Blood Origins

Blood Origins is an non-profit organization bringing unique storytelling and conservation together to change not only how hunting is viewed, but also how we fund conservation programs around the world more efficiently and effectively.

Short Truths Ep. 5 - Are Rhino’s Decreasing Bec...
Rhinos are one of the most endangered species on the planet that are still hunted in places. Oh man! How can you do that? How can you hunt an endangered species? Isn't that illegal? There are lots of questions that surround Rhinos - but one specifically that keeps coming up - are Rhino populations decreasing because of hunting? Rhino's are being absolutely decimated from poaching throughout Southern Africa. In South Africa and Namibia though there are bastions where Rhino's are flourishing and breeding and their population is increasing. These places tend to be tied with private hunting concessions. Why is this the case? The value that hunting, and in some places hunting Rhino's brings, allows these animals to be protected. Security around Rhinos is incredibly expensive endeavor that is a 365 day, 24 hr, 7 day a week job. Learn the truth here in under 4 minutes!
3 min
Episode 423 - Eric Jackson || Professional Snow...
An athlete that has been around on the professional snowboarding circuit most of his adult life, Eric Jackson is also a newly minted hunter. He joins host Robbie in a short and sharp conversation on his conversion to the hunting lifestyle, how growing up in a hunting household affected his decision, and how his journey started in water fowling and culminated in an upcoming attempt at harvesting an elk with a bow.
32 min
Roundup 113 || On Pushing The Stone Up The Moun...
While Cody is off chasing dreams as a fly fishing guide in Colorado, Robbie brings the heat solo once again. On the docket, our first fundraising dinner in Texas, and Robbie recounts the chaos of planning a large charitable event as a scientist-turned-event-organizer. Don’t forget to get involved in our first ever online auction. Bid high and bid often at:
16 min
Short Truths Ep. 4 - What is the status of Leop...
Hunting has to be driven by the best available information, and the best available science. Ensuring sustainable take with population estimates is a good way to ensure that hunting is not having a deterimental effect on the population, which, honestly, is the last thing that any hunter wants. The science becomes even more critical when it comes to charismatic megafauna like leopards. So we received the question about leopards in Nambia, specifically "What’s the latest population estimate of leopards in Namibia?" Starting with 14,154 and a 250 leopard per year trophy hunting quota per year. After a new survey was undertaken recently between 2017 and 2019, an expanded population range was observed, it was found that densities vary widely across Namibia. Learn why it matters here in under 4 minutes!
3 min
Episode 422 - Lindsey Leitelt || A Nonhunter On...
Lindsey Leitelt of ‘Naked and Afraid’ fame and comes to the podcast by way of friend of the show (and fellow ‘Naked and Afraid’ cast member) Kaila Cummings! Lindsey and Robbie discuss what it was like to join ‘Naked and Afraid’ WITHOUT a hunting background, and how her perspectives on hunting were changed even though she remains a nonhunter to this day.
36 min
Episode 421 - Candy Ken || Just Google Him!
Go ahead and google ‘Candy Ken’, a TikTok influencer originally of Austria. He joins the Blood Origins podcast to have a conversation about hunting, raw and unfiltered, while sitting in a studio in Los Angeles just before stepping into a studio to get on Candy Ken’s podcast!
35 min
Roundup 112 || Catalina’s deer problem, Califor...
Cody is back from fishing Colorado rivers and taking absolutely terrible photos of big brown trout and graces us with his presence on this week’s roundup. The boys touch base on troublesome deer in Catalina, mountain lion hunting in California and more. Listen until the end for Cody’s super secret fishing spot!
59 min
Short Truths Ep. 3 - What Is ‘Ethical’ Hunting?
Can you explain how YOU define ‘ethical’? Ethics often comes up in conversations within the hunting community and with fingers pointed at the hunting community - and for the most part both parties say the same thing, "That [insert any hunting practice] is unethical". Ethics, being ethical, is something that is often debated online. Often that discussion boils down to peoples opinions and preferences and rarely does the conversation or discussion focus on ethics. The definition of ethics is your morals and principles around an activity like hunting, i.e., the ethics of the kill, ethical behavior, ethical conduct etc. In my opinion, the applied ethic overarching it all, is tied to the treatment of the animal during the activity. So ... here's my answer. Do you have a question you would like us to answer? Send us the question at or you can text us the question at 620-860-4804.
4 min
Episode 420 - Travis Thompson || Debating Susta...
Travis Thompson, Executive Director of All Florida, returns to the Blood Origins podcast to discuss a difference of opinion with Robbie on a recent trip to Florida over the sustainable use of invasive species of pythons and iguana. Having amicable debates around topics that will promote hunting always leads to good ideas - thats exactly what you will find from today's episode.
50 min
Episode 419 - Sean Kilkenny || All About Austra...
Robbie is joined by Sean Kilkenny, the advocacy and deer management director for the Australian Deer Association to talk about the Australian National Feral Deer Management Plan. Sean goes into how deer are managed at the state, rather than federal, level and how that disjointed approach can affect deer management in the nation. 
47 min
Roundup 111 || Flying Solo With Robbie!
Robbie is outright DITCHED by Cody this week so he can galavant around Colorado catching and taking absolutely terrible photos of brown trout. In his absence, Robbie tackles the important news affecting hunting around the world solo, with an update on the Victorian duck hunt, the proposed Colorado hunting ban, the Botswana elephant controversy, ungulate brain worms in moose, and more! Listen in and don’t forget to shoot Cody a message at 620-860-4804 and tell him to take photos in portrait mode!
32 min
Short Truths Ep. 2 - Canned Hunts
Our new Short Truths Podcast content series is back and Robbie is answering one of the most common questions we field at Blood Origins. What do you think of so-called ‘canned hunting’.  The idea of canned hunting, high fence hunting, what is fair chase is a common set of questions that we get asked. What is the definition of canned hunting? When is high fence hunting ok? Would you ever high fence hunting? Canned hunting really comes down to the eye of the beholder or in this case the person undertaking the style of hunt, or more likely, the opinion of the person critiquing the individual undertaking the hunt. I wanted to try and address the topic in a very objective, take a couple of steps back from the topic manner. It is such an emotive topic that is very difficult to just think about it for a second. The social science aspect of this is very important. It’s what drives perceptions and drives values at the end of the day drives public opinion around hunting, and that is something to truly consider. We may not have the science to define a canned hunt and probably never will. I probably need to do 10 more of these kind of videos, looking at all sides of the argument, and looking at it through all the multiple lenses that needs to be looked through. So ... here's my first answer on this topic.
6 min
Episode 418 - Lake Pickle || South African High...
Lake Pickle, formerly of Primos and now of OnX, and a member of the ‘Blood Origins family’ from the very beginning, joins Robbie to talk about his recent South African hunting trip. The boys discuss the ethics and perceptions of high fences and whether or not, or how they apply to South Africa and dispel some rumors while they’re at it. 
41 min
Episode 417 - Ben Jones || Why should you care ...
Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society CEO Ben Jones joins Robbie and the boys get into a bit of a nerdy, science-based discussion on ruffed grouse, why they’re declining, what they need, where they habitate, and more! 
44 min
Roundup 110 || West Texas With The Two Matt’s!
Robbie is joined by ‘cameraman’ extraordinaire Matt Henry of Saw Box out of Dallas,Texas and Matt Land, one half of Land Unlimited. The boys recount their recent Texas adventures and what it took to get the shot from people to sheep and all the terrain in between.
44 min
Short Truths Ep. 1 - Do Hunters Choose Violence?
In this first episode of our new Short Truths Podcast content series, Robbie is answering a commonly asked question - or rather, challenge - that hunters are all too familiar with. Are hunters choosing violence? How far removed from necessity does hunting become a true ‘choice’? Does that affect how we justify hunting? You don't need to hunt anymore, and becuase of that fact, you guys do it to justify violence. So lets explore this answer, what would you say if you got posed that question? You just do it for the violence right? Understand what to say, how to say it, and get your answer here, share it with your friends, and if you have a question that you want answered email us at or text us at 626-860-4804.
3 min
Episode 416 - Tyler Minton || A Nutritionist’s ...
Tyler Minton, a nutritionist for UFC fighters and proud hunter has an interesting platform in the public eye and perspective of hunting from the nutritionist’s perspective. From the science behind the nutrition of meat, the value of essentially organic meat, get the ‘why’ behind Tyler’s hunting lifestyle, along with the social media pressures around hunting here!
46 min
Episode 415 - Barry Howlett || Palace Intrigue ...
Barry Howlett, the communications director for SSAA and man with the finger on the pulse of the Victorian duck hunting debacle in Australia, joins Robbie on the Blood Origins podcast to talk about the absolute shenanigans going on around duck hunting in the state of Victoria, Australia. From palace intrigue around the inquiry itself to vote tallies to people crossing party lines to the referendum, it has been a verifiable donnybrook which Barry walks us through from start to finish!
44 min
Roundup 109 || EVERYTHING you need to KNOW abou...
Friend of the show and Colorado hunting policy expert Dan Gates joins the Roundup this week to talk with the boys to clear the air about some misinformation already moving around about the Ballot Initiative and wanted to set the record straight. We talked about the upcoming ballot initiative fight and what it means for hunters and sportsmen not just statewide but around the country. We talked nuance, schedule, and next steps. 
70 min
Short Truths Ep. 0 - Welcome to the Short Truths
In this new Podcast content series, Robbie will answer questions that we recieve. You cannot begin to imagine the kinds of questions we get through all sorts of mediums - from assine questions, to very thought provoking questions. Some questions keep coming up. We answer all of the questions, and so we thought what better way to connect more with the community than to answer these questions in a podcast form. But not just any podcast form, but one that is always going to be 5 minutes OR LESS. These answers will be short, sharp, and to the point. You will be able to listen to them again and again, and with that drive home some critical information that then you can use online, in discussions, or around the dinner table to back up your argument around a subject. We will address one commonly asked question with a ‘short truth’ every week, and give hunters and curious non hunters the information they need to understand the heart of and the truth about hunting. We wanted a podcast that was quick to listen to, easily digestible, would leave you with a small tidbit of information to take away. Thats what the SHORT TRUTHS exactly created. Share it with your friends. If you have a question that you want answered email us at or text us at 626-860-4804.
4 min
Episode 414 - Yaari Walker || ‘You must not was...
Yup’ik native Alaskan Yaari Walker joins Robbie for a riveting discussion of these traditions that bind us all together and her perspectives as an Alaska native.
37 min
Episode 413 - Anonymous L || An ‘Anonymous’ Take
We’re breaking the mold here a bit and bringing you an ‘anonymous’ podcast by ‘L’. ‘L’ is the wife of a professional hunter in South Africa who does not hunt herself, nor was she raised in that life. With her anonymity, she has the opportunity to share her unique perspectives and perceptions in a lighter and low-pressure manner, which makes for an incredibly intriguing conversation, recorded on-location in South Africa!
34 min
Roundup 108 || Back to your regularly scheduled...
The boys are BACK with the roundup you all know and love. After catching up on Cody’s fly fishing guiding adventures, they tackle cat hunting in Colorado, bears in New Jersey, Wyoming deer tags, and more. Show some love and encourage Cody to come back for more! And don’t be sure to text in your thoughts on Cody’s performance without his signature tequila.
60 min
Episode 412 - Kaila Cummings || Naked And Afraid 
Knife-maker and survivalist and 4-time Naked and Afraid contestant Kaila Cummings joins the show to discuss what happens to people when they’re stuck in a survival-type situation and how hunting plays a crucial role in fulfilling the need to feed yourself. 
42 min
Episode 411 - ‘Mace’ Curran || Fighter Jets and...
Recently retired F16 fighter pilot, keynote speaker and author Michelle ‘Mace’ Curran joins Robbie on this week’s show to talk about her life outdoors, from deer hunting with her dad to mountaineering today and what it has meant to her through her career in the Air Force and beyond. 
40 min