Blood Origins is an non-profit organization bringing unique storytelling and conservation together to change not only how hunting is viewed, but also how we fund conservation programs around the world more efficiently and effectively.
Barry Cromhout is a total unknown to both Robbie and our listeners - but after listening to Robbie on Andy Stump’s Cleared Heart podcast describing his grandfather Leo Kroger and his gun - he realized he’d met Robbie’s grandfather in 1998 and is one of the only remaining people with one of his wooden business cards. After exchanging a photo, Robbie invited him on for this episode, where the two exchange stories about the man, Leo Kroger, and the “Wild impression” he left on Barry Cromhout in 1998.
39 min
Episode 547 - Rob McCanna || For The Record, Wh...
There have been significant rumors and discussions about DSC's future since the Atlanta show in January of 2025. The show was not a success, and as such there have been rumbling from exhibitors, partners, and others about what DSC will do next. Robbie reached out to DSC CEO Rob McCanna to come on the podcast and talk about all of it, post the press release that just came out explaining the route forward for DSC over the next 5 years. Rob talks about his tenure as the new CEO, addresses rumors about the show and the move from Dallas to Atlanta, and provides a vision for the future of what they’re going to do next and where they go from here. He explains the mistakes that were made, and the measures being put in place to rectify those mistakes, and puts to bed the internet bashing and rumor mills.
76 min
BONUS - David Willms || Is It Time To Amend The...
The Endangered Species Act has been helping bring species back from the brink of extinction for more than 50 years now… and depending on what you read, it’s either under attack, or being reauthorized with improvements. Ashlee is joined by David Willms, a law professor, author, hunter, & notable expert on all things ESA to breakdown the existing law and the new bill that was introduced 2 weeks ago in the House to reauthorize and Amend the ESA. Note: a full hearing on the ESA Amendments Act is set for this Tuesday 3/25 so you won’t want to miss this podcast!
72 min
Episode 546 - John Ledger || A Blast From Robbi...
This is a special podcast episode for Blood Origins - its essentially a full circle moment for Robbie. Robbie has always been interested in wildlife conservation, and growing up in South Africa, in a non-hunting environment, his outlets for wildlife conservation were very limited. Robbie first met John Ledger when he was 14 years old (he’s 46 years young now!) and now he’s meeting him for the second time 32 years later. John was the director of the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) of South Africa at the time - an organization that unfortunately has changed drastically since John’s 17-year run as their director. John and Robbie catch up on his history, how they met, and the rumination of a stalwart of wildlife conservation in South Africa and the value of wildlife to the people in these communities around the world.
49 min
Roundup 148 || The WILDEST Legislative Session ...
In this week’s roundup, Robbie is joined by returning guest Charles Whitwam to discuss what is shaping up to be one of the wildest legislative sessions in recent memory. They explore the challenges facing wildlife commissions, AB 1038 (a controversial black bear bill in California), the importance of public education and how our stories as hunters can help shape perceptions about hunting, and the need for effective, truly scientific management strategies.
Glen Thurston is the founder of a mental health focused organization in New Zealand called ‘Mental Hunts’ - and today he shares his incredible story with Robbie. His story started with the tremendously big step of admitting he had a problem with his mental health, to an ordeal that resulted in him losing his gun license and all his guns to authorities in New Zealand. As a result of that admission, he has really started to think that others may have a similar story and/or need to hear his story to understand that things will be ok. Glen's story addresses an important issue occurring around the world as it relates to mental health and guns, as well as pushing back on the ‘conventional wisdom’ from a guy's perspective, of having to be hard and not admit or talk about your problems. If you’re seeking help, know there are resources available to you in whatever country you’re listening from.
52 min
Episode 544 - Ned Makim | 5,510,384 Dead Pigs
Australia is home to likely the largest population of feral invasive species in the world. From all of the deer species, horses, camels, donkeys, buffalo - and PIGS, Australia has a rich history of introductions, and also a need for significant management of these species. Additionally, typically around the world, chasing any animal with dogs is typically frowned upon, and as such the Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association has never really pushed to change their narrative. That was until now. Ned Makim, the President and Acting Executive Director of the Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters’ Association, joins Robbie on the Blood Origins podcast to discuss the association’s work changing the narrative, rhetoric, and even visual representation of who pig hunters REALLY are in Australia. Robbie and Ned dive deep into the data - including what impact pig hunting has on the environment, the economics of pig hunting in Australia, and beyond.
81 min
Episode 543 - Jenny Lesieutre | Ground Zero For...
There are certain topics in this world that are likely the most controversial - wolves, feral cats, and wild horses. Wild Horses for some reason evoke such emotions that there has been little work done on exposing what is actually going on. We are starting to delve into this topic more and more and there is not greater place to talk about this topic than Nevada. Former Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) employee Jenny Lesieutre is now speaking out around the management of wild horses after being involved in the space for almost two decades. As a horse owner and self-professed horse lover herself, you’ll find that it is not from a place of malice that she advocates for management, rather because they are destroying their own habitat and environment without badly needed management protocols - because leaving them alone isn’t working. This is a MUST LISTEN PODCAST.
62 min
Our Voice 6: Zambia
Bupe and Robbie are joined by Dimas Mulyandambo, the Chairperson for the Kasempa Community Association and Mutende Simwanza, a climate specialist to bring forward the Zambian voice for conservation to talk about the integration of climate change mitigation and adaptation, overviewing how climate change has affected Zambia, and more. This podcast is a collaboration between CIC and Blood Origins giving voices to IPLC's all over the world.
36 min
Roundup 147 || Animal VS Human Rights In India
Robbie and Ashlee chop it up about Robbie’s India trip now that he’s back stateside and the human-wildlife conflict the Blood Origins team witnessed during their trip documentary filming in India, including two people being killed within 20 kilometers of their base by tigers, while the team was there. The team then outlines plans for upcoming documentaries focused on sustainable practices and human-wildlife conflict, along with recent bipartisan support stateside for several wildlife conservation bills to address the fiscal challenges wildlife agencies are facing. It's such an action packed Roundup that we completely forgot to connect with our audience via the text message platform - if you want to connect with us text us at 601-790-0607.
46 min
Episode 542 - Kirsty Redman | Krugers Big Tuskers
Kirsty Redman has many titles but the two she is most proud of are - Emerging Tuskers Project Coordinator, as well as the Elephant Hall Museum Director in Letaba Rest Camp for Kruger National Park in South Africa. Kirsty joined Robbie live from her office (yes and its true, Robbie and Kirsty were surrounded by garbage bags of elephant dung - all in the name of research!) to discuss big tuskers in the park, the history of the museum (which started as a marketing effort and evolved into more conservation and research efforts), and to really give folks an insight into the history of elephants.
51 min
Episode 541 - Gogo Nomsa Sibeko | What is a San...
Gogo Nomsa Sibeko, a traditional sangoma healer in South Africa, joins Robbie to talk about this rich tradition and - much like hunters - the many times inaccurate perception around them that comes out of Hollywood and movies. Robbie met Gogo back in November at the Custodians conference and was fascinated by her and the fact that she is facing the same stigmas as hunters are - that we pillage the environment for our own good. Along with her views on sustainability (she needs natural resources for her craft), Gogo discusses the human pressures surrounding them, and more!
53 min
Episode 540 - Ian Harmer | The Future Of Rhino ...
Ian Harmer, the foremost walking safari guide for rhinos in Matopos, and owner of African Wanderer Safaris out of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe joins Robbie on the show from his safari in the Matapos Hills - a land full of mystique and magic and rhinos. The Matopos hills are rich with history, stories, and incredible wildlife including Rhinos. What’s so good about Ian is that he has been in Matopos working for 30 years and literally knows Rhinos since their births. Ian isn’t a hunter, he is a walking tour operator and a member of Zimbabwe Professional Guides Association. This is especially important podcast as Rhino poaching incidents start ramping up and asking someone who is on the ground daily with Rhino’s - what is the path forward?
61 min
Episode 539 - Luke Care | The Lion Of New Zealand
Luke Care, current Chairman of the New Zealand Tahr Foundation, joins Robbie on the podcast to dive deep into the subject of Himalayan Tahr and educate the public more about these amazing creatures, sustainability of tahr, hunting tahr, and much more. Luke and Robbie release brand new information for the NZ Tahr Foundation, and give you information on how to enter the drawing for a FULLY GUIDED tahr hunt with Snow Hewetson (another former Blood Origins guest!) and help conserve tahr at the same time! If you have ever wanted to hunt New Zealand and wanted to understand Tahr this is a must listen to podcast.
47 min
Roundup 146 || Policy Across America With Backc...
On this week’s Roundup, Ashlee is being joined by co-hosts Chris Borgatti, the Director of Policy for the 36 states in the Eastern Region of North America for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, as well as Brock Wahl, the North Dakota state chairman for BHA, who will update us on the CWD bills moving through the ND state legislator and how to form a strong BHA chapter. Chris covers a commission restructuring bill in New Hampshire, a bill moving through IL that would potentially increase public access to 85,000 navigable waterways within the state, a SD bill designed to increase the public safety zone and thereby decrease public access, a set of MA bills that would decrease the setback zone and increase public access, and potential bear seasons in FL and CT.
56 min
Episode 538 - William McKinley | Chronic Wastin...
William McKinley, the Director of the Whitetail Deer Program for the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks joins Ashlee on this episode in our CWD series. William is a veteran deer biologist and has been with MDWFP for over 24 years. He regularly consults with the deer program directors from the adjacent states as well as deer biologists across the country on best management practices, he works closely with the MS State Deer Research Lab, and stays very up to date on the latest and best CWD research studies and testing methods by attending international forums on the subject and working with experts across the nation. MS is on the front line, geographically speaking, of CWD, and William is doing an amazing job of managing the state and its CWD zones.
Bronson Strickland is arguably one of the leading extension deer biologists in the entire country. Robbie and Bronson used to be in the same Wildlife and Fisheries department at Mississippi State University, and so Bronson was invited onto the show by Robbie for this special second installment of our CWD Series to explore some of the major questions around the management of white-tailed deer with Chronic Wasting Disease. With this series we wanted to explore first the private land owners perspective (Doug Duren) on CWD, and then talk to an extension biologist and their landscape level purview of the issue and management implications around it.
50 min
Roundup 145 || North Dakota CWD Woes, Connectic...
Ashlee and Robbie chop it up this week on everything from our CWD-focused series release, where listeners can get educated on the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease and proven conservation-focused strategies to mitigate it, to the upcoming Connecticut bear hunt and its part in the greater Northeastern bear wars, to a new bill around Oregon lion hunting with hounds, and more. Don’t forget to catch Ashlee at the NWTF convention this week!
Doug Duren of Blood Origins fame (kidding, but he is a frequent guest of ours and we love him!) joins us for the landowner perspective in Wisconsin - one of the hot beds of the Chronic Wasting Disease crisis affecting our nation, where 80+% of counties are testing positive for CWD. Doug shares what he’s seen from his decades of hunting the same piece of land. The CWD discussion is a very hot topic right now, especially with what is happening all over the United States, from Georgia to North Dakota.
65 min
Episode 535 - The Custodians of Professional Hu...
Robbie is joined by Adri Kitzhoff-Botha, CEO of the Custodians of Professional Hunting South Africa and Craig Kelly-Maartens, the current chairman of the same association - recorded on-location in South Africa - to discuss the new rebrand of the Custodians and what it means for wildlife and conservation. Adri and Craig go into the ‘why’, the evolution of the association, answer the question of ‘who we are’ and Robbie is the FIRST to sit down with them and talk about the rebrand.
34 min
Roundup 144 || Can Kids Paint, CWD ‘Zombie Deer...
After the old folks catch up and compare notes on ‘back-in-my-day’ childhood home remodel assignments, Robbie and Ashlee discuss all the news fit to print around hunting in the country, including CWD and new bills affecting hunting (LOTS OF THESE), public reaction to Fish and Game changes down in New Mexico (particularly a proposed commission shakeup), the intersection of gun safety education and cultural impacts on gun violence, and more!
51 min
Our Voice: Kenya, With Daniel Kobei
In this edition of Our Voice, the collaborative podcast highlighting indigenous voices and perspectives on wildlife conservation with CIC, Robbie and Bupe interview Daniel Kobei, a community representative from Kenya, about wildlife conservation efforts in the nation and the perspective of the local indigenous communities. They discuss the ban on hunting in Kenya, the challenges of human-wildlife conflict that the ban presents to those who live there, and the unique contributions of indigenous communities to conservation. From the Mau Forest Complex and the coexistence of pastoralists with wildlife to the need for benefit sharing and community involvement in conservation efforts. The team dives deep on the international efforts of wildlife conservation and the importance of engaging local communities in Kenya and beyond.
29 min
Episode 534 - Andy Fraser || So You Want To Be ...
If you grew up in South Africa and loved wildlife you likely wanted to be a veterinarian. Robbie did, but quickly realized that to be a wildlife vet and not a typical cats and dogs vet, 1) there were very limited chances of you getting into vet school, and 2) an even smaller chance of you working in that field when you graduated. Dr. Fraser was one of those guys that succeeded on both of those levels. Andy Fraser is a wildlife vet out of Rooiberg, South Africa, - a little town about 2 hours north of Pretoria in South Africa. He has spent the last decade of his life dedicating himself to wildlife conservation through his veterinary work, working on everything from rhinos to wild dogs to cheetahs and beyond. Andy sits down with Robbie and dives deep into veterinary work, wildlife conservation, Andy’s incredible career at the very top of his field, the future of wildlife conservation, and a look at an ongoing project of ours that involves Andy - meaning you’ll be hearing from him a lot more!
61 min
Roundup 143 || Show Season Bugs, Wolves, A Weir...
Robbie and Ashlee are back after a busy three weeks of travel for the entire Blood Origins crew, home renovation madness, recent conventions and, of course, all the news that’s fit to print around wildlife conservation around the world. Ashlee and Robbie chop it up on everything from the ‘show season bugs’ from traveling around for meetings to the implications of changing weather patterns on duck populations, legal hunting issues within city limits, the proposed turkey stamp, updates on other wildlife bills around the country, and the always popular wolf debate in Montana and Idaho. They also touch on mountain lion hunting regulations in Wyoming, a potential sandhill crane hunt in Wisconsin, and more. And don’t forget to TEXT IN comments, questions and more at 601-790-0607.
43 min
Episode 533 - Richard Sowry || A Game Drive In ...
Richard Sowry, a 22 year veteran of Kruger National Park and current Pafuri section ranger in Kruger National Park, took Robbie on a game drive outside the Letaba Rest Camp in late November. Richard is an incredible conservationist, has fought the height of the Rhino poaching battle in Kruger National Park, loves argentinian doggos, and is just a pragmatic guy when it comes to wildlife conservation in today's era. Richard is a neutral in my book - he hunts, but isn't completely pro-hunting, he is also pro-ecotourim, and is a staunch pro-sustainable use guy. Robbie and Richard drove around for an hour, and recorded a podcast as they did it, during the height of sweltering summer in South Africa to talk all about African wildlife, Rich’s career, and more. You will have to forgive Richard and Robbie, as both during this podcast are like dogs when they see a squirrel, but this time, it's two passionate individuals spotting wildlife and game on their game drive together!