Recode Daily

Your guide to the most interesting and important tech and business news of the day. Learn how our digital world is changing — and changing us — five days a week. Produced by Recode and part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

Society & Culture
How Alexa learned to talk
A tale that includes Xboxes, decoys, and apartments-in-disguise.
14 min
The Colonial Pipeline, hacked
Why would hackers target a major US oil pipeline?
7 min
India's Covid censorship
Indian’s censorship of social media posts, explained
13 min
The housing boom, but for renters
America’s high-flying housing market might mean you’ll be renting forever.
10 min
Why you should be skeptical of Jeff Bezos’s wor...
It’s difficult to get honest feedback from workers who fear retaliation.
8 min
iOS 14.5 lets you say no to data tracking
iPhone users can now opt out of data tracking across apps. What does that mean for users?
7 min
Apple and Facebook are all ears
Apple and Facebook announced ambitious audio plans.
8 min
The surprisingly exciting future of batteries
The humble battery may be the most important technology on the road to a clean energy economy
9 min
If an atmospheric scientist had a billion dollars
Will tech billionaires save the planet from climate change -- and should they be leading the charge?
9 min
Is remote work better for the environment?
The work-from-home revolution may seem like a boon for the climate, but the reality is a lot more complicated
8 min
Bitcoin’s inconvenient truth
Processing Bitcoin transactions uses more electricity than the entire country of Kazakhstan.
9 min
The gas stove myth
Going green? Start with your stove.
11 min
A wealth tax for tech billionaires
Bill Gates has in the past publicly supported higher taxes for the rich. But now that a wealth tax has been proposed in his home state, Gates and other billionaires are keeping quiet.
8 min
How do taxes work for remote employees? It's co...
The “convenience rule” for state taxes may not be so convenient for employees
5 min
Is AI really a national security threat?
Why we shouldn’t treat AI development as an arms race.
6 min
Twitter doesn't want Trump's tweets, but the Na...
How do you preserve the tweets of a president who's been banned from Twitter? 
6 min
A union drive at Amazon fails
Amazon warehouse workers voted against forming a union by about a 2-1 margin
6 min
Listen now! Offer ends soon
Dark patterns: how websites get you to say “yes”
6 min
Back to the movies?
How has the rise in streaming services changed movie watching
10 min
Supreme code
Google used another company’s code when it built the Android OS. Is that legal? SCOTUS said yes.
8 min
Vaccine passports, explained
Are digital vaccine passports a good idea?
7 min
Why Covid-19 tests aren’t going away
Abbott Labs, the producer of a new at-home Covid-19 test, says it plans to sell the tests to retailers for less than $10.
5 min
Should you buy your grandma a robot?
Some social robots have been shown to improve health outcomes in elderly patients.
8 min
Don't get duped by these vaccine scams
Watch out for fake vaccine appointment offers and vaccine cards
5 min
The Internet, From Space
Coming soon, from a satellite near you.
6 min