MarketWatch Money, Markets & More

Listen to the savvy reporters at as they give lively consumer tips on money management and personal finance.

Holiday spending to rise, Citi finds
Fully 63 percent say they'll spend as much or more than they did last year, says Citi's Linda Descano.
4 min
Family owned since the 1600s?
A company that makes parts for musical instruments finds it still makes sense to manufacture in the U.S.
8 min
Michelin CEO on reshoring jobs
Tire maker invests $750 million on plant in South Carolina.
4 min
Home automation goes mainstream
Control4 CEO Martin Plaehn on the company's growth, international efforts, and Wall Street debut.
8 min
Military vets face greater identity theft risk
Veterans Advantage CEO Scott Higgins on what can be done to safeguard service personnel.
5 min
Beware gift card scams this holiday season
Gift cards may solve your holiday shopping problems but they're such big business they're attracting clever thieves.
5 min
Youth and amateur sports proving recession-proof
The Great Recession may have hurt restaurants and other businesses, but youth sports' impact on the economy grew by billions. The Sports Facilities Advisory's Dev Pathik discusses why in Money Markets and More.
5 min
Men are from Mars... and so are women?
Gender difference are small when it comes to investment strategies, research finds.
4 min
Youth and amateur sports proving recession proof
The Great Recession may have hurt restaurants and other businesses, but youth sports' impact on the economy grew by billions. The Sports Facilities Advisory's Dev Pathik discusses why in Money Markets and More.
5 min
The boom in electronics you can wear
Wearing your heart-RATE on your wrist: Futuresource Consulting's Simon Bryant says wearable electronics are the next big thing.
5 min
Bargain-hunting holiday shoppers get serious
With the door-busting done, the NPD Group's Marshal Cohen says serious shoppers show patience.
4 min
Bringing toymakers into the Age of Play
Global Toy Experts Founder Richard Gottlieb advises toy-makers on success in a digital age.
4 min
Are toy makers battling over shrinking market?
Needham's Sean McGowan says Hasbro and Mattel have been slugging it out for decades.
5 min
Shopping online this holiday? Be vigilant
USAA chief security officer Gary McAlum tells Adrienne Mitchell how to thwart cyber-criminals while shopping online.
6 min
Where to buy gifts if you want to hedge your bets
MarketWatch reporter Catey Hill tells Adrienne Mitchell which stores offer the best return policies and price guarantees.
4 min
Turkey trailblazer talks turkey about male cooks
R.J. Jaramillo of the Butterball Turkey Talk Line tells Adrienne Mitchell men tend to cook differently than women.
4 min
Add "Gray Thursday" to your holiday shopping list
PriceGrabber president Jeff Goldstein tells Adrienne Mitchell holiday deals are on more days and in more places than ever.
3 min
Put cleaning service on your holiday "nice" list
Angie Hicks of Angie's List shares holiday housecleaning tips with Adrienne Mitchell.
4 min
Cisco says don't fear showrooming. Embrace it
Cisco's Blair Christie tells Adrienne Mitchell shoppers want retailers to merge the in-store and online experience.
5 min
Want to expand your portfolio? Just add water
Matt Sheldon of Kleinwort Benson Investors International talks with Adrienne Mitchell about water investing.
5 min
Best credit cards for holiday travel rewards
Odysseas Papadimitriou of tells Adrienne Mitchell which cards offer the best travel rewards.
5 min
You don't have to part with $400 to get a PS4
Reporter Catey Hill tells Adrienne Mitchell there are ways to upgrade to the new PlayStation that won't leave you $399 poorer.
3 min
What to do before you leave the hospital
Carrie Kirkpatrick of A Place for Mom tells Adrienne Mitchell what to do when leaving the hospital so you won't have to come back soon.
5 min
Snow and mistletoe and plastic on the tree
Kathy Grannis of the National Retail Federation tells Adrienne Mitchell more Americans will give and get gift cards this holiday season.
3 min
Get organized and save helps consumers manage their bills and accounts and save money for retirement.
5 min