it name before the murder or after I think that at some point in time there was conflict with the Native Indians that lived in the area so that&#39;s why they called it that okay yeah on another note just...&quot;</p>
40 min
The Disapperance Of Damian Heard
<p>&quot;...20 year old and loves games texting girls and most of all wrestling the sport might not seem like a natural fit for Damian who had 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs just 125 but the scrappy kid with a never-quit attitude trained hard with his dad Gary and fought his way to the top of the class Damien won a state championship wrestling title in 2013 his senior year he has a tattoo on his backside that says Fearless along with a panther the mascot at his alma mater Fossil Ridge High School in your list was like Damien was known as this is Damien&#39;s father Gary heard you never figured anything he took anything on and never back down from anything and how did you first get interested in wrestling we were early fans of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and from the time he was about three he would sit and watch those fights with me and we realize that the wrestlers always did the best we went and signed him up when he was 4 and he fell in love with it immediately and the rest is history wow signed him up when he was four that&#39;s an early love for sure yeah he started early this is Bryce basin one of Damien&#39;s childhood friends and wrestling Partners tell me how you met Damien by first or second grade and the wrestling room in Azle think he was wrestling 42 pounds at the time 42 pounds that&#39;s not much no not at all hey Betty what was it like to wrestle against him really hard because he&#39;s faster than anybody and can get out of any situation is one of the better wrestlers that&#39;s ever came out of Texas for dang sure Damian&#39;s dad Gary was also his youth wrestling coach how would you characterize his wrestling style what kind of a wrestler was he very aggressive he never would Coast he would always go after the land you had one gear that was high gear which is why he won as much as he want he would overwhelm his opponents and just attack attack attack did he have like a signature move as a wrestler is takedowns the speed in which he would hit his takedown in wrestling a takedown is scored when one person gains control over the other bringing in opponents knees thighs back side or hands to the mat and a supporting position according to statistics the wrestler who executes the first takedown in a match will win 85 to 90% of the time Damien did his best to take advantage of those odds even to set up the angles on the takedown so I would say...&quot;</p>
24 min
Introducing Drown Valley
<p>this is not going to be a pleasant experience you&#39;re going to see and hear things that are not going to be very nice experts divided serial killing into two general types organized and disorganized and organized killer brings everything he needs to complete the murder a disorganized killer improvises...begin. Listener&#39;s discretion is advised</p>
1 min