The Naked Marriage with Dave & Ashley...

A podcast dedicated to undressing the truth about sex, intimacy and lifelong love. The concerns and questions most couples have in marriage often go unspoken, until now. Hosts Dave and Ashley Willis bring wisdom, vulnerability, and humor to even the toughest marriage topics. Together, they reach millions of couples through their social media, books, videos, articles, and XO live events. They have four sons and live in Evans, GA.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Help! My Spouse is an Addict
Addiction issues can sabotage your life and your marriage. In this episode, Dave and Ashley interview counselor and addiction specialist Dr. Jacques de Broekert to discuss practical ways to find healing and sobriety from the grip of addiction. He also shares practical steps for the spouse of someone who is struggling with addiction.
36 min
Racism and Marriage
Pastor Tim and Juliette Ross have been partners with XO for many years. In this special episode, they sit down with Dave and Ashley to have an important and timely conversation about marriage, faith, social issues and the complexities of race and racism in our world.
34 min
Start Where You Are
In this special interview, Dave and Ashley interview their friends Rashawn and Denisse Copeland. The two couples talk about marriage, parenthood and the Copeland's new book. This episode is full of laughs and practical tools to help you build a stronger faith and a stronger marriage.
29 min
Be Thankful, But Don't Settle
In marriage, there is a delicate balance between being always content but never complacent. We should always be striving for improvement while always being thankful for what we already have. Dave and Ashley discuss this complex dynamic and show ways to be thankful in every season of marriage.
24 min
Pre-Marriage Takeover
In this special episode, Dave and Ashley are giving you a sneak preview of their brand new "Premarriage Podcast." In this first episdoe of the Premarriage Podcast, couple will learn the most imporatant issues to discuss before the wedding day. Please share this resource with the dating and engaged friends in your life. More info available at
22 min
The Right Friends
Your marriage will most likely become like the marriages of the people you're hanging around the most. In other words, the friends you choose will have a huge impact on your marriage. Dave and Ashley talk about how to choose (and how to be) the right kinds of friends.
27 min
Is it Wrong to Complain About My Spouse?
Negative words spoken to your spouse AND negative words spoke about your spouse can sabotage a marriage. Dave and Ashley talk about the trap of "venting" about our spouse and offer practical ways to work through frustrations in a healthier way.
20 min
Finding Marriage Mentors
Marriage mentors can be a secret weapon helping you and your spouse navigate the difficult seasons of marriage. Dave and Ashley talk through why marriage mentors can be such a powerful resource and how to find a mentor couple.
27 min
Don't Put Your Marriage on Hold While Raising Kids
Couples who prioritize their kids ahead of their marriage will one day have an empty nest and an empty marriage. Dave and Ashley talk through the complex dynamics of making sure you kids have all they need while also putting the marriage first.
26 min
How To Be "All-In"
A marriage can only thrive when both spouses are completely and wholeheartedly committed to one another. Our world believes the myth that you can have one foot in the relationship and one foot out the door, but Dave and Ashley talk about why the "all-in" marriage mentality is the only way to make a marriage work.
23 min
Why Wedding Rings Matter
Some people see wedding rings as an outdated cultural tradition or an optional piece of jewelry. In this episode, Dave and Ashley make their case for the significance of outward signs of our commitment to marriage.
24 min
Giving and Seeking Forgiveness
Every marriage needs forgiveness and trust, but it's also important to realize that forgiveness and trust are two different things. In this episode, Dave and Ashley explore the dynamics of building (or rebuilding) trust in a marriage, truly forgiving each other, and healing from past wounds.
29 min
We Had COVID-19
Six weeks ago we were both diagnosed with COVID-19. The illness and the recovery were nothing like we were expecting. Tune in to this bonus episode to hear all the details of our experience and what we’ve learned through the process.
26 min
Stop Scorekeeping
In marriage, when you start keep score, you've already lost. A husband and wife are on the same team and it's never "him vs. her." In this episode, Dave and Ashley discuss strategies for building unity in marriage and breakout out of the scorekeeping trap.
29 min
Loving Your Spouse When It's Hard to Like Them
A healthy marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when it's difficult to like each other. In this episode, Dave and Ashley share ways to build intimacy and connection in your marriage even when you're feeling disconnected or distant from each other.
25 min
Using Your Cell Phone to Help Your Marriage
Most of us spend more time than we should on screens, and cell phones can be a huge distraction in marriage, but they can also be a tool to help stay connected with your spouse. In this episode, Dave and Ashley discuss ways to create healthy habits with technology plus some creative and fun ideas on how to use your phone to flirt with your spouse.
30 min
How to Be Patient With Each Other
The Bible teaches "Love is patient," but it's often a lack of patience in a marriage that causes the relationship to unravel. In this episode, Dave and Ashley share practical tips on how to display love in marriage by being more patient with each other.
28 min
Summer Quickies: God's Plan for Your Sex Life
God's design for marriage, sex and answering "What is off limits in the bedroom for a married couple?"
11 min
Summer Quickies: When Health Issues Impact Your...
Overcoming health challenges, sex, and answering "How can we keep a healthy sex life when health issues are impacting our marriage?"
11 min
Summer Quickies: Habits of Sexually Satisfied C...
This episode is all about the healthy habits of couples who have and keep a thriving sex life and answering the common question "How can we develop the right habits to have a great sex life?
10 min
Summer Quickies: Great Sex with Busy Lives
Prioritizing your sex life, busy, business, and answering "How can we prioritize our sex life when we're busy all day and tired at night"?
9 min
Summer Quickies: Sex as a Reward or Punishment
Using sex as "leverage" and answering "How can we view sex as a gift without any "scorekeeping"?
8 min
Summer Quickies: Sex after Kids
Changing sex, different seasons, and answering "How can we prioritize our sex life when we're busy parenting?
12 min
Summer Quickies: Affair-Proof Marriage
Monogamy and answering "How can we affair-proof our marriage"?
10 min
Summer Quickies: Sexual Baggage
Overcoming sexual baggage and answering "How do I deal with insecurities related to my spouse's sexual past"?
11 min