All Ears English Podcast

Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn American English? Come hang out with Lindsay and Michelle from Boston and New York City and have fun while you improve your English listening skills! We are an English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners around the world. We will show you how to use everyday English vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in American English. We will also give you special tips on American culture, customs, etiquette, and how to speak with Americans as well as conversation and commentary on study tips, business English, life in America and Boston and New York, how to apply to university in the US, dating, travel, food and more. You'll get TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC help also from The Examiner of Excellence, Jessica Beck. This podcast is for adult students who are professionals and university students as well as ESL teachers. Join the community to learn to speak American English like a native! Connection NOT Perfection!

Language Learning
AEE 784: Bathroom or Restroom? Where Are You Go...
Find out the right things to say in a restaurant or in someone's home
17 min
AEE 783: How to Signal That You're About to Sta...
Get the phrase you need to say that something counterintuitive is about to be said
17 min
AEE 781: How to “Ride the Rapids” of English Co...
Why you must "dig in your paddle" to succeed in English and life
18 min
AEE 780: Put Your Confusion in the "Past" with ...
Confused about the word "past"? Get the tips you need today
17 min
AEE 779: One Way to Get Into American Music and...
No idea what to say when the topic gets to music in English? Find out today
14 min
AEE 778: So Versus Such and the Best Way to Eat...
Get the skills to choose "so" or "such" at the right moment in English
18 min
AEE 777: How to Connect to People in the LGBT C...
Get the vocabulary and insight you need to connect!
16 min
AEE 775: How to Stay Calm When the Cashier Asks...
Do you get nervous during quick conversations with a cashier? Find out how to stop getting nervous today
17 min
AEE 774: Learn Tons of New Ways to Connect with...
Should you say "lots" or "a lot of" or "tons"? Find out today
16 min
AEE 773: Ouch! What to Say When You Stub Your T...
Get words you can use to express your pain or frustration without sounding rude
19 min
AEE 772: "Fix" and "Repair"- How They're the Sa...
Dig into the details of English with these two words
13 min
AEE 771: What It's Like to Be Single in New Yor...
Get an insider perspective on single life in the Big Apple
19 min
AEE Bonus: Special Opportunity! Be a Tester and...
Find out how you can become a part of the exclusive group of app testers and have conversations with us on Skype
8 min
AEE 769: How to Give Advice in English Using "S...
Build this crucial skill to give advice while staying connected
12 min
AEE Bonus: Hotel, Hostel, AirBNB- What's the Be...
15 min
AEE 768: Do You Recall or Do You Remember? Find...
Finally clear up these confusing words - recall, remember, reminisce, and more
20 min
AEE 767: The Charming Challenge of Priska's Eng...
Meet Priska and find out why she is reaching for her goals to build connection in English
17 min
AEE Bonus: Guess Who's Joining Us in Boston! Pl...
Get info on how to get a local experience when you visit the United States
13 min
AEE 766: Frankly Speaking, This Is the Best Way...
Get phrases you need to signal that you are about to offer direct feedback
23 min
AEE 765: What's Rude and What's Not When It Com...
How can you respond when someone greets you? What if you're in a rush? Find out today
16 min
AEE Bonus: Two Phrases to Start a Conversation ...
Get two natural and easy phrases that will get the conversation started at any informal gathering like a happy hour
21 min
AEE 764: Shout It from the Rooftops! Learn the ...
What are they key differences between these words? Find out today
20 min
AEE Bonus: Want to Become More Spontaneous in E...
Find out why spontaneity is important for Connection and how to develop it
15 min
AEE 762: 3 Amazing Western Wonders to See if Yo...
Today Scott tells us the 3 best places to see if you to the Wild West this summer
20 min
AEE Bonus: Only 8 Spots Available for Boston in...
Today find out what traditional American event we'll be attending on Saturday Aug 19th + learn how to apply
15 min