The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast

Affiliated Monitors provides professional independent integrity monitoring and ethics and compliance assessments nationally and internationally and across almost all industries.  With its knowledge of effective ethics and compliance programs and cultures, Affiliated Monitors is respected for its work as the corporate monitor on matters ranging from multi-national corporations to small and mid-size companies, and even individuals. This podcast series will highlight all aspects of monitorships, working with monitors and how monitors can be used as independent integrity specialists.

Business News
What Does it Mean Going Forward?
In this concluding Episode, we bring together our final thoughts through a consideration of the question “What does it all mean for your compliance practice?”
13 min
Does Your Compliance Program Work?
In Episode 4, we consider the question “Does your compliance program work in practice?”
12 min
Is Your Compliance Program Effective?
In Episode 3, we consider the question “Is it being effectively implemented?”
15 min
A Well Designed Program
In Episode 2, we consider the question “Is your program well designed?
17 min
2019 DOJ Compliance Program Guidance-Introduction
In part 1 of this five-part podcast series on the 2019 DOJ Compliance Program Guidance, we introduce the Guidance.
16 min
Proactive Monitoring in Healthcare
In this episode Jesse Caplan and Tom Fox discuss how an independent integrity review can be helpful for organizations that may be facing actual or potential compliance issues.
16 min
Independent Integrity Monitoring of Healthcare ...
In this episode, Jesse Caplan and Tom Fox consider examples of independent monitoring involving healthcare organizations or systems.
15 min
Using Monitors in Licensing and Disciplinary Pr...
In this episode, Jesse Caplan and Tom Fox discuss how health regulatory agencies are using independent monitoring to serve important public policy goals.
12 min
Focus on Opioid Prescribing – Identifying and M...
In this Jesse Caplan and Tom Fox discuss how healthcare organizations can identify and mitigate the risks from opioid prescribing by their practitioners.
13 min
Focus on Opioid Prescribing – Regulatory and L...
In this episode we focus on the risks posed by opioid prescribing.
17 min
Using Monitors to Limit Adverse Consequences
In this episode, I visit Jesse Caplan on using independent integrity assessment and monitoring to limit adverse consequences.
15 min
Using Monitors in Administrative Proceedings
In this episode, I visit with Catherine Keyes to discuss how an independent integrity monitor can be used in non-disciplinary administrative proceedings.
16 min
Using Monitors in Licensing and Disciplinary Pr...
In this episode, I visit with Catherine Keyes to discuss how an independent integrity monitor can be used in healthcare licensing proceedings.
16 min
Proactive Assessments in Healthcare
In this episode, I visit with Jesse Caplan on the significance of proactive assessments in healthcare ethics and compliance program in determining culture.
17 min
Introduction to Monitoring in Healthcare
In this episode, I visit with Jesse Caplan to introduce the use of an independent integrity monitor in the healthcare sector and explain how such a monitor can increase value.
16 min
Remedies and Compliance in Suspension and Debar...
How do remedies in suspension and debarment relate to best practices in compliance? Find out in this episode of The Affiliated Monitors Expert Podcast.
17 min
What is a present responsibility determination?
In this podcast, Rod Grandon and I explore what is a present responsibility determination.
12 min
What is the convergence between Suspension & De...
In this podcast, we consider the convergence between suspension and debarment and the FCPA.
11 min
What is the difference between Suspension and D...
In this episode, we explore the differences between suspension and debarment.
11 min
Introduction to Suspension and Debarment
This podcast is an introduction to suspension and debarment.
11 min
Attorneys Using Monitors
11 min
Regulators Using Monitors
12 min
How Monitors Do Their Jobs
15 min
Impact Monitors Can Have for an Organization
11 min
Fears and Concerns in Working with Monitors
13 min