Black History Year

Learning your history makes you - and your people - stronger. As Black people, we know we’re left out of the history books. That the media images are skewed. That we need access to experts, information and ideas so we can advance our people. Black History Year connects you to the history, thinkers, and activists that are left out of the mainstream conversations. You may not agree with everything you hear, but we’re always working toward one goal: uniting for the best interest of Black people worldwide. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation’s largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at

Society & Culture
Silencing Black Women's Resistance Dr. Heather ...
There have been innumerable attempts to silence the voices of our ancestors, especially the stories of enslaved Black women. While we hear about the realities they faced of sexual violence and exploitation, there’s a layer not readily discussed.
40 min
Why Words Matter with Farah Jones
You've likely heard them before. "Don't get too dark." Or "You look good, have you lost weight?" And even, "Be quiet -- that's not ladylike." These phrases might seem inconsequential, but embedded deep within are messages of anti-Blackness.
35 min
The Power of Accountability with Dr. Albert Sam...
It's not news that white folks in power have manipulated and weaponized the interests of Black people to their benefit. It's why oftentimes we see Black folks electing other Black folks into office.
28 min
Escaping the Plantation with Dr. Christena Clev...
Contrary to what you might think, many of us are living on plantations in present-day. While the plantations many of us occupy look vastly different than our forebearers', white supremacy continues to trap us within violent systems -- and the mental health consequences in our community are resounding.
40 min
Cultural Continuity and the Recovery of Black H...
For centuries, white historians’ have attempted to erase and whitewash Black history. Despite their best efforts, it can’t be erased. Today, we're talking with Debora Heard to help us reclaim and recover the history many have attempted to falsify.
51 min
Black Women's Power with Dr. Ashley Farmer
Black women don’t often get their roses in the history books, relegated instead into background roles. But for us to achieve liberation as a people, we must understand the need for collective action to achieve liberation. Dr. Ashley Farmer can attest to this need.
58 min
The Danger of Anti-Black Teachers with Dr. Alic...
Anti-Blackness is all around us -- at the workplace, the local grocery store we may frequent, and for Black students, even in their classrooms.
32 min
Indigo and Liberating Black Spirituality with Q...
There's a power within Black people. One that, through colonialism and westernization, through space and time, has perennially lived at our core: West African spirituality. The problem? Most of us don't know how deeply embedded it is in all of our religious and spiritual practices.
47 min
Black History Year Season 4: Unlearning The Myths
Learning your history makes you - and your people - stronger. As Black people, we know we’re left out of the history books. That the media images are skewed. That we need access to experts, information and ideas so we can advance our people. Black History Year connects you to the history, thinkers, and activists that are left out of the mainstream conversations.
3 min
What Does Black Liberation Look Like?
It's a question that requires tapping into your imagination. A question that forces you to explore the possibilities within freedom. And it's a question we ask every guest on Black History Year.
45 min
U.S. Police Ties In Haitian President’s Assassi...
What’s up fam, thanks for tuning into another episode of Black History Year. On this show, we connect you to the history, thinkers, and activists who are left out of mainstream conversations. But this week, we’re switching it up. Instead of our usual show, we’re sharing an episode of PushBlack’s newest podcast, “State of Criminal Justice.”
6 min
Celebrating Juneteenth in the Carceral State wi...
Juneteenth is a special holiday for Black people - it commemorates when the last of our enslaved ancestors were freed. And yet, many Black people remain in bondage through a new form of slavery that's just as insidious: mass incarceration.
28 min
Black Power and a Black Agenda with Candace Hol...
You’ve heard us say it before. The Black vote is powerful. But the two-party system wasn’t designed to actively engage our needs.
49 min
Slavemasters In Your Neighborhood with Clint Smith
The debates over U.S. monuments that celebrate Confederate generals, soldiers, and politicians show just how pervasive slavery's legacy is - and how it continues to impact the way Black America moves and exists in the world today.
47 min
From Slavery to Mass Incarceration with Dr. Byr...
It's true: slavery never ended. It's a dehumanizing system that continues to enslave, exploit, and devalue Black people in one particular institution: prisons.
24 min
The Price of White Terror with Tracy Manning-Gibbs
White terrorism has lasting consequences. For the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma, the generational wealth they spent 15 years independently building was obliterated in a 24 hour period of racist violence. 100 years later, the community formerly known as Black Wall Street is still economically struggling in the massacre's aftermath.
37 min
Defining Ourselves with Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems
Feminism, Black feminism, womanism. According to our guest today, author, literary scholar, and professor Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, none of these concepts serve women of African descent or the Black community at large. But one theory does: Africana womanism.
37 min
Environmental Racism: A Hidden Threat with Dr. ...
We're making a deadly mistake if we don't talk about environmental justice when we discuss racism and Black liberation.
46 min
Black Art and Liberation with Rosalind McGary
They say that life imitates art. That's rarely as true when we consider the transformative, evocative, challenging, and inspirational work Black artists have been creating for decades.
37 min
The True Story Of Black Wall Street with Raven ...
White terrorists have devastated flourishing Black communities in the name of white supremacy from Rosewood, Florida to Elaine, Arkansas; Colfax, Louisiana to Charleston, North Carolina. 2021 marks the 100th year anniversary of one such event, the Tulsa Race Massacre.
38 min
How To Bend Reality with adrienne maree brown
Everything humanity has ever created – the good and the bad – started with imagination. But what if we could harness the power of imagination to build a truly just future for Black people?
42 min
The Killing of Patrice Lumumba with Dr. Georges...
He was a man of the people. A man who wanted one thing and one thing only: true independence for his country. But if the U.S. government had its way? He’d be shot dead before his 36th birthday.
47 min
Talking Black with Dr. Sharese King
Black people have always created beauty from the bleakest conditions. And to survive in America, we even had to create our own language.
38 min
Legacy of the Black Messiah with Chairman Fred ...
“You can kill a revolutionary but you can’t kill the revolution.” Was it a prophecy, these words spoken by the gunned-down Black Panther leader, Fred Hampton?
39 min
Black History Year Season 3: Fighting Forward
As Black people, we know we’re left out of the history books
2 min