Homesteady - Stories of Living off th...

Have you ever dreamt of starting a farm or homesteading? Do you love foraging for wild edibles? Is your perfect afternoon spent drifting downriver, fishing for that nights dinner? Or do love to spend a crisp fall morning hunting for wild game to share with your family? Or perhaps you spend all your free time digging in your garden, collecting herbs, vegetables, and fruits to enjoy. Homesteady is a show that focuses on living a more sustainable life. We talk about all the ways a modern Homesteader can put food on the table, from the fields, streams, gardens and woodlands. Our roads may be rocky, but with the right skills and knowledge we can make Homesteady.

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
How To ACTUALLY Catch Fish
Catch a fish the next time you go fishing.
56 min
Should You Raise Pastured Pigs On Your Homestead?
Raising Pastured Pigs
47 min
Practical Preparedness - Being ready for surviv...
practical prepping for lives most common emergencies.
83 min
Is owning a Family Cow "Worth It?"
Another look at the economic breakdown of the family cow
48 min
Raising Meat Chickens - Pastured Poultry... Is ...
Raising meat chickens - A great gateway into the world of raising your own meat!
60 min
The Family Cow - Should We Get One?
Is a family cow the right decision for a homestead?
77 min
UPDATE: We're NOT selling the farm...
On this episode of Homesteady, Kendra and Aust sit down together (with their adorable baby!) to talk about the change in their plans to sell their farm, and their exciting new plans for 2017. Why were Aust and Kendra going to sell the farm? Where Aust...
36 min
How To Farm or Homestead When You Have No Extra...
How to grow your Wealth so you can start your farm dreams.
72 min
Homesteaders On the Road
Homesteading – On the Go!   “Seeing you don’t object, I’ve decided to go see the West. Are there any homesteaders amongst us who haven’t found inspiration in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s ? As you know from our last podcast, Aust and...
50 min
How To Make Money Raising Goats on the Homestead
Goats can earn you an income on your homestead! Find out how in Part 2 of our Goat episode of the Homesteady podcast, brought to you by . In this episode we talk to Brittany Colebush, from BCB Shepherdess...
40 min
Big Announcements from Homesteady
In this quick episode we share some announcements with you!  We have a tag sale coming up soon on the farm, come by and say hi!  We also have a new project in the works, head on over to  to sign up to our email list and receive the news...
9 min
How Livestock and Rotational Grazing (with the ...
Using Goats and Sheep to Repair the Planet!
61 min
Chickens 101 - Eggs, Coops, Breeds, Meat, Feede...
53 min
Homesteady LIVE Q and A - May 23, 2016
Aust and Mike answer your questions!
102 min
How To Start Homesteading
How do I start Homesteading? Have you asked yourself that? In this episode we give you an answer...
79 min
Ducks - ducklings, brooding, the mess and the e...
learn all about raising ducks for eggs, and whether or not its a good move for your homestead
78 min
The Epilogue - Just One More
Meet the new pup on our farm.
46 min
Bears in the Dark Woods
Learning to harvest from the wild can be a hard lesson.
44 min
Honey, Bees, and Should a Homesteading Family T...
Can bringing bees onto your farm earn your family money? Should all homesteaders have bees?
60 min
How To Own Your Dream Farm - Featuring Grant Woods
The steps to take, no matter how small, towards owning your own farm, homestead, or dream property to raise your family on.
50 min
The Chickens and the Egg... Can you Make Money ...
A in depth look at the business of selling farm fresh eggs... and whether of not you can make money doing it!
54 min
Lost. A Wilderness Survival Podcast Story
What happens when 2 brand new backpackers decide to go hiking up Mt Washington on a whim? They get lost...
71 min
SHORT: Pigs 101 - How to select good a good bre...
Have you considered raising pastured pork? Here is everything your going to need to know to get started.
42 min
To Sheep or Not To Sheep - An in depth look at ...
Is a flock of sheep better than a lawn mower? Find out in this in depth look at lambs, sheep, meat, wool, and everything else sheep related.
58 min
Special Announcement and The Story Behind Rocke...
How an archer called the Rocketman got his nickname!
23 min